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Everything posted by EnderAndrew

  1. I gave up on PCs forever. KOTOR:2 was my last PC game, and I can't believe that Obsidian ruined their image by not finishing or supporting the game.
  2. Do you doubt me?
  3. Why would people want a theme for an unsupported and unfinished game?
  4. Pazaak and all the other minigames were a waste of time.
  5. His character is yet another sign that this was an unfinished and unsupported game.
  6. I was going to guess Gaiman.
  7. Are you also obese and depressed? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not depressed. I am just tired of game companies releasing unfinished and unsupported projects and I intend to hold them accountable.
  8. If DirectX 10 was only backwards compatible with 9, I could live with that. Microsoft is just being greedy and trying to screw us over. That is why I went console only. I will never buy a Windows game ever again, bottomline.
  9. I have a confession to make. I am a dupe account of someone who really likes to post so much, he had to divide his posts between two accounts, and even then, both accounts are at the top of the post counts. I've give you a hint. I either really live in Nebraska or Iowa. And in reality, this picture would fit me. I bet you'll never guess who I really am.
  10. http://nwn.bioware.com/downloads/linuxclient.html I guess you are right!
  11. Where is Lucy from?
  12. They should.... They should.... They should... I merely attempted to clarify that there is a difference between stating what we want the genre to be, or what type of RPGs we enjoy from what the genre is on the whole.
  13. Troika actually went over their deadline on TOEE and had extra time to do Vampire because Half Life 2 got delayed a year. Obsidian had 9 months to do a sequel to a game that had a 3 year development cycle. Obsidian was given a date, which was already short, and then had it cut another 3 months short. Oddly enough, Troika never once put together a complete game despite having a lengthy development process on all of their titles.
  14. I'm curious more people aren't talking about the drainage project. The government is under great pressure now to move as quickly as possible because of the media's declaration that federal response has been too slow. Yet, if the water in NO is such a huge health risk, why are we pumping it directly into the gulf? Shouldn't we filter it before we kill all the shrimp, and ruin the local economy before it has a chance to rebuild?
  15. The same article mentions that the Democratic Senator for Louisana feels that Bush is spin-doctoring by placing the blame on local governments, and that she feels the blame lays completely at the federal level. She couldn't be spin-doctoring herself could she? The federal government is responsible for relief efforts when states request aid. However, the state didn't request aid until a full day after the hurricane hit. Relief was sent faster than with hurricane Andrews. The local government was responsible for evacuating people before the hurricane, and setting up shelters for people who couldn't or wouldn't evacuate. Most people feel those two things were handled very poorly. The local government was also responsible for maintaining the leevies. The main critique to the federal government is that FEMA didn't respond fast enough, and hasn't done enough yet. It takes time to find survivors. When there is no phone or internet, communication is difficult for the survivors to contact the outside world. Yet FEMA has already doled out 758 million to 364,000 people affected by the storm as of yesterday. I have no doubt in mind that things could have been handled better. They usually can. However, I don't think this has been as huge of a snafu as the political pundits may have wanted you to think. It will take time to see. The good news is that they are now saying all the original estimates for death tolls may have been quite high. In Louisana, they have only found like 124 bodies, and they are saying it is very unlikely we'll reach 10,000.
  16. I didn't see a still picture. I saw it on CNN last night. It was a pretty quick video cut, but the helicopter did appear to be flying over flooded areas. I just checked the CNN.COM article, and it says today Bush made his third trip to the area, and this is the first one where he is on the ground in the streets of New Orleans. The one I saw yesterday, he took a helicopter tour of the area.
  17. I saw him in a helicopter over flooded areas.
  18. If we're going to suddenly blame the President for local matters, then I blame Clinton for the OJ trial 10 years ago. Surely the federal government was watching the mockery of a trial. The jurors said in their exit interview that since they didn't understand the DNA evidence (there is a 249,000,000 million to 1 chance that sample 13 belongs to the defendant....) so they ingored it. The assistant district attorney was caught on a time-dated camera going into OJ's house for evidence before a warrant was issued, etc. Since they botched the trial, and the President is to blame for everything, then Clinton is CLEARLY responsible for a murderer walking free.
  19. I'd have to say Atton for his sense of humor. I was also shocked by his past, though I could see it. I liked how they made T3 a real character as opposed to how Bioware handled the droid.
  20. Full Throtle 1 was a typical LucasArts adventure game.
  21. What is typical?
  22. I make up new lyrics to whatever is on the radio. That is how I came up with "The Reason Is Lube". Most of the lyrics I couldn't post here however for one reason or another.
  23. Where is that written?
  24. Don't forget Full Throttle 2 was also canceled.
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