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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. Never found the VO. But I didn't check all the files either. I got bored, and tired about half through.
  2. How did you get max influence with HK? I don't think I was able. Probably why I missed the convo. I got him to talk about Revan though.
  3. Oh crap Weaponmaster beat me... Can you please tell us which VO file it is?
  4. @ Commissar - Yeah I believe Exile did give the order to use the MSG on M5. But I don't think the game says anything about "Revan letting the Exil go." That suggests that Revan and the Exile had fought and Revan had beat the Exile's ass and then let him go.
  5. Well IIRC they have something like a hood on so who's to say they have no head tails...
  6. 5 people... Anyhow I picked Hanhaar 'cause of his rage ability. He's damn near unstopable when in his rage.
  7. I had never really thought about that... but perhaps if you had T3 and HK both in your party and have T3 play the message HK may remember that person and say something about it then you would be able to have him mimic their voice. Once you have enough influence with him he mimics Carth and Bastila's voices with the DS male revan backstory... not sure about female backstory. ... I guess it's worth a try.
  8. Black would be cool if it existed. More evil than red. I don't undertsand why no one has modded in a black color crystal.
  9. That's it? You count that as a backstory? If you hadn't player K1 you wouldn't really know who they were talking about. You would have to assume it to be Revan. I hardly call that backstory.
  10. What backstory? He has some in K1, but not K2. At least... I've never gotten anything out of him.
  11. Yep. I reloaded and tried again and it was fine. Carth blamed me for Dustil getting killed. Haha ... Someone mentioned earlier in this thread that you can encourage Dustil. I can't seem to find the option. Is it a gender specific option? EDIT- Now I can't seem to find the post. WTF is going on!? I know I saw it.
  12. Well I found him, but I think I broke the game cause I killed him and now I can't get anyone to talk, I had to control alt delete to get out of the game.
  13. What's this? I had no idea you could find Carth's son. (w00t) I'll have to try that. I wonder if I have gone too far with my female's romance... Going to fire up the game and head to Dantoine.
  14. I think Atton had the best developed backstory. It may have not been the funniest or the coolest, but I think it was the best developed.
  15. Not only was *nearly* all life on M5 killed, the planet was twisted and ruined. The on;y building to actually survive the twisting of the planet was the acadamy. (Which if you ask me is rediculous) I said that because I am 98% sure that Nahilius, whatever his name is, was on the planet's surface and somehow survived the MSG weapon's effect. I assume that's also how he got his life sucking power. I could be off on that though...
  16. I don't think you could really consider Maul or Vader to be Sith Lords because they were only apprentices, not masters. Vader did kill his master, but not to take his place, but to stop the evil so he didn't becoem a Sith Master.
  17. Gabrielle: http://www.pcgamemods.com/mod/13275.html kotorkyle: If my save wasn't on M5 I would take a screenie and show you. But I think Desciple was broken because I did his six times and always got immunity fear, but did Atton three times and got three different things.
  18. I didn't like the influence system because if one wants to jedify all his jedifiable followers he must spend a lot of extra time and energy trying to gain influence with him. It's just a big hassle.
  19. Yeah I have USM too and this was the first time I completed the game since installing the mod. I guess they unlocked the dialogues, whether they knew it or not...
  20. Has anyone else been able to teach them things through dialogue? I'll explain a little better. I was playing a LS female exile and I jedified Desciple and Atton. With both of them, I was able to teach them certain things. Like I taught fear immunity to Desciple, and I taught Atton a level of flurry and some other stuff. This is the first time this has happened to me, and I don't think it was a mod because Desciple and Atton had voice overs for their lines. Maybe I just missed it all the times before, but I don't think I would have missed that.
  21. Yes, but Desciple isn't a companion NPC for a male PC.
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