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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. Haha Battlewookie is on a mission to prove he's an active mod, or a Nazi... I'm not sure which. "
  2. I still say that Yoda is a severe dislexic. So bad that words get jumbled when he speaks and when he reads.
  3. Yes, for me this was one of the biggest disappointments of the game. Pissed me off to no end that I could take Handmaiden, Mira, and Bao-Dur to DS mastery yet they still objected when I was cruel to people. <_< :angry:
  4. I suppose you could use a savegame editor to give it to yourself. Or you could use the ingame console and do it that way, if you don't mind the "CHEATS USED" message being printed over your savegame pictures. But the only honest way that I know to get it is from the female rodian on Nar Shadaa.
  5. I had never really thought about it but her white hair would support her being an echani.
  6. That's one of those things that doesn't make sense, but the handmaidens show up and take her to Telos just like in hte male game.
  7. The only real way I know to see your influence over a character is to check their allignment. If it's close to yours you have good influence with them. If it's still where it was when they joined you, you have little or no influence with them.
  8. Did some gravedigging there... But just to let you know, Desciple only joins female exiles. I'm sure you've seen him, in the big room in the enclave sublevel. You have a forced convo with him, even if you are male. But like I said, he only joins females. If you ever play a female you will get desciple instead of handmaiden.
  9. I think you have a typo there because that makes little sense.
  10. I've played Outcast and Acadamy, I prefer Acadamy. I still play it from time to time whereas I only played Outcast once and didn't see any replay value to it. Granted that Acadamies is kinda' low, but it does have some.
  11. From what I've gathered you have to first complete the trade war quest for the female rodian merchant on Nar Shadaa. She either gives it to you or has it in stock after you finish the quest.
  12. I hate his voice, and his arrogance, and the fact that I can beat the hell out of him on the... Laviathon I think it is... anyhow I can beat the hell out of him there with very little trouble and then when I got to him on the Star Forge he is a lot harder. Pisses me off. :angry:
  13. I believe I've heard that the female rodian on Nar Shadaa will have one once you complete the trade war quest for her.
  14. Yeah if you piss him off even once you're pretty well screwed to get the truth out of him because of the influence system. But basically he was the Ithorians' first droid, the one that went missing. They gave him an order to save the republic, or something like that. He couldn't follow that order without going against his "obey all laws" programming so he broke and ran off. He is still on his mission to save the republic and he says that he had to invent the GOTO person and create the hologram because no one would take a droid seriously. There are some other details he reveals but I can't remember all of it. I only saw it once because he's so hard to get influence with.
  15. Ah so I was correct. I wonder why that is... Maybe to try and break the player into taking the path of DS. If so they could have made it clearer to the player.
  16. T3H 5P4MZ0RZ!!! :ph34r: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> um What <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was pointing out that Darth Smarth's post was just spam with some spam of my own, in l33t format.
  17. Thanks everyone. Do I need to speak to someone on Dxun to set it up or just tell her she could trade with the Mandalorians?
  18. You need force drain, or master force drain, or whatever it's called. The power that lets you drain force from your opponent. It's a really long time since I played this game. Anyway, you need to have it, and I think at 'master' level for it to work reliably. If you're already in the cave, kill a few rounds of beasties with a lightsaber until you can level up once or twice, enough to get this power. And make sure that you never drain your force points down to where you don't have enough to cast force drain, because then you're stuck. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I only exploited that one time but I didn't have a problem with my force not recharging. I was playing DS so maybe it's only LS players that don't recharge force...
  19. My theory is that Yoda is severely dislexic. So bad in fact that words not only get jumbled when he reads, but also when he talks.
  20. How do I set up the contacts for the female? I couldn't find anyone on Dantooine or Onderon that had the dialogue options.
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