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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. I loved doing that. Is there any way to get the guy to come out? The DC must be 100 I think. Same with convincing Zherron to increase the reward for killing out the kinrath on Dantooine.
  2. Kreia's saber is cool looking, plus it gives her some good bonuses. So far though, I like Visas' unique saber the best, especially the bonuses she gets.
  3. If you are already past Peragus, you should start a new game or you will not get Kreia's unique saber.
  4. If you free Vrook you can talk then fight, or talk then work together. If you leave him in his cage, he will escape on his own and you will have to fight him anyway.
  5. A more specific answer; Go to the dock area. Once you enter the dock area, follow the dock over to Vogga's place, the Jekk Jekk Tar is the next door up, between Vogga's place and the pylon.
  6. I'm guessing you installed it incorrectly. Did you unpack it into your override folder using winrar?
  7. The truth is, go to www.danasoft.com and you can get your own sig like that.
  8. Err,what he said. P.S whats with that damned sig anyway?Is it just random bollocks or are you spying on peoples PC's? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm a hacker. Right now I am hacking into your personal information. Whoa!!! Who is the fugly guy in a dress!?!?!? Oh God!!! Now he's in a bra and panties. Is that you?
  9. The first scene takes place in the cantina on Onderon when the fight with Tobin's men breaks out. Obviously, you have to have Visas with you for it to happen. The second scene was on Nar Shadaa, when the guy confronts you saying that Ebon Hawk is his. If you have Atton and Handmaiden with you, that will play.
  10. Speaking of the Korriban tomb, did you know that if you let yourself be killed by any of the visions, instead of actually being killed you just go down to almost 0 health and gain DS points? If you're playing DS it is the thing to do I think.
  11. That is not true. I just tried with a consular who started with 18 charisma. He never once said anything like that, just the usual line. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The PC version doesn't count how many times you've completed the game. All it does is resetting the counter to 0 when you've reached Malachor V. To circumvent that, close Kotor, edit the swkotor.ini file in your kotor main folder, using a plain text editor like notepad. Find the [Game Options] section and locate the line GameCompleted=0 below it. Change it to GameCompleted=3. If the line is not present in the section, add it. Save the file and start a new game. Enjoy <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did that, still didn't work. <_<
  12. Well to this I can say, Handmaiden was only half echani. Her father was an echani general but her mother was a Jedi Knight.
  13. Yeah Atton is odd. He will scold you for doing it, but you gain influence with him. The only way that I have found to lose influence with him is to be mean to him.
  14. Oh ok. Well then yeah, I understand what you were saying about it seems to be missing a few things. Sorry.
  15. I never found that. All i remember was a positive a negative and a lie. they never caught me on my lie. Also he appears at the space port without any problems with the little astro and they are trying to run to Nar shadda. I would think that you would run into them on Nar Shadda Ive beaten Kotor 2 about 8 times and Kotor 1 about 7 times. but i lost most of my saves due to a reformat in jan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> IIRC, after choosing the [Lie] option, I had two other options. The first was to say I was testing the ability yo lie. The second was to make the Ithorian go through the briefing again.
  16. Damn. I thought I had a lot of time on my hands. I'm just on my fifth time through. How many times have you beaten KOTOR 1? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not sure..... Probably about 20-25 I think, but it's been about a year since I played any. I think the game of K2 I'm on now will be my last for a while. Overall, I don't like it as much as K1. After I finish this game I think I am going to restart K1.
  17. Yeah, in the strategy guide(no I didn't need it to beat the game) it shows an evil Atris and shows the Exile fighting her and you can clearly see "Darth Traya" above her in the screen shot. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Do you happen to know how to get that? Or is this like your Atton says thing? I still haven't gotten that to play.
  18. I doubt that to be the case. Most non-English speaking forumers actually have MUCH better spelling and grammar than English speaking, mainly because they go out of their way to "speak" properly. It's usually those whose first language is English that tend to "butcher" it. So while my comment may or may not be harsh, it's one of my pet peeves when someone who, I presume, has grown up with the language, butchers it so badly all because "tehy r on teh intarweb n dun hav 2 speel good". Especially when the spelling and grammar is to the point where it takes away from the post and instead of thinking "hmm interesting point" I'm thinking "I loathe the school system that allowed him/her to pass this far". <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You do have a point, and like I said, I wasn't saying that it was the case here, just a possibility. But I tend to agree with you, though I still generaly wouldn't point it all out just to be an ass. "
  19. But from the dialogues I am led to believe that Atris herself can become Darth Treya, though I've never had that happen.
  20. The random loot generator sux ass!! Turrets and droids should not have credits or body armor, or anything else, that's just retarded!! <_< All Turrets and droids should drop should be components and parts, maybe a spike or tunneler on a droid here or there, but nothing else. <_<
  21. WOW COOL!!! Where did you get that picture? It's so, life-like!!!!! EDIT: nevermind, I followed the address in hte picture's properties.
  22. I understand about the records of ownership, I had forgotten about that. But the lying to the Ithorian, that was explained as testing the ability to lie.
  23. It's the only way to respond when the post is so poorly written and contains so many gramatical and spelling errors. It would almost be a crime not to respond in a smartass way because it would encourage more people to spell like a monkey at a keyboard. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm not saying this is the case, but did you ever stop to think that just maybe, english is a second language for this person and they are still learning? I'll agree, there were many many spelling and grammar errors in the post, but I don't think we should point them out, especially if we can understand what the person was saying.
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