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Everything posted by Cassidy

  1. But blasting in would have gotten them kicked off of citadel station too. Even if they got the proof of Czerka's illegal activities it would do them no good. And with Czerka and the Ithorians kicked off the station no one could run the restoration and Telos would die again. That's what I'm saying.
  2. But that would have gotten them kicked off of citadel station and the restoration project would be dead. Czerka had the legal advantage and the Ithorians had no legal recourse unless they had hard, undeniable proof of Czerka's wrong-doings.
  3. I think that might be the band. Try to equip it like a sheild. But you only need to press ~ to get the console to activate, as best I can remember.
  4. I didn't know you could destroy the utility droids on G0-T0's yacht. Anyhow, if you have Bao-Dur on board you don't need the shut down code for the force-fields.
  5. What forcefield is still active? If you killed the HK droid, all you need to do is board the Harbinger via the airlock. The entrance to the airlock is in the same large room where Atton was playing computer time and you killed the HK droid. There is no forcefield between the HK fight location and the Harbinger airlock, ever.
  6. User Name, you should go out and find KotOR 1, it's only around 20 dollars US now, I'm sure that's a lot less than what you, or your parents payed for KotOR 2. You are missing a lot information by not playing KotOR 1.
  7. While I wouldn't out and out say definately not, I highly doubt it.
  8. Novels are for Star Wars geeks. I'll stick to a movie every 4 or so years.
  9. Wow, you really showed me there. If Mace "won", then why did he die and Palpatine still alive? " In your own words, you can interpret all you want, but when all is said and done Mace is splattered on a pavement somewhere and Palps is busy cackling til his heart's content. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And I suppose you think that Anakin slicing Mace up had nothing to do with that?
  10. I voted yes. While it is feasible that Sidious was bluffing, I don't think that was the case. I think he was really going be killed, but he knew that Anakin would save him by either dissarming or killing Windu, so he didn't bother trying to escape.
  11. It's alive! IT'S ALIVE!!! (translation: it works for me too)
  12. The Carth and Bastila cameos both require that you choose a LS Revan backstory, but to get Bastila you have to be male.
  13. I hate to say it, but that's all you can do at this point. The game was supposed to open that door for you and if it didn't then you're stuck. Well, the whereami band might work......... but I don't know where to download the mod for it.
  14. Back to the topic, I sell high value items and I break down whatever else I have.
  15. The main problem is that a lot of story content was cut from the game. A lot of that content was critical to the story.
  16. I like Atton too. As a fighter he's just mediocre at best, but as an NPC I really like him. You can get influence with him no matter what you do, just so long as you're not mean to him.
  17. That's the one I always used. I wonder what the average time it takes a person to figure out that sequence on their own is. I figured that out in about 3 minutes I think. Not real fast, and here I thought I was smart.
  18. Okay, let me rephrase. I saw in another thread that Kreia can mention one of the Fett guys. I assumed that was a better ending than they simply all die out.
  19. G0-T0, HK-47, and a good consular make a good team.
  20. Well? I have finished this game over 15 times and every time, Kreia says "The madalorians will suffer a death that will take mellinia..........." blah blah blah. How do I get a better ending?
  21. Scenarios such as that are ok, since you can do that in the game already... we just wanted the Masters to have better sabers than the standard in-game tubes Glad to see someone is actually using Zez's saber.. hehehe :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually, I have never gotten a lightsaber before I built one. And what do you mean "glad to see some using Zez's saber"? I think it looks cool, though the way my character holds it is a bit odd, it is held like a club when not in use.
  22. Oh I neglected to mention that you have to complete the Lightsaber quest before the option will be available in Visas dialog. After you complete that quest this line is what will lead to her saber creation. I have also been made aware of a slight bug that prevents her from building a saber if you let her choose the color crystal.(in my game its not a problem but I have gotten 1 report that it didn't work) I have made a fix and will release it this weekend in a patch for the mod which will include the few bug fixes which can be found at the end of the first post in our release thread at Holowan labs. link can be found in the fist post of this thread. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> After I built my own saber I decided to try again and sure enough, there was the option. :"> Sorry to have wasted your time. But on a related note, I was already using Zez-Kai Ell's(sp?) saber, after I had killed him and stolen it of course. Was it your intention for the PC to be able to get a lightsaber before they finish the quest?
  23. You need to tell her to build it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I thought of that, but I didn't see an option. Or wait, do I have to have a special crystal for her?
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