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Everything posted by Naso

  1. Where do we get that the lady in the wallpaper and such, the white-haired jedi is Atris? I agree that maybe we've assigned the wrong name to her. Really, what are the odds of having to white-haired female jedi in one game anyway?
  2. Duke Nukem Forever maybe? Do we still have reason to doubt the feb 05 or has the amazon date been put to rest?
  3. I've read some of the documents on there. Not holocaust stuff, but like how he outlined the need for lebensraum in the east, ie Poland, Russia, etc.. This is a neoconservatie think-tank, so it's likely not going to come to pass and most GOP senators I hope and pray are only backing Bush for party reasons and wouldn't support this extreme of a thing, but it talks about repositioning troops all around the globe to maintain American dominance, talks about "maintaining favorable regimes" in Europe and stuff. Democracy or dictatorship, this group doesn't seem to care, so long as it is a nice vassal state for the US. The group was founded by the likes of Cheney and the elder Bush if you read the signatures on the statement of purpose.
  4. If you doubt the sithiness: http://www.newamericancentury.org/ Though largely impossible to realize, it stands as a Mein Kampf for our times....
  5. Oh no..... If they have an ice planet they'll have a fire planet. Then they'll have a dungeon planet and a large room full of crates planet.......
  6. Well at the beginning you at least think you're the last, right? That's why they're hunting you and the info says last...
  7. Big Revelation: You are not the last jedi! You never were a jedi! You never got your certificate because of an administrative error! DA DA DUM!!!!
  8. Depends..... Do I get chainsaw hands?
  9. Nah, I think Cheney's the real sith behind the scenes. Then there's all that glowering..... As one commentator said after the VP debate, "He really shines when he's dark"
  10. Yeah, it's beginning to get like George Fox, uh, Middle School in here....
  11. And here I thought the whole time everyone was talking about the European Union.... I mean they do have so much more history than us over here in America......... Like wasn't Exar Kun a PM in Leichtenstein for a while?
  12. I would be amused. Quite amused. Actually, I think the amusement factor would far outweigh anything that could be said about it being stupid or bad design.
  13. I don't care who it is, as long as it's not so lame. I want something that seems like a Jedi fight, not drugged up like the olympics, and not with some stupid @#()* gimmick to draw the thing out and make it ridiculous..............
  14. No no no, it's just funny and kind of sad. This is the kind of stuff I was paid to stop 5th and 6th graders from saying all summer... Well, not quite as detailed, but still.
  15. This thread is the ultimate proof that star wars is marketed towards the 11-13 year old bracket.....
  16. <stupid question> Is she somehow included in tsl? Where does the meeting atton thing come from? </stupid question>
  17. A big menacing fleet is fine, but superweapons = gimmicks = bad = ridiculous and incongruous boss fight ala malak, (or worse )
  18. Nah, pro'lly the same ebon hawk resources... The scale of the leviathan did seem rather peculiar as did the bridge areas of republic cruisers now that you mention it......
  19. The voice acting was pretty good. Malak's was overly melodramatic but I kinda liked it, just over the top enough to be fun but not too much. It'll just be so hard to take characters with such shamefully ridiculous names seriously........ ok, i'll shut up now..... maybe
  20. The character designs look cool, although when I only saw the mask I thought it was a girl, but really, the names are simply attrocious. Darth Sion? Darth Nihilis? I rant endlessly about this, but I think it's warranted. That kind of name has all the stupid pretention of some bs allegory yet is incredibly childish in it's simplicity. Darth Vader at least made you use an indo-european root or know another language or something. If you really want to do the whole allusive name thing, put the time into it to do it right, like Relic did for Homeworld, or just don't do it at all...........
  21. Yeah, like the Rusty Block!
  22. As to the complexity of the turret game, believe it or not, the bioware boards had quite a few angry people who couldn't beat it and were going on about how rpg's should test their characters', not their timing. Bizarro
  23. Maul is just a sideshow freak who jumps around a lot and grumbles
  24. Well, since X-Wing Alliance obviously is cannon, the YT-1300 does normally only have one turret and one forward cannon. Don't know if there's a more advanced model though with the same hull-shape and another gun though. Remember, it was supposed to seem a common and junky ship. The EH was the deluxe model.
  25. Minime. Ut Cato dixit, lac concretum frigore nimis degerum patribius conscriptis est! Habeant Graeci, non Romani, istud lac concretum frigore, et numquam in navibus stellarum!
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