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Everything posted by Omedarcus

  1. Take your time guys Hopefully Lucasarts wont demand a patch for St. Patricks Day or something
  2. I think you just failed to pick up on the hints... First of all, Kreia discussed Revan leaving Canderous/Mandalore when she was recruiting him... Secondly, Mandalore's battle cry was "For clan Ordo!" - Ordi being Canderous' clan (his blaster in the first game was called "Ordo's repeating blaster" or something like that). And finally, if you are still not convinced: check out the official KotOR II site. Look up characthers and go to 'Mandalore', and you'll see the name 'Canderous'. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Plus Mandalore has the same voice done by the same voice actor as Canderous :D. I would've like a revelation though, especially when you see Carth and Bastilla at the end
  3. I just started my first DS game through KotOR II and already I dont like it. I mean how am I supposed to gain influence with my party if I'm a total jerk to them? Also, how is the ending chosen? I've already done an LS game and I didnt see any spot where I could switch if I wanted to. Meaning, does this game have a spot like the temple in the first game?
  4. The problem is people need to be more constructive in their posts. Instead of "the ending sucks and bugs bugs bugs bugs and more bugs ". People should treat their posts as ways to discuss issues. For example one should say "In such a such part of the game, this happened and I crashed" or "I felt the story was.....". I'd rather the developers come here and want to read what people are posting so they can address the issues that people are experiencing. If people keep attacking Obisidian, then it'll just scare them away
  5. Atton was the only one I was able to make into a Jedi. I thought I had influence with Handmaiden and Bao-Dur, but they dont say anything about making them into Jedi. I'm almost to the end and it seems I've missed a lot
  6. I got the same problem, now when I go to Lt Grenn, all I can do is ask him about bounties
  7. Ok, so after Telos I went to Dxun and Onderon, then Nar Shaddaa, then back to Onderon to save the queen. Then I went to Telos to tell Lt Grenn about the new fuel source from Vogga the Hutt. The thing is the game wont let met tell him. I approach him and he says "Youre back" and my only options are "nevermind" and asking about bounties.
  8. Another problem I had was in Freedon Nadd's tomb, there were two Sith Warriors just standing there doing nothing and they wouldnt talk nor attack. Also after finishing Nar Shaddaa and the second trip to Onderon to save the queen, I went to Telos to tell Lt Grenn about the new fuel source. The thing is the game wont let met tell him. I approach him and he says "Youre back" and my only options are "nevermind" and asking about bounties.
  9. I just started my first time through and said Revan was good. Without anybody giving any spoilers, is the game different if I had told Atton that Revan was bad?
  10. What I wanna know is in reference to a patch is is Obisidian and/or Lucasarts reading every single posts here and on the PC tech support forum? I mean will everything be fixed?? :D
  11. Dont know if this was mentioned in this thread but it was mentioned elsewhere. So far the only bug I've had is if I'm playing for a while, conversations seem to go by so fast that I dont even hear them. They'll play if I reload, but that's annoying. For example, when first getting onto the Ebon Hawk. I get "do you wish to board the ebon hawk"", then all of a sudden I'm shooting sith troopers and then atton, kreia, t3, and i are on the bridge of the Ebon Hawk
  12. Ok I just got the game, but I think it's dumb that Kreia looks the same no matter what . I mean why not just have the different armor or whatever appear under her robe? Then when she is unequiped have her in some full body suit or something
  13. I just got the game the other day and had this happen at the end of Peragus. One second I'm about to board the Ebon Hawk, then all of sudden I'm shooting Sith Troopers, then I'm on the ship . Also after I got T3 back and we open the hangar, the logs go right by when I play them. It seems like I have to keep reloading just to watch a few lines of conversatoin, but so far everything else is good
  14. I'm waiting " Two reasons: 1. Right now I dont got $50 in my pocket :"> 2. I dont have the patience for a game that everyone says is loaded with loads of bugs
  15. What I dont get is. Wait, first of all I haven't read any spoilers so I have no idea what's gonna happen except that somehow Anakin becomes Darth Vader and I wanna keep it that way. :"> (!) Ok, with that out of the way, what I dont get is how is that Palpatine/Darth Sidious looks all old and freaky like he does in Episode VI? I thought that had something to do with age, not some ability to voluntariliy make oneself old and freaky
  16. I think Lucasarts forgot us 56k users , the site takes too long to load and slows down my computer
  17. What nobody has said yet, at least I dont think anybody has yet , is how will Korriban be affected by what we did in the first game? I mean if Revan defeated Master Uthar, saved Yuthura, wiped out the whole academy, and then stayed lightside at the end of the game, the IGN preview of Korriban seems to make sense. But what if Revan either sides with Uthar, tells him about Yuthura, kills her, and reveals himself/herself to Uthar as Revan and doesnt hurt the academy, and then sides with Bastila at the end and does the darkside ending; does this mean that the whole entire experience in KotOR 2 will be different? Will the second game know who the player sided with in the first game and what happened to Korriban afterwards and to the player at the end?
  18. I also thought they were cool. I wish there were also conversations between the NPCs and the player character himself/herself. The game would've also been cooler if there was more character interaction because it seemed like all the characters hated each other and only became friends with the player character, then just stood there doing nothing and not interacting with anybody on the ship . It was kinda fake that way. I mean if I met these 9 people, lived with them on this ship flying around the galaxy, walked around these planets with them, there should be more than them telling me some stories and having 1 or 2 arguments with each other
  19. I wanna choose, pleeeeeeeeeease Obsidian!! :D Seriously, if we can tell the second game what we did in the first, so everything in the second game should match what we did in the first. That way, we can pick a different face for making the "sequel" to specific games of KotOR that we played. For example I did: Good guy Revan: the long haired guy Bad guy Revan: the goatee growing guy Good girl Revan: the brown haired girl with the ponytail Bad girl Revan: either the girl with the black ponytail or the short haired girl with the hair covering her eye
  20. I hope the game lets us pick, just to follow the continuity from playing the first game. Since we can tell KotOR 2 what happened in 1, then we should be able to pick Revan based on each time we played the first game
  21. I agree. I can say this since it's not Biowares site <_< . Bioware has got to be one of the most snottiest, uptight forum moderators around. They close topics for every friggen thing!!! It's like you can't say anything there. I feel so bad for people who are new to the forums and say something that gets the cold, snotty "End of line :angry: " bit from either that Stanley Woo guy or someone else. I wish they'd lighten up.
  22. Wow, too many replies to read Anyway, here's my $0.02. I think Revan should be a part of the game. You should be able to pick his/her face by having T3 point him out for some reason. Say when the new characters find T3, they say "Tell us about Revan" and then something similar to the portrait section of character creation pops up. Then make it so he's some good guy character if you chose the lightside ending of KotOR 1 or make him one of the main villians if you chose the darkside ending of KotOR 1
  23. I dont know why people say they didnt use certain characters. I always took Mission with me to the Sandpeople enclave to find her brother. Not just Mission, but I always use T3 in every place that requires high computer skills; taris sith base, sandral estate, manaan sith base, and the manaan underwater base. Then when going darkside, I always took Canderous with me and made him use swords and gave him all the melee bonus and power attack feats.
  24. For KotOR 1, I go to Bioware's site eventhough the Bioware guys are uptight about what people post on their forums. For the second game I'll come here, TheForce.net, or BluesNews
  25. My favorite is the Duros "Daabooda kees temitoma, whaddakoombes khing ra ra roo ra. cho king bang gon ket. chin bang ra bes" The others are harder to type, but the way they talk is funny. THey should've had more dialog though other than 5 phrases, including the one above I liked it when the aliens actually sounded like what they were saying. Like Ajuur the Hutt talking about Bendak Starkiller and Motta the Hutt talking about each swoop racer and his own name. Or Gluupor on Manaan who sounds like he is talking 3rd person about Sunry and the Selkath Speaking of selkath, their dialog sucks. You cant understand anything and it sounds like gargling. Worse is when it takes 2 hours for each judge to say their names. It should be "Presiding over the Sunry trial, judges duula, naleshaken, jhosa, etc", not that gargly "ooh forgiveus nooso "and going on forever for each name
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