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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Have they already introduced all your party members? I hate that if they have. That's one of the things I enjoy most about playing through the game for the first time: meeting these new characters I had no prior knowledge of. Now companies seem to want to give you full bios of every character you'll meet in the game. Ruins part of the experience for me.
  2. I'll take quality minutes over quantity of minutes. After DA Origins, BioWare's got to prove to me that the quality will match the length (found a lot of the game tedious, hence why I constantly give up on replaying it).
  3. The Division looks pretty good. Were those the developers playing, or was it some sort of beta access?
  4. DA2's combat simply wasn't conducive to party control. It was an action game where you handled your own character, with *maybe* inputting one or two big commands for your party (ie. switching to a mage to toss a huge fireball or something). I just found that if I even attempted to switch around, it made things even worse than if I just stuck to my PC and let the party members auto-handle themselves.
  5. Tanks and South Park DLC?
  6. So essentially the new Mass Effect is just concept art at this stage?
  7. Her face kind of looks like that dwarf girl from Dragon Age Origins who went to study with the Mages and Templars.
  8. The side quests I'm enjoying in Watch Dogs so far: -Gang hideout -Crime in progress -The Fixer one dealing with stopping a convoy -The investigations The Side quests I find annoying/frustrating: -All the other Fixer contracts -Those code things you have to scan on buildings
  9. What the heck is with the constant intrusions of online players into my single player game of Watch Dogs? Seems like every half hour, someone new is either trying to steal information from me, or I'm being given the option to join various challenges. I did have to laugh at one of the players. I get notification that I'm being hacked and I have to find him before he steals my secrets. Dude must be new to the game, because he was having trouble hiding around a corner not far away from me. He stuck out like a sore thumb. So I walked over to him and shot him as he struggle to draw his gun while crouching behind a wall.
  10. Agreed. This is the first E3 in a while that I'm actually looking forward to some of the games being shown/announced. These next couple of years (late 2014 and 2015) are looking much better than the past couple.
  11. Remember you can use the Focus ability to slow time down even during car chases. That's meant to enable you to use those features. Also, if you get the flashing Q will go blue as you go past if it will neutralise people chasing you. So if you keep an eye out for that, you don't have to try looking behind you for the timing. The Focus ability takes some getting used to. It was comical when I attempted it during a pursuit. I activated it way too early, so it was like a slow motion crawl toward the blockade.
  12. I really hate the car chase mechanics in this game. Firstly, the handling of the car is awful to begin with. Then there's the fact you simply cannot out race a cop car. It's like they made it so you absolutely had to use the different obstacles (red light, car blocker guards, etc.) in order to shake them. The problem is the cop cars are literally on your tail, and sometimes side by side with you, so it's near impossible to use those world obstacles to your advantage. It's also awkward because you have to look behind you to use them right, and which means you can't see what's happening ahead of you. Just really awkward, IMO. More frustrating than fun. I haven't been able to complete a single distraction contract because I can't shake the cops.
  13. I wonder how they'll deal with this potential problem if you chose to do the fighting option at the end of TW2.
  14. The problem I run into when I play open world games is I get lost in the various little side missions you can do around the world, and end up forgetting to do the story missions. That's what I've been doing so far in Watch Dogs.
  15. I like the trailer. Very interested in this game. Sucks it's not out until 2015.
  16. Broke down and picked up Watch Dogs. Only played a bit of it, but I can already tell I'm going to hate the driving portions of the game. Cars handle like a tank around corners. They make driving in Grand Theft Auto seem like the most fluid and realistic racing game ever made.
  17. Might be a really obvious question but, what language is the dialogue/cut scenes in when the game is marked as "bilingual" on the box? I'm assuming English, but with the option to change it to French in the options menu?
  18. Finished collecting all the trophies, letters, and enigma code fragments in Wolfenstein The New Order. Also finished a play through each of Wyatt and Fergus. I think that about does it for this game.
  19. If you are into GTA style games, why shouldn't you get it? Unless you are a PC player, then you might want to wait till they fix the uplay connection issues at least. More of my own constraints than anything. I just bought Wolfenstein: The New Order last week, and I try to impose a "new game per month" limit on myself. So buying Watch Dogs a week after my other purchase flies in the face of what I'm imposing on myself.
  20. I have to stop reading peoples' thoughts on Watch Dogs or I'll be tempted to go out and buy it.
  21. I feel like an idiot in one section of Wolfenstein: the New Order. It's a part where you're chased by this big mechanical dog thing, and you're supposed to slide under some metal pipes, then cut a chain to open a trap door. But you only have a short amount of time to do it before the big mechanical dog breaks through and kills you. My problem is I kept trying to cut the entire length of chain, and nothing seemed to work. So I died a bunch of times until I realized you're not supposed to cut along the entire chain, but just focus on one area of the chain in order to cut through it. Doh!
  22. Finished Wolfenstein: The New Order tonight. Overall, good game. Even someone like me, who hates the typical boss fights, enjoyed this one. It kind of built on what you learned over the course of the game. I'm going to replay through the game again to pick up the various trophies and goodies I missed on my first time through. It also gives me a chance to pay closer attention to any story elements I might have missed the first time.
  23. Nearing the end of Wolfenstein: The New Order. Enjoyed it so far. Interesting story concept, nice variety of weapons to kill enemies with, and enough extras that you can find laying around for the completionist in me.
  24. Watch Dogs might have to wait. I was bored and got Wolfenstein this past Tuesday, and don't really feel like paying full price for another game so soon. Best Buy usually has a sale on games not long after release.
  25. Could be the way you play the game, but I've also noticed I've become less critical towards certain games as time go by. Dragon Age for example, almost hated the damn thing when it came out but year or two later I actually liked it when I went back to it. So it's kind of learning to take things as they are, at least in my case. Felt the same way about Gears of War. Back in the day, I wasn't too impressed with it. Largely probably because of the hype surrounding it when it was first released. I found it was okay, but not great, and combined with the hype, felt it was a letdown. Now, after all this time has passed and I'm judging it more on its own merits and not what the hype suggested it would be, I found I enjoyed it a lot more.
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