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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. That was expanded upon by Vergere in the New Jedi Order. ^that was my contribution to the SW geek knowledge library.
  2. If I recall from magazine previews and interviews, 7 planets in total. So I'm guessing some are new, some are old, but they add up to 7 in total.
  3. That's the kind of job I need to get. The part that skips over the major work, and just shows up to play the game. Got any openings and room for me in your attic?
  4. Aww, I should apologize to LucasArts for not releasing the game simultaneously....no wait, that was them.
  5. Seeing as how Microsoft seems to have such a strong say in matters, my guess is KOTOR III (if it is made) won't be out until Bill Gates decides to release XBox 2. So I think the better estimate of when work on the new KOTOR will begin is when XBox 2 is slated to hit shelves.
  6. I still find it hilarious that people want to "cheat" at this game, when it wasn't really necessary to do so in the first place. I can understand adding modifications, like different outfits or different Force Powers, but not to actually cheat to make it easier.
  7. What can I say, I'm a thread killer. :ph34r: edit: btw, I still haven't voted because I can't seem to choose between the options given.
  8. How far along did that whole farce even come? Besides some photoshoped pics, and some basic sketch outlines for levels, did anything of substance ever materialize?
  9. btw, when is the EXACT release date for each version? So far we've been told December 2004 and February 2005 for Xbox and PC, respectively. But December is 31 days, and February is 28, so LucasArts still hasn't given a specific date yet, or have they?
  10. I've been wondering where mgnails has been recently. Maybe LucasArts has him working as their marketing director. It'd explain the whole "we will have a simultaneous release!" debacle.
  11. The series was ruined for me (or atleast tainted horribly) the moment Greedo shot first. Then, of course, the addition of that useless character Jar Jar Binks and the fact the prequels lacked that...."feel"....to them that the original trilogy had. Although to be honest, I don't actually hate the prequels. I've got them on VHS and I've watched them (TPM and AotC) numerous times. It's just that if I had to choose which were my favorites, I'd go with the OT.
  12. I'm not sure yet. Chances are I'll avoid the forums for a while, until I've played the game (not just until it's released for the PC, but until I've actually finished or near finished it). I might pop in once in a while, and hopefully there won't be spoilers in thread titles to ruin it, but chances are I won't be posting or visiting these forums between the release day of the XBox version and the day I finish the game for the first time.
  13. Actually, I accidentally picked that option. I meant to pick a more insulting one.
  14. I believe the devs stated this would be fixed and improved upon. I don't know exactly how much improvement, but I recall them mentioning it after someone else had brought up this same topic. Possibly in one of the "Ask the Devs" threads.
  15. Atleast the codpiece isn't as well pronounced as Juhani's was.
  16. That means very little. I don't know about now, but not too long ago amazon.com listed the PC version release as december 2004. We all know what happened with that one.
  17. No clue. Maybe just like Darth Vader translates to Dark Father (or close to it), Atton Rand translates to Loves Men.
  18. That's why I believe that one scene ruined two things about the characters. Not only does it lessen Han Solo's speed and accuracy with a blaster, but it also makes a good bounty hunter look like he has the worst aim in the galaxy.
  19. ...and?
  20. Why is Tatooine even listed? Chris Avellone (I believe it was him) had already stated in an old interview that we wouldn't be seeing Tatooine in TSL.
  21. Actually, where's the option for "none of the above"? None of these really interests me anymore.
  22. Because I think that Jar Jar is the worst thing to happen to Star Wars since the Greedo shoots first incident? I think you made an overstatement there. I just don't see Naboo offering much to the story, especially since the only things it is known for in the SW universe is Padme and Jar Jar.
  23. You mean like promising things they couldn't deliver on?
  24. Didn't they start KOTOR 2 before KOTOR 1 was done? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was under the assumption that Obsidian started work on it before KOTOR 1 was done. In any case, my point is that LucasArts seems to be getting ahead of itself and taking on more than it can handle. Which was probably one of the reasons for the restructuring.
  25. The fact that LucasArts would even begin development of KOTOR III before KOTOR II has even been released is cause enough for concern. Also, the fact that KOTOR III seems to be an in-house development project makes it even more cause for concern. Note to LA: leave the development of games to those who are actually good at it.
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