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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I'm curious what your problem is. But to answer, MANY people have said it time and again, but you keep ignoring it to go back to "it's only 2 months! get a life!". FALSE ADVERTISING. I figure capital letters would make that obvious. And again, if you say "no big deal", I'd like to invite you to one of my staff meetings at work and have you say that to my boss when we screw up as bad as LucasArts did.
  2. I don't really think this is spam. Most people are trying to remain somewhat civil. My comments might have been out of line, but that happens when a company doesn't give any reasons for why it did what it did. But overall, I think this thread is fine as long as it remains civil.
  3. And how exactly did that ruin the GAMEPLAY of KOTOR? It sure didn't ruin it for me....... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did i say it ruined gameplay? If you're going to debate with me, then don't quote things I never said. I said it showed FAVORITISM and DECEPTIVE ADVERTISING. Never did I say it ruined gameplay.
  4. I know this is just semantics, but it's not only KOTOR specific forums that will have spoilers. I'm on a hockey forum too, and one of the off topic threads all of a sudden started talking about Doom 3 and its plot. So if I was a fan of Doom 3 trying to avoid spoilers, I wouldn't have been able to avoid that one even though I wasn't on a Doom 3 forum. It was released later than the XBox version. Which indicates one group of customer is more important than the other. Think about it with this analogy. You have two children. They both want a bike. If you buy a bike for one kid but then don't buy one for the other kid for another 2 months, would that not show favoritism? Would the second child not complain about unfairness? So then you PROMISE to make it up to them by saying next time you're at the mall you'll buy BOTH of them a gift. But wait, you go to the mall and again you buy the first child a gift and tell the other child they can wait 2 months. Same thing here.
  5. Two responses: 1-perhaps they underestimated the "backlash" over the decision. Maybe they thought that no one would be upset and wouldn't make a big deal over the simultaneous release. 2-incompetence. at the level of business and advertising these people do, this kind of "mistake" just isn't made, or if it is, it's what causes major losses in revenue and a rift in customer support, which is exactly what's happening. I have no clue which it is, and I have no clue what LucasArts was thinking, but I can tell you for a fact from a business perspective, what they DID do was screw up big time. Also, I know you might be responding to someone else's words, because I didn't say they "lied" (originally i did when i first heard the news, but i've ammended my opinion since i've calmed down). I said they used deceptive advertising. Which is what it appears they did. BUT, if it was NOT their intention, then this is gross incompetence. Either way, LucasArts comes away looking bad. Either they intentionally deceived with their advertising, or they were incompetant in everything they did with what they advertised.
  6. Simple, because they performed unethical business practices. advertising one selling point and promising it as a way to hype up the release (and no doubt pre-orders for the game) and then completely dropping that selling point without so much as even an official reason. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How is it a selling point if most people only buy ONE version? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For the reasons given: the fact that now the XBox owners will know the story and spoilers will abound, for the fact that it gives the impression that with a simultaneous release, finally PC gamers aren't being overlooked. And now you sidestepped MY question: Do you have any background in business or marketing? I'm not talking about maybe one or two classes in college, but ACTUAL experience?
  7. Simple, because they performed unethical business practices. advertising one selling point and promising it as a way to hype up the release (and no doubt pre-orders for the game) and then completely dropping that selling point without so much as even an official reason.
  8. nightclever and topaz, this isn't meant sarcastically, so if it comes across as that I apologize beforehand, but do either of you have ANY background whatsoever in business or marketing? the reason i ask is because i DO and what LucasArts did, while not illegal or anything to that degree, is, from a company standpoint, a HUGE mistake in terms of PR. if you believe it's not, then you can't be too familiar with big firms and businesses and how much something called "goodwill" means to them.
  9. Do you actually read what people post, or do you just stick to your "it's only 2 months, no big deal" rheteric? It seems you intentionally ignore the reasons given and respond with "geeze people, it's only 2 months".
  10. I don't think we will, simply because I don't think LucasArts realizes the mistake they've made and/or are too stuck in their "we do what we want and the customers can either like it or buzz off" attitude.
  11. It'll suck for you when Bill Gates unveils XBox 2 and it won't support old XBox games
  12. You might have better luck trying the Bioware forums, since they're the ones who made KOTOR 1.
  13. Force Confusion. I think that's what LucasArts used on us to make us actually believe them when they said there'd be a simultaneous release this time.
  14. But...but...what else am I supposed to do for 2 months? I think LucasArts should have to pay for my entertainment expenses then since they're making me have a social life for 2 months.
  15. The day LucaArts makes a public apology and admits they screwed up in their marketing campaign is the day....George Lucas admits the whole "Greedo shot first" thing was a monumental mistake.
  16. Hopefully. I wonder what PER and HAR are. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm guessing PER is Peragus? Not sure what HAR is.
  17. you mean the forum that doesn't get moderated and no LucasArts employees ever bother to check? Chances are anything you say, do, or post will be missed since it appears LA just put those forums there for fanboys to post multiple "Who Loves Bastila" or "Who Loves Carth" threads.
  18. My question is, is there really a noticeable backlash from this decision? I mean, yes a lot of PC gamers on this forum are upset at the decision, but we're a drop in a bucket compared to the number of actual gamers worldwide. I'm wondering if LucasArts will even notice that anyone is upset with their less-than-stellar marketing ploy.
  19. Doubt it. Chances are they're just XBox owners who misunderstood the point of the thread.
  20. No way I'm buying an XBox just so this deceptive ploy of LucarArts actually works. I'm pissed off, but I can wait until February for the PC version. That is, assuming Microsoft doesn't offer another incentive to LA to keep them from releasing the PC version till, oh I dunno, after XBox 2 is released or something.
  21. Two viable options: 1)Microsoft gave them "incentive" to hold back on the PC release in hopes that people will dish out money to buy an XBox to play the game. 2)A marketing plan that wasn't thought out well enough and lead them to claim things that the development team could never live up to, in which case they should look into hiring more compitent staff in the marketing department.
  22. You're not the only one.
  23. Akari did provide an answer in the other thread. It's LucasArts that still hasn't bothered to acknowledge their blatant deception in marketing/advertisement.
  24. Revenge of the Sith comes out in May in North America, and I think a few weeks or a month later in the rest of the World.
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