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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I'm talking within the last 5 or so years. Was Morrowind developed or published by anyone associated with the companies I mentioned? If so, then that's the only one I can even think of that is considered of high quality (relatively speaking).
  2. No I understand that. I mean how can someone critisize the quality of the game when they themselves haven't even played it, and thus have no clue if they would even experience the problems. I'm just as awed by people who would say they love the game and that the game is perfect, even if they've never played it. It's one thing to know a game has bugs, it's another to assume it will without actually playing it.
  3. If you haven't even played it yet (I'm assuming since you say you're waiting for the bargain bin), then why are you constantly posting in these threads attacking (for lack of a better word) Obsidian?
  4. Lesson for the consumers....don't rush out to buy a game right away.
  5. Heh, yeah I was wondering are there actually any RPGs out there that DON'T have anything to do with Bioware, Obsidian, BIS, or Interplay?
  6. Technically, is that true if a game is made for more than one type of console? I don't know enough about the configurations of a X-Box and PS2, but wouldn't developers who are making games to play on both platforms have different things to worry about?
  7. Magic 8-ball says "No".
  8. This gets my vote for the "Out of Left Field" post of the day.
  9. I doubt it. How many people even know about this mod? It's a small percentage of their market that actually follow the progress, so if they shut down the mod only a small percentage will be outraged. Not enough to seriously hamper their revenue stream.
  10. Then again Lucasarts might look at it another way. If the mod is that good, it might convince more people to buy the game that are currently on the fence about buying it, thus increasing Lucasarts' sales without them actually having to do any of the work or cost.
  11. Yet another stupid idea from the EU masterminds.
  12. Does that guy who played the Chinese food restaurant owner in Seinfeld do any voice acting for the game? "Cartright! CARTRIGHT!"
  13. That's Darth Janitus. He's the fourth Sith Lord and doubles as a cleaning man.
  14. I don't know if I'd prefer a prequel rather than KOTOR3. I'm not going to say I won't like it, since if it's Star Wars, chances are I'll buy it and enjoy it atleast somewhat. But my first choice would be something that isn't a prequel.
  15. Darque: Most active in Obsidian Moderation ( 1646 posts / 37% of this member's active posts ) Hahaha that still cracks me up. :D
  16. Probably because you didn't have to hear Heyden Christensen's whining.
  17. But the problem is if I see the movie, I won't want to read the book.
  18. I can't believe it's not butter.
  19. Which is why I'm debating whether to purchase the Ep.3 novelization or not. On one hand, I have nothing else to read currently and am curious how things turn out. On the other hand, all the surprises won't be surprising when I watch the movie.
  20. Darque= teh I bet Hades is also aspiring to be a Jedi in his game. :D
  21. Then I bet she's telling her friends about the weirdo she met as well... "
  22. I think the breeze going over your head just messed up your hair.
  23. I still think that both "You've got the touch" and "Dare" would be great songs for the climax of most movies
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