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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. I think the True Sith are just another lie or exaggeration by Kreia.
  2. Looks like I'm going to have to do a lot of convincing to get my roommate to buy this game afterall. Although I think he intended to anyways. "
  3. Not to mention FPS are probably easier to patch for (ie. less variables to worry about messing up).
  4. I'll wait to see it actually implemented, and implemented well before I get overjoyed.
  5. I understood his point of view. I just don't see how rape has anything to do with being an impediment to a woman ever being a hero in the real world.
  6. And? I still see no correlation between what you're saying and proving that that alone is the reason that women can't be someone of great stature.
  7. That had to be the most illogical comment in this entire thread. I fail to see the correlation.
  8. You are absolutely right. I hate the Yuuzhang Vong. The Courtship of Princess Leia and The Truce at Bakura were decent. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Which is why I was kind of hoping they'd eliminate the main characters altogether. That way they could continue the SW universe, but could do so without ruining the image of the characters we followed from the movies.
  9. Again, no he's not. He may or may not be on the cover (I haven't seen it so I'll take your word for that), but the story itself isn't about Han. Both the old generation and new generation get equal ink time. edit: or rather, it's not SOLELY about Han. I'm sure he has a major part, but so do the new generation such as Jaina and Jacen Solo, Jag Fel, etc.
  10. No it didn't. Yes, they killed off Anakin Solo, but the main three weren't the focal point of the story. It became Jacen Solo and Jaina Solo's story. Whether people liked that idea or not doesn't really matter. But those two, along with characters like Tahiri, Coran Horn, Kyp Durron, etc. all played very prominent roles. Something they didn't do on a regular basis up until the NJO.
  11. The bolded part of your quote is the key word in that entire paragraph. You want a game developer to put more effort into trying to please a market that MAY have a bigger potential customer base, but its actual realized customer base is still significantly smaller than the male audience. Again, you're making a lot of assumptions based on a percentage that isn't even relevent considering that even though the current population of the world might or might not consist of 51% female, how many of those 51% actually even give a damn about video games. I'd bet my life on a greater percentage of males being in to video games as compared to the percentage of females that are.
  12. I seem to be the only one on this forum who actually liked the NJO series. I wasn't necessarily a fan of the Yuuzhan Vong, but I enjoyed the series because it gave some of the spotlight to the newer characters, not just the "big three" of Luke, Han and Leia, and because, antagonist aside, most of the novels actually had interesting stories and were well written (albeit in comparison to junk like the Callista trilogy and the Crystal Star).
  13. Sure it's all fictional but that hasn't stopped you from posting over 2000 times on this forum alone . That is quite an investment of precious time if you ask me. Must be something here that is important to you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Lamest attempt at a comeback ever. Oh no, I've wasted even more precious time on here than numbers man.
  14. I've noticed that too. Must be the nostalgia thing working or something, because in reality I found both backstories interesting, possibly even moreso for the Exile.
  15. I tend to stick to a specific type of character in all games I play. Usually I play my first playthru as a fighter-type, then the second play thru I use a sneakier type like a rogue or thief.
  16. It may be baseless, but I think it's a rather safe conclusion to draw. In any case, it's no more baseless and a lot less speculative than you believing he's wrong and that the female gaming population makes up a large part of the KOTOR market. Again, like you asked (or atleast implied towards him), where's your proof?
  17. You sure? After the release of NWN2, that will be two "established" games they've developed under their belt, and thus possibly giving them enough credibility to create their own IP.
  18. It looks decent, but I'm waiting on more actual reviews first since I wasn't a big fan of their previous foray into the strategy genre.
  19. What's the point? You honestly think they'd answer anything that doesn't tell them what a wonderful job they're doing? My guess is no email gets any more than an automatic email response that gets sent to anyone who emails them.
  20. Exactly. All games have that. In BG, when Saverok kills Gorion, we the player get to see much more of the battle than we the PC do. Sure it's not as in detail and doesn't give much more away, it still shows something that clearly the PC shouldn't have seen.
  21. Is it me or does that not make sense? If a game is unplayable, how exactly can it's gameplay (something you can't experience if the game is unplayable) be good? That's like saying I chose a game because of it's graphics, even though my monitor doesn't work.
  22. You might want to check out LEGO Star Wars then. The best of both worlds for you.
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