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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. That walk through trailer looked pretty sweet. I chuckled when that big ogre dude was swinging his great axe in that crowd of people.
  2. I've found that, often times, any reviewers who use comparisons of other games to describe to the audience what the current game they're reviewing is like, tends to lack an overall ability to convey original thoughts. It's so much easier, and so much less work, to simply state that a game with similar graphics, in the same genre, is comparable to another game, rather than actually describing to the audience the strengths and weaknesses found in that game, alone.
  3. Uninstall Vista, install WinXP. I look forward to this fix, mod or whatever you want to call it since the day that Obsidian quit making patches for the game. I don't have a WinXP disk. This comp came with Vista installed already, and my old comp (with WinXP) is long gone.
  4. I'm really not sure how to feel about this. If this is LA's way of producing an unofficial (or maybe official) K3, then I'm disappointed. But if this is simply an idea to expand into the MMO realm, for BioWare (and to expand the KOTOR era universe), then it might be good. Of course, I'm not looking forward to any monthly fees.
  5. I hope I can figure out how to install my game on Vista by the time this gets released.
  6. From what I've read, this sounds like it could be fantastic. I'll temper my enthusiasm until closer to the release date, though.
  7. Here's something I've been curious about, if in fact ME2 scans and copies over your save game file from ME1 to import your character, what save point does it use? As far as I recall, you couldn't save the game after the final confrontation or cut scenes. The last save you can make is basically
  8. Apologies to my fellow zoomed-out friends.
  9. I think I'm the only person who doesn't play zoomed in. I prefer to see a wide-expanse of the playing field.
  10. This is definitely a game I'll be waiting on a price drop for. GoW1 was decent, but I only played it once, and never touched it again after I finished the story.
  11. Call me naive, but I actually think BioWare *intends* to make the choices meaningful in the next game. My main skepticism comes from how feasible it'll be. I mean, there were a lot of choices in the first game that could, theoretically, vastly alter the second game if they're touched upon. How easy/hard will it be for BioWare to create a game that accounts for those choices?
  12. Out of curiosity, apart from the ones dealing with your party members (as the consequence was they weren't around any longer) what consequence on gameplay did choosing differently affect? Thus, that's why I'm hoping that in ME2, your choices you made in ME1 have some kind of long-term effect. Maybe in ME2, if you That kind of thing. That's why I have to question when people say there were consequences to a lot of the choices you made. Sure, there were a lot of choices, but were there all that many actual consequences?
  13. Not a fan of the FPS-esque part of the combat. It might be interesting to try, but I hope I never fail missions because my twitch-ability lets me down.
  14. Mine happens with every single conversation with Kaiden on the Normandy, and with a handful of conversations with Garrus on the Normandy.
  15. I need to keep hope alive, Hades. My PC has the power to run NWN2, and nothing more. So unless Dragon Age's specs are less than NWN2's, the only way I'll ever play it is if/when it's console-ized.
  16. I'm glad Dragon Age is coming to consoles. I hate playing on the PC, unless absolutely necessary (ie. NWN2). I've converted to console gaming, and Dragon Age on a console makes me a happy person.
  17. That game looks fantastic.
  18. I'm kind of wondering how they (BioWare) are going to account for the different levels of characters a person could theoretically import over. For instance, I finished the game once with one character, and ended about level 34 or so. While a different character has been bumped up to the max of level 60. So I wonder how ME2 is going to take that difference in levels into account. By the way, does anyone else have audio issues with some of the dialogue? Especially when I'm talking to Kaiden and Garrus on the Normandy, during their conversations their voice drops down to a whisper and I find myself having to pump up the volume to ridiculous levels to hear them.
  19. Volo, if you're going to quote me, quote the entire context of what I said. I said that the ability for your decisions in ME1 to impact what happens in ME2 is one of the biggest selling points for *me*, and thus, if they don't carry that ability forward, I don't see the point in importing my ME1 character into ME2. The only reason I'd even want to use the same character, is if whatever decisions I made in the first game has some kind of impact on the second (and BioWare has inferred as such).
  20. You'll learn more about Dragon Age by playing The Witcher than you will by watching that trailer.
  21. This is very good news, then.
  22. So I have to buy the game twice to play it? Awesome.
  23. I care, because that's been one of the biggest selling points, that you can carry over your character AND the choices you make will have an impact. If they don't make an impact, then there's really no point to even carrying over my Shepard.
  24. To this day, I've not been able to get past, I believe, Act III, because the game slows to a literal slide-show crawl on my computer. And I easily meet the recommended/required specs. Which is a shame, because I was enjoying it.
  25. I just can't see that being possible, at least not to any extent, or to actually affect gameplay in ME2 and ME3. My guess is, it'll be superficial like in KOTOR2, when you could decide whether Revan was male/female, LS/DS. It didn't really profoundly affect the actual universe, it just added a couple of twists to the story.
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