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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. Has the combat improved for GTA V? IMO, combat is the weakest and most annoying/frustrating aspect of GTA games. This wouldn't necessarily be such an issue if combat (especially shooting) wasn't such a huge part of a lot of the missions. I gave up on GTA IV for this very reason.
  2. Level 57 and a bit, right at the end of Act II. I could probably run around the different maps and hope to come across events that will level me up to 58 before leaving Act II, but I don't know if I want to do that. It gets tedious grinding like that. At this rate, I should hit level 60 either by the end of Act III or sometime early in Act IV.
  3. I don't want to break your spirit, but you won't be hitting lvl 60 till the very end of your playthrough. As it was with the pc release, it's the same with console version. The third difficulty is for levels 50ish to level 60, because you can't play inferno without hitting level 60. I'm realizing that. I'm at level 54 now and at the end of Act I. In effect, I only leveled up around 3 levels from the end of my last play through until the end of Act I in this play through. Looks like it will take sometime until the fourth act for me to reach 60 at this rate.
  4. Just got it Started a Scrapper Major Arkfall at aroudn 5:20 AM. There were only two of us at first. Then the other person left and was replaced by someone else. We got the 30 minutes until server shutdown warning 11 minutes before we got the boss to spawn.Three of us started the final battle against the Progenitor. One person quit during the Progenitor fight and the remaining guy and myself finished the Arkfall ~10 seconds before servers went down It felt great I don't think I've ever been on when there was less than 20 people during an arkfall.
  5. At the very last part of Diablo III, just about to face the final boss. My Demon Hunter is up to level 50, with the XP bar creeping very close to 51. Not sure if it will reach 51 after the end boss battle. Probably not. Looks like I'm going to have to play at least part way through a third play through to reach the level 60. I was kind of hoping I'd reach it during this play through.
  6. I've never finished Shivering Isles. I have it downloaded and everything, but I just never got around to finishing. Hell, I think I've only gotten about 10 minutes into it. For whatever reason, it just didn't suck me in.
  7. You'll get it before I finish my revives, largely because I'm not sure when (if) I'll play Defiance again.
  8. FYI, you can still use an offhand quiver even when using a 2-handed crossbow. Yeah, I know. I've currently got a legendary one equipped. I was more commenting on the option to use a second weapon is there since my current one is a one-handed one.
  9. They should add it as its own level, sort of like Infernal Mode in Diablo or any of the Insanity modes in various Bio games. The entire game, everything takes place in that one cave. Oh, and Anders hits on you non stop while Leliana sings that song in the background.
  10. Got my Demon Hunter up to level 44. I just landed an awesome crossbow. So much damage (plus additional stats), plus the fact it's a one-handed weapon so I can equip something strong in my other hand at the same time. At first, I thought level 60 was out of the question, figuring it would take too long. At this rate, I should reach 60 by the weekend.
  11. Pffft. The nerfed Nim twice if I remember correctly. Haven't tried him yet since the big nerf but I hear he is really easy now. I'm still trying to get the Prognitor killshot. Got it once at least but the pursuit didn't give credit for it (at least I got the "critical kill" message). I'm at 98 revives, so the kill shot will be pretty much all I need. Besides that all I can do is farm reputation so I can buy stuff from faction vendors. Nearly finished with the combat pursuits as well. He was just annoying because suddenly, out of the blue, he's the first boss battle where you're one on one, and where you're basically stuck in one room with barely any cover. I haven't played for a while prior to the other night, so my arkfall revives hadn't moved much. I did manage to score 6 revives within one Dark Matter arkfall, so I've pushed my total up to 74. 26 more and I've finished off that pursuit.
  12. I've stumbled upon a plan for a legendary bow and a legendary shield. I've yet to use the plans though, so I don't know how the created items would compare to my current gear.
  13. The only changes I'm seeing on my second play through of Diablo III (yes, I went ahead and started my second play through with my Demon Hunter) is various dungeons I hadn't come across before are showing up now. I'll probably play it up until the beginning of Act III, at which point I'll likely give up on it as the first two acts are the only two I found particularly fun.
  14. Is this the first time EA has put one of "their" guys in a high position previously held by a former BioWare guy? Or have they been slowly moving their own people into those spots since they bought Bio?
  15. What news is that? Same-sex romances are mandatory otherwise you can't complete the game?
  16. I finally got around to finishing off the single player campaign for Defiance. The final end boss is a bit of a pain, especially because the difficulty of it came out of left field. Every other mission was a cake walk. My interest in the game is waning. I still play it once in awhile because I want to hit 2500 EGO to unlock that achievement, but that's largely my only real purpose now. I'm sitting at around 2350 EGO, but with no pursuits close at hand, it's going to take a long time to reach it. Might play Diablo III again tonight, but the story itself wasn't captivating enough for me to feel confident it will keep my interest for an entire second play through.
  17. Finished my Demon Hunter play through in Diablo III. I liked the first two acts, but the third and fourth were kind of ... endless non stop battles. I know, I know, that's what games like Diablo are primarily about. But the first two acts actually felt like a RPG with a bit of exploration and questing. The final two acts were basically dungeon crawls with a bunch of killing.
  18. He's not in the first town in the 1st run through but will be there the rest of your runs with that character. So you won't have to wait to act 2 to use him each time. Hmm. Interesting to know. I don't know how much longer I'm going to use the Monk. I don't find him nearly as good as my Demon Hunter. I might try one of the other classes instead of sticking with the Monk.
  19. Not sure if I just missed it the first time, but I've come across the jeweler in the very first town in Diablo III with my Monk character. My first character didn't meet him until well into Act II, in a different city.
  20. I can't recall where exactly I got them, but it was from a "rare" encounter type enemy in one of the dungeons in Act I. To be honest, I don't even know what the fart bomb does -- if anything. Every minute or so my character will let out a huge cloud of gas, with the status effect "Stinky" on. It doesn't seem to actually affect anything though, at least from what I've seen.
  21. Still playing Diablo III. I came across a pair of pants that are really high level (great stats), but one flaw: my character literally farts and drops a cloud of stink every few minutes. It would have actually been funny if the characters around him comment on it, but they don't.
  22. I didn't even know he left. Maybe if the devs posted more regularly on their own forums, it would be easier to keep track of who is with the company and who has left.
  23. The thing about being overly hostile is that you end up going up against my humanity (i.e. that fallible nature that will feel inclined to make a snappy remark, get dismissive, or in general just be defensive) which creates barriers to facilitating feedback. It's less murky and the details are usually clearer without that excess. That doesn't mean you need to say you love us or cannot say you hate a game or a feature, though. Obviously not referring to you personally, Alan, but Bio's corporate culture comes across as terribly passive / aggressive. Customers (different from 'fans', btw) are either (a) this mysterious race of incredibly complex and precious creatures that require advanced telemetry and marketing ninjas to understand, or (b) eternally snarky, butt-hurt plebs who couldn't possibly fully understand or appreciate the creative genius that goes into making a game. Personally I find it amusing and partially blame it on the circle-jerk, festering, emo-scented hive of lameness that is the BSN. I find it slightly draining and also irrelevant the constant generalizations that people make towards BSN. Let me give you an example, so there was this thread on BSN about what the sweat of a Asari would taste like ( or something similar ). There were maybe 20-30 people who participated in this esoteric discussion. But this discussion was used as an example of the depraved nature of the debates on BSN. Really? So the fact that a few people out of thousands discuss possibly controversial topics now the whole website is considered weird and socially inadequate? Personally I could never formulate an opinion about a website based on such a small percentage of what the members say but hey that's just me I've formulated an opinion that BruceVC likes searching the internet for threads about Asari sweat based on this thread.
  24. Trion doesn't seem to think things through very well. They seem to just make random changes without thinking about the reaction/consequences of those changes. Is this the first game they've ever worked on? They seem to be making quite a few "newb" mistakes.
  25. Running around in Diablo III with a templar companion. My demon hunter's rapid fire special attack is ridiculously strong. It's like a machine gun that cuts through swarms of enemies like they're made of paper.
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