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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Dear gods of gaming: pls let this be awesome. ThxU, Maria.
  2. Come get some! He did have more personality than his contemporaries.
  3. I'm trying to remember you. The sig looks familiar. Did you just change your avatar?
  4. Wait...Daaave isn't your alt? That's what I thought. Maybe it's NickIAm.
  5. Lies. That series isn't worth the paper it's printed on. I weep for the forests that gave their lives to be churned into a multi-volume piece of human waste. Also: I've read Palimpsest (great), The Night Battles (Didn't finish - boring), and Genesis (150 pages - interesting ideas, flat narrative. Would be good for high school lit class along with 1981, BWN, etc) Go out and get Palimpsest. It's phatasmagorical fantasy about four people in the real world who travel to a living city in their dreams that will fulfill any/all of their desires.
  6. You mean the Wizard of Oz.
  7. You know, every woman I know likes mushrooms as well. Though thinking about it, I've only known one man who didn't like mushrooms and that was because he refused to eat a fungus. He thought they were dirty. I believe Portobello mushrooms are more popular than, say, shiitake because of the size. Long, thick slices of mushroom are more satisfying to nibble on.
  8. I disagree. It's much hard to write an okay 70k story than a good 10k one. I'd bet that it takes more effort and resources to create 7 unique but only decent animations than 2 unique and very good animations. I
  9. There have been dozens of 'X-men comics.' X-Factor, The New Mutants, X-Men, The X-Man, Uncanny X-Men, Alpha Flight, Excaliber, X-Force, etc. Wolverine has had his own comic since 1988 and it usually has the same level of violence/gore as The Punisher. I've never been fond of Wolverine. One of my favorite images is the Hulk ripping him in half.
  10. They've had that same info up for over a year now. It might be right, but it might be inaccurate.
  11. Lettuce? If I were going to impress a girl, I wouldn't buy lettuce. Butternut squash, avocados, English cucumbers, those bags of mini-oranges, grapes, and bottles of pineapple juice would all be more interesting than lettuce. Hey, I have a friend who's an escort. She is not 'filthy.'
  12. Change your speed and don't try to figure out what the new one is.
  13. As far as I know, BioWare hasn't released any info on pre-order/special edition goodies.
  14. Tigranes, We didn
  15. I wouldn't mind that. But wouldn't True Fallout Fans take issue?
  16. This is the Games of the FUTURE thread. DX and DX II are in the PAST. Anyways, I do hope that this time around, they're able to use large, large areas. As consoles have improved in terms of memory and loading, it's more likely. The latest Prince of Persia even managed to do without load screens.
  17. Why would I quote the entire post if I only disagreed with one sentence?
  18. You can in Mass Effect.
  19. re: Groin Shots First, as a female, I see little difference between a shot to the belly or groin. Both of them have the potential to damage important girl bits. Secondly, in a non-lethal fight, whether you shoot someone in the genitals or stomach/intestine might be important, but in a lethal one, it doesn't matter. The only reason to include groin shots is for the lulz. As I don't find 'guy gets smacked in balls' all the lulz-worthy, I'm not for it. I don't mind if it's in, but it seems a waste of animation and programming resources. well, because it's role-playing... No. Called shots have nothing to do with role-playing. The mere presence of an option for the player is not role-playing. If that were the case, Halo giving me a selection of guns is a role-playing element.
  20. I agree with this. But disagree with this *in part*. In 1950, the world population was 2.5 billion. 50% of the population dying off would create incredible changes in the culture and economy. It wouldn't send us back to the stone age or even pre-industrial period, technologically. Libraries would still exist, power plants would still run, internet servers would still provide porn, car factories would still make automobiles (they're mostly automated), oil would still be pumped, and farmers would still grow food. Society would still run, it just might not look anything like what we have now.
  21. Eh? The Constitution itself provides as a fundemental right a jury trial to the accused should they wish it. Unless you specifically meant Canada as "North America", I dont know what you guys are up to up there. BOTH of you are right. *cue dramatic music* In both Canada and America, the majority of trials do not involve juries, but in America, the accused does have the right to a jury trial for certain crimes. Jury profilers work. I don't even know if you could call it a psudeo-science as it deals with statistically significant variations and observable results. There's a reason why a black man in Alabama would never want an all white, male jury with only high school education as opposed to an all female, POC jury with a minimum of college education.
  22. Something tells me you'd be less comfortable about the death of 700,000,000 people if some of them were your friends, family, or countrymen. That said, I doubt we
  23. Actually, my rational thought and reason for not being worried are my own. The guy in the last news quote just gave a good example I liked. You missed the 'based off information' part. You got your information from the media. This only happens if the media reports what's happening. So, your rationality and reason are your own, but other people's 'panic,' based on the same news you read, is not their own? I'm sorry, but I disagree with the idea that if someone reads a news report and 'panics,' it's the news report's fault. Yeah, if someone were printing that we're all going to die, I'd say that's poor journalism, but I haven't read that. In truth, I haven't seen any panic either. Okay, people on twitter are using exclimation points -- I see that when people discribe a nice lunch, a hot guy, or two for one pizza deals.
  24. Her rational thought and reason were based off information from the news media you're accusing of 'drama and panic.' On the other hand, the maps in the original post.. Even mortality rates of 50% wouldn't endanger the human race. There would be 3.5 billion people left. On the other hand, if there was a disease that wiped out 10% of the human race, that most certainly would be 'worrisome.'
  25. I was asking about L4D, as I've only played the demo on PC. As for the Orange Box, yes I've played both the 360 and PC versions, and as I already said they are the same game. Unlike your mates I don't have a problem with the controls, I don't find them unwieldy at all. If your mates play the PC version with a controller they'll have the same problems. You're describing a difference in the experience, not a difference in the game. Like if you play on a decent PC that runs the games smoothly and with all setting at max, you'll have a difference experience to playing it on a crummy PC that suffers from lag and with all settings at min. The experience is different, but the game is the same. If you have a problem playing using a controller, then perhaps playing with keyboard and mouse will be better for you. If you think the game is boring after playing it on console, playing it on the PC won't make it exciting because... wait for it... it's the same game. I both agree and disagree. One's enjoyment of a game is tied into one's experience of it and that experience is tempered by a large number of factors, gameplay being a major one. In a shooter (or other game with high 'twitch' factor), the responsiveness of the controler and the fps both can heavily effect game play. That said, I don't consider Portal a game that relies on such.
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