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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Shadowcraft (Horror game) Cybercraft (cyber punk game)
  2. I continue to play BioShock. I played it when it came out and was terrified. Through several grueling weeks, I made it to Arcadia and the place where Ryan bombs the trees. I started a new game a few days ago and -- totally not scary. I've just entered Fort Frolic and can't wait to bash in Andrew Ryan's head with my wrench.
  3. Yeah!, that's like enjoying Diablo AND Planescape. You're only allowed to enjoy *one* style of gameplay in a genre, and must hate all others.
  4. Nope. It's a dryad. Regular posters on the BioForums knows the difference, but there's a semi-constant stream of people with only a handful of posts who attribute those games to BioWare. They're also the ones who'll start a thread asking about something covered in the FAQ. I find it fitting though. There are still people who think BioWare did Icewind Dale and Planescape: Torment. Now that I think about it, I wonder how many will think Fallout: New Vegas was developed by Bethesda when it comes out?
  5. There are so many tasteless jokes to make. I don't know where to start.
  6. I think I missed something. Elaborate please? Come for the furries, stay for the dryad.
  7. Why do you imagine that?
  8. Diablo 3? You're doing better than Bokishi when it comes to posting from the future.
  9. It doesn't come out for another two to three weeks Bokishi. Interestingly enough, the 'early' version has Securom while the retail version is DRM free.
  10. When jokes spawn serious geek conversations.. 80% of salarians are male and salarian females aren't allowed to leave their planet. Krogan females are 'highly-prized' and also rarely leave their planets. I don't know if turians have sexual diomorphism. As they're based on birds, I'd have liked the males to be tall and brightly-colored while the females were small and more plain.
  11. Right, they made a huge deal out of the asari being an all female race, and then gave us three all male races. No wonder the asari consort is so popular.
  12. Other than asari and quinari, all the alien races were all male. Ehh... they were? Not sure about the turians but krogans, salarians & quarians didn't seem to be all male. That was asari and quarians. Okay, show me a picture of a female turian, krogan, or salarian.
  13. I hope so as well. If not, there's always Dragon Age. Wait what? I have not been following DA that much.. but did they confirm Male/Male romance possible in DA? 1. There are no romances confirmed at this time. Even after a video showing the PC taking Morrigan from behind, the devs aren't allowed to talk about romances. 2. The developers have said repeatedly that in Thedas, homosexuality is not considered wrong or immoral. 3. After the NYC showing, where posters had dinner with biostaff, several of the attendees said that the developers had spoken of same-sex romances for both genders. This was in Feb, when the game was still supposed to ship in March.
  14. Like a dog who just found a three day dead squirrel. Though I don't know if a horror MMO is a good idea. The most fun I've ever had playing a game was Silent Hill 2 with a bunch of friends in college. The shrieking of the damned had nothing on those girls.
  15. Other than asari and quinari, all the alien races were all male. I hope so as well. If not, there's always Dragon Age.
  16. No, Warcraft 3 looked silly and toony. Warcraft 2 really has a sexy graphics style that I wish it could be reproduced in WC4, with modern tech. W3 looked silly and toony. Sort of like that one cartoon guy -- what was his name? On the other hand, W2 has bare orge butt. Something we all need more of.
  17. Warcraft 3 looked goofy to me.
  18. What are you smoking that the game industry is politically correct?
  19. As long as Diablo 3 is out by then, I'm cool. WoW is a cash cow. They wouldn't 'end the story' until their second MMO was firmly established and pulling in big bucks.
  20. You might not care, but for me it's important. One of the things I like about RPGs is the ability to make choices and have those choices effect the world in a meaningful manner. ME let you make a number of choices that felt important but had no impact on the world; I want ME 2 to change that. The saved games remain if you uninstall the game. You have to manually delete the save file folder. I'd assume the 'default' choices in Me 2 are a paragon maleShep soldier who romanced Ashley.
  21. BioShock. Far more fun than I remember. The developers created a game and tailored the gameplay to a certain audience. They also included the ability for modders to change the gameplay in a variety of ways. For me, the two most important mods were the ability to pick which skill I leveled up, and a change to the scaling systems. With those two aspects altered, I found Oblivion to be an enjoyable, thought somewhat shallow RPG. The best mods for it are those climate, nature and other related mods. I haven
  22. Software developed in 3-5 months can be called everything but quality software... Now. 2076 is not now.
  23. We don't want them polluting our perfectly clean ice.. send them to Alaska instead.. This might be a great idea. The US has struggled to maintain the grizzly bear population.
  24. They have a bajillion people working for them. The Diablo 3 group is focues on Diablo 3 and its xps. Software consumers are used to thinking in very small time frames. In the future (2076), there will be software development companies who've existed for over a hundred years and people will come to accept that a single project can last a decade. But before that will come the micro-developer revolution, so they'll also be used to quality software being produced in 3-5 months.
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