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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Happy solstice! I'm trying to figure out what sexual act <> represents. Based on the pagans I know, you should add a wildcard: hippies <*> pagans
  2. It's not a hard section. It's in fact very, very easy, which is what made dying four times frustrating.
  3. I think it's Salammbo.
  4. "The Sundering" is a strange series. It's Lord of the Rings from the point of view of the bad guys, but the good guys are far more good and pure than Tolkien ever made them. Moreover, she personalizes the bad guys, but can't figure out how to get them to do bad stuff without making them look dense. 'I am a powerful and wise spellcaster. It never occurred to me that the men I utterly enslaved might turn on me.' 'I am a brilliant and charismatic knight. One person has the power to destroy my lord, but has no reason to do so. I think I'll butcher his entire family and village. That won't backfire at all.' The moral of the story seems to be that good triumphs because evil is noble but stupid. Carry
  5. What game is thaT?
  6. Dead Space is scary and that centrifuge has killed me four times now. Why would starting a centrifuge turn a zero gravity area with air into an airless area with gravity? And why would a ship in orbit of a planet require a centrifuge to stay in orbit?
  7. My mother uses youtube frequently. Yesterday I told her if she wanted to watch a video without it stopping every couple of seconds, she should hit the pause button and let it finish buffering/downloading. I then had to explain to her where the pause button was and what I meant by buffering. This is something millions of people know but my mother does not. Is it because she's stupid? No. It's because she's not computer literate. I've had conversations with adults would didn't understand why they couldn't access their g-mail while they were offline. They had no mental distinction between a server, their browser, and their hard drive: it
  8. If the mods wiped your post from existence, they would have sent you a PM. Is it possible that it never got posted or you posted it to a different thread?
  9. They were cute looking guys. I've just decided that they made up the whole 'girls waiting for us in the hotel room' and 'all over us.' In truth, their college freshmen who've come to realize their attraction to one another. They're rushing back to their hotel room to begin a night of sexual exploration away from the judgement of their frat house.
  10. It's 2:04 am and Im at the local Albertsons picking up Vitamin Water (10 for 10) and Emergin-C (for my mother). I get to the check out and the cashier is missing, but there are two other guys waiting to be checked out. The cashier returns with two men and a box of condoms (they lock up the condoms and lube in this store so a cashier has to get them for you) as well as a few grocery items, and proceeds to check them out. I listen to the men talk and apparently there are girls waiting for them back in the hotel. This strikes me as odd: You are an adult male You are in Las Vegas You have attractive females and large amounts of alcohol Wouldnt you have condoms already? Whether youre with your girlfriend or hooking up with someone youve just met, I'd think condoms would be up there with toothbrushes and a change of underwear as 'stuff you want when you stay in Vegas.' While this has never happened to me, if someone I was going to have sex with had to rush off for 15 to 20 minutes to find condoms, I might find my arousal level slipping significantly.
  11. Wrong thread
  12. Wow. My respect for the American legal system suffers another massive blow. Because there's nothing to understand. The action being discussed does simply not comform to either the vernacular or legal legal definitions, both of which involve taking physical control of whatever's being stolen. In the case of copyright violation, what's being debated is the loss of potential sales (which, by definition, cannot be proven), and the damages derived thereof. It's obviously not theft. If I broke into a person's house and stole two CDs, no one would make me pay 1.9 million dollars. It’s possible I wouldn’t even get jail time.
  13. I'm not sure why it's as popular as it is. It's a good series, and once it's finished, I suspect I'll begin recommending it to others, but there's nothing about it that makes me consider it the 'best' epic fantasy available today.
  14. Roguelike? This should be familiar to you.
  15. I can't believe people still recommend A Song of Ice and Fire; it's unnecessarily cruel. Not only was the latest book the worst in one yet (if it were a stand alone, no one would recommend it) but it looks like GRRM will take another 20 years to finish the damned series.
  16. It would be much more helpful if you told us what kind of sf you enjoyed reading. The Orphan's Tales duology - In the Night Garden and Cities of Coin and Spice - is based on a 1,001 nights type frame. Valenta interweaves mythology and fairytales from different cultures in her own poetic style. The Mistborn trilogy - Final Empire, The Well of Ascension, and Hero of Ages - is a well-crafted story in an imaginative setting and with a unique, logical magic system. The Cassandra Kresnov novels - Crossover, Breakaway, and Killswitch - are science fiction stories about a synthetic human soldier who
  17. I've followed Dragon Age since the original forum started, and all we had were a bunch of screenshots from the NWN engine. Before DACentral popped up, I had a 60 page word document of developer comments, and I've worked on about half of the articles on the Dragon Age wiki. I signed up for both newsletters the day they offered them as well as the toolset beta. I've mentioned it in almost every forum I frequent, and spent more post than I'd like defending the game. And... I'm completely unexcited about Dragon Age right now.
  18. Visually, Jade Empire is the best game BioWare has ever done. The setting is also the most creative. FemShep's voice is better than DudeShep.
  19. Maria Caliban


    It's time to make your choice:
  20. Maria Caliban


    You're thinking about the Newcomers in Alien Nation. Again, Newcomers in Alien Nation.
  21. Why have gameplay choices with little to no effect? It would be better to just skip the choice or make it purely aesthetic, eg, good makes a rainbow trail after you while evil gives you devil horns.
  22. Are we talking about this game?
  23. Seriously. 20 GB is $2.80 at Fry's. Admittedly, you have to buy 500 GB to get that price. Downloading hentai with your Opera browser is not 'linux research.' Just download everything by Milky Studio onto DVDs and you'll have tons of room.
  24. Independent clauses.
  25. I assume the animation is Western because Asians rarely thing of themselves as having strangely squinty eyes.
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