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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Well they shove that big, fat GAME COMPLETED percentage in your face whenever you start up the game. ...okay, yeah, it's a bit compulsive. This is correct.
  2. That's rather damning.
  3. I too would be interested in seeing an AC set in the French Revoltion.
  4. I hope the video game culture is ready to embrace this artistic, european-flavored rendering of b00bs.
  5. BioWare appears to have stopped calling ME2 an RPG.
  6. It was a short story, actually. There was another one where a woman
  7. I don't consider it pants-on-head crazy, but I tend to read a great deal of space opera. The last story I read featured an assassin who killed a man via an elaborate plot to lure him to a space shuttle and destabilize his molecules, and then she altered the universe's collective memory so everyone believed he'd been in a boating accident. I thought, "If you can alter the universe's collective memory, why not just walk up to him in public and shoot him?"
  8. Did you You've got to That's the only thing I can think of. Yes, I did. In order to get 100% on the PC, you have to do 'Challenges' that are seperate from the main game/story line. For example, there's one where a waves of goons attack you and you try to get a high score.
  9. If you're saying that Morrigan believes in 'the old gods' but doesn't believe they were gods, then I agree.
  10. She doesn't believe in any god. You have to have her and Leliana together to hear this conversation. I agree. Strange, I thought I liked Morrigan.
  11. What do you mean?
  12. I played through the game once and enjoyed it, but never bothered with the challanges. Rather annoyed that I did all the Riddle puzzles but still don't have 100% of the game. The trailer for the next game is in, by the way: Click Me.
  13. The barbarians origin was going to be Avvar. So no eating your dead. Please, no. There is no proof of the divine in Thedas. It's one of the strengths of the setting. No. I don't believe Morrigan when she says that the child will have the spirit of an Old God. 1) Why would I believe Morrigan? 2) Why would Morrigan - who says that gods don't exist - believe the archdemon is an Old God?
  14. Supposedly, they're going to install a personality this time. I will guess that he won't be a geek like many engineers I've met, but instead have the space marine 'gruff' personality.
  15. First, no one has yet soloed the game with a rogue. There's one person I know who's trying, and is uploading the results to youtube, but they haven't gotten their first ally yet. Secondly, mages are powerful in the game. They're powerful in the lore and BioWare developers themselves have said that it's accepted around the office that mages are the most powerful class. (This was stated on a thread about increasing mage's power because they were too weak) Mages only need to pump two stats. Mages can take mana potions while melee classes do not get stamina potions. Mages have spells for crowd control, AOE damage, defense, single mob offense, etc, and a specialization that lets them wear the best armors in the game.
  16. Yeah, they closed the forums down on the 17th and moved everything to the social site. Not exactly seeing what's gained by it, but oh well. According to the webdev guy on the social site: 1) The old forums are crap 2) If they continued to use them, they'd break down 3) It's easier to build a new site - bugs and all - than to rebuild the old one
  17. I'm going to disagree with this. When a game is designed to be played with friends (as L4D has always seemed to me) judging it by the single-player experience seems like a poor idea.
  18. Did you get the achievement for 75% of sidequests done? What level did you end on?
  19. How many hours in are you?
  20. I don't think there's enough money in the game to get all the various unique items. Other than those, it should be possible. I'll point out that for this to happen, you have to betray her first. 1.1a and 1.1b is the same patch with two things added to it. The difficulty level is the game. I'm supposed to know what this is. But I don't remember. I think it's how you walk in the worst possible position in cutscene and when it ends, you are completely surrounded. Like your PC wanders into the kitchen naked one night looking for milk and cookies and when she turns on the lights -surrounded by ninjas!
  21. Do part 1 of Redcliffe. You can't leave once you start though. Did you get all the elven armor? Lockpicking isn't nessary, though there are a few sidequest items and gifts in chests. There are several portions of the game where I played an area without Leliana then came back afterward with her just to get all the stuff. Traps seem to be where rogues really help. The scene with Leliana after the Dalish section is one of my favorites.
  22. You can't get Spirit Healer from Wynne. If you get to know her, and take her with you on occation, you'll figure out why it's not something she could teach.
  23. It cannot be done. The faces were created by Blur based on R/L models and didn't use the game character creator at all. Honestly though, I found the GW bland looking compared to Leliana, Morrigan, and Sten were very interesting. No, you get that from another quest nearby that deals with a gem and a pedestal. The lifegem and broken altar unlocks arcane warrior. The ritual gets you the chest piece for Juggernaut armor.
  24. Keep the sigh: if I *could* do stuff like that with the toolset, I *would*. Though admittedly, I'd prefer a scene with the Lady of the Forest, a desire demon, or an ogre. But no, I got that through old-fashion trying out the various dialogue options. I believe Mary Kirby wrote the dwarf origins, as well as Sten. She is not fond of romances in video games.
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