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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. It'll be interesting to see how long it takes you to make the Stone Prisoner and Warden's Keep (but even better) with the toolset
  2. Me too baby.
  3. He had a sexy voice.
  4. For the person who asked about the female same-sex romance. It's: It's new to me too.
  5. Morrigan was the game's first character an is the face of the game. I'd consider her part of any 'iconic' party. I think Alister would be next, but he's a white human male who seems to favor sword+shield. As the PC in this case was the same, I think they dropped him. I think they picked Leliana and Sten because they looked interesting and different. Leliana is an attractive redhead that leaps around and spouts cryptic phrases. Zevran might leap around, but people would just think Legolas. Sten is big and exotic looking. All speculation though.
  6. Some small, idiotic part of me wants to say 'Your mother!' It's a strange urge. Real answer: I can't say.
  7. I did neither of those things. We've found some people who consider it disturbing and Wrath hasn't said if it's unacceptable or not, but the rest don't appear to be saying as much. In truth, I think this is manufactured controversy. As far as I know, the USA has never banned a game. Even Rapelay was not banned by the government, though Amazon stopped carrying it.
  8. I can sympathise, though I pity the people who've been waiting five years, luckily I didn't have a clue about it until a few months ago *enjoys your pity* Now give me a cookie.
  9. I suspect as much. Canadian bastards.
  10. Everyone's guess. Normal for the PC. Hard for the X-Box.
  11. Were they in the Fade? If so, it's a special ability.
  12. I can't connect. There's an issue with the live streaming. I know some people have been waiting for 10 hours now trying to get a feed.
  13. *wishes she could watch*
  14. What? Are you sure? They have shamed the greatest nation on earth. This is not soccer; this is something important. They should be better at it.
  15. Seriously. I know two of the women on the team. I wonder if I should harass or console them.
  16. Team USA, the all girl team? Currently dead last. Both my nationality and my gender are being pwned here.
  17. For those of you who care about the bits. There's a ring you can get for uploading your character from the CC to the new site they have. If you play Dragon Age Journeys, you also get three items.
  18. I noticed an error in the TVTropes listing: "
  19. Where in the world did you find that?
  20. Ahhhh. I forget about my console brethren.
  21. It's coming out November 3. What do you rate him? Whaddya mean, out of ten? You're the one rating him. For all I know, you might be using the hot or not scale.
  22. What do you rate him?
  23. Friendly fire is on unless you play on easy, which the majority of gamers don't do. David Gaider probably had nothing to do with the camp system. It
  24. Perhaps, but hardly true of the movies quoted - for example Star Wars is one of the most obsessively detailed settings ever and is all the duller for it. We know exactly who Indiana Jones is (OK, elaborated over a lengthy story arc) and so on. Big Trouble in Little China is an old favourite of mine, though, and it is laden with ambiguity. In fact, Kurt Russell's character is an everyman wanderer type. Star Wars has become obsessively detailed, but he said the original triology, not everything that's come after. I question the extent to which the setting is dull because of details.
  25. Yes.
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