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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. In the first (or second) trailer posted, Ozzie Ozborn looks a great deal like that one vampire in Bloodlines. The one that turned into a wolf.
  2. You can tell an American wrote that article.
  3. Nuclear weapons were used once to devastating effect but haven
  4. The concept doesn't interest me, but I'm sure the gameplay is nice and I try to support adventure games. Too bad it's not on the PC.
  5. New comic from CTRL+ALT+DEL They're a poor man's Penny Arcade.
  6. Missile defense is about as dangerous as weapons grade uranium when it comes to world peace; MAD is what's kept us from WWIII, not the milk of human kindness. Moreover, because he decided not to build that missile defense system, Russia is going to not veto UN sanctions against Iran. Those same sanctions were what prevented Iraq from making their WMDs. If it works again, Iran and Israel won
  7. Ohh, you got burned there Tigranes. It must feel horrible to be schooled in your lack of visual sophistication by someone whose avatar is a poorly drown picture of a chick in chainmail.
  8. I finished. The last boss fight was... interesting. Glad I didn't roll mage. I don't believe anyone here has described what comes after Chapter 1 as 'crap.' There are less quests and more fighting and dungeon delving. I'd say you missed out on a good deal of content there. Then again, there might be a bunch of quests at the monastery and maybe later on you'll go to the camp and do stuff for the Don's people. Don't know.
  9. There should also be a skip combat button for those who aren't interested in that. I have never played a BioWare game and found myself wishing it was more like Diablo or World of Warcraft. Gamers are not a homogonous group. BioWare seems to be doing fairly well catering to people who are more interested in story and characters than endlessly grinding, though they
  10. BioWare uses cutscenes to hide loading screens and position NPCs. They
  11. We have our initials in common. My laughter was due to you pre-ordering DA while I have not.
  12. Monte Carlo = pre-ordered DA Maria Caliban != pre-ordered DA
  13. I think it's a loving term for 'XBox.'
  14. As someone who hates combat and 'dungeon crawling', I have to say that the last chapter of Risen is one big stew of combat and dungeon crawling, and I'm loving it. Leaping over spikes, checking each room for switches, crevices that I could shrink into, tapping on bits of the wall to see if I can break them down, and trying to figure out how to get into an area when there's a giant chasm of lava between it and I might not be role-playing, but it
  15. Yes, you don't die in DA unless you get a full party wipe. As you can't raise dead as in DnD, you'd have to reload every battle when someone fell, which means the developers would have to reduce the overall difficulty.
  16. As far as I know, selling prices are fixed across the board. I'm not even sure why they include the real gold value as there doesn't appear to be a way to increase the sell-for or decrease the buy-at. Maybe a feature that they intended to impliment, but didn't. I rather like that mechanic, though it does get frustrating when you have the cash but no one is offering new armor. Also, I deliberately delayed one part of the game so I got the fighter armor, and about two hours later I got the captain armor. There are some obvious bugs later on, but overall I agree. I disagree. It has some of the best VO I've heard in a computer game.
  17. Being knocked down in combat results in an injury that reduces your stats or abilities until you're treated. You can't raise someone from the dead in DA. Though a demon could enter their body and you'd get a rotting vampire thingy.
  18. Then why did you pre-order it?
  19. There's a Star Trek RPG already. Uses d6s. I'm playing a half-vulcan security ensign right now.
  20. Finally make 'fighter.' Only have 10 of the teleport stones, and that's irritating. Hit Chapter 3, got seperated from my group, and am now lost deep within the complex. Dying lots. On the other hand, I can wield a two handed blade with one hand and am using the bezerker sword that does 80 damage.
  21. Are you making some type of pun with the terms 'journeys' and 'home'? It looks like you're just asking what Dragon Age Journeys is, but the phrase 'when it's at home' is throwing me. As I said on the previous page, it's a turn-based RPG you'll be able to play in your browser.
  22. I assume that has something to do with the new system that keeps track what people do in DA, but what the hell that video was It's a dragon age Flash game based on turn style combat.
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