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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. I'll be skipping this one. It's not an IP that interests me.
  2. A new build came out for The Old Republic so I restarted and spent 5 hours playing to level 10. I'm looking forward to Batman: AC. Someone told me that if I wanted to play Catwoman, I'd have to buy the DLC. Is that correct? I haven't finished my first playthrough of Skyrim but that's fine. I hear the last patch broke stuff. I'll probably wait until 1.03 comes out.
  3. If you want to marry Vette, you have to pick light side choices when she's around and be nice to her. It's the only way to get enough affection. OR, you can be a total ****, torture her, and murder people indiscriminately as long as you ply her with companion gifts. Choices and consequences. BioWare style.
  4. That makes me want to start over as a thieving mage.
  5. But advanced classes from the same base class are mechanically different. A Consular can be a Sage, which specializes in flinging rocks or healing, or a Shadow, which is a stealth melee class that can tank.
  6. Datacrons are enabled. There are three for each starter world and around five to eight for every world thereafter. You can go to the 'planet' entry in the Codex to tell you how many datacrons are on any particular planet you've visited. During the beta, they didn't give you the attribute boost listed because the devs didn't want those screwing with their data. I'm not sure if they're deliberately hiding the lore objects or not. Like the datacrons, they count for your codex entry titles and I believe there are title rewards for getting enough of them. At the same time, some are really obvious. They've said they're an element for 'explorer' types.
  7. I fought a dragon over the Autumnial Tower. It's a small area atop a tower so 80% the fight was arrows and the fire shout. At 1/4th health, the dragon fell to the ground but I noticed it was still taking damage. By the time I got to the bottom of the tower, it was dead. My horse had killed it. My horse is a dragonslayer.
  8. Sleeping on watch is bad because of slavery and if you don't have laws then people will have oral sex. Did anyone do Esselis? The first flashpoint for the Republic. I did it once last build when it was a four-man. How did you guys find it?
  9. My goal for this evening is to clear out the 30 odd Miscellaneous quests I have. It's gotten to the point I avoid conversations with random NPCs for fear of getting a new quest. And it's people you have every reason to want dead. That's what annoys me. As a loyal citizen of the Empire, I should want to kill Ulfric Stormcloak. Especially when I go to the Thalmor embassy and learn their plans.
  10. WTF? How are either of those shiny good guy? Or evil, come to that. They're not. But this is Star Wars, so they're pushed into light points and dark points anyway. It doesn't help that what light and dark is seems to change depending on the storyline or quest.
  11. I only eat bad people. I think that's fair. One thing I'll say: The Daedra know the value of a personal touch. Every one of them has communicated with me directly. Several of them have whipped out the special FX. Meridia hoisted me half a mile up in the air as she yelled at me through a ball of light. The Aedra/Divines can't be bothered. Not a single one has so much has said 'thanks' when I helped them or their worshipers out. No aspersions. No acknowledgment or cool weapons. Divines = CEO of a big business who just thinks of customers as figures. Daedra = Small business owner who deals with their clients personally.
  12. What is it about Bethesda games that makes me a violent sociopath? During a quest to clean out a Hall of the Dead, a woman came up to me, told me a was a cannibal in denial, and asked me with help cleaning out a Shrine of Nimora that's filled with undead. So I say, "Okay!" After cleaning out the Shrine, she asked me to grab a priest of Arkay and bring him to the Shrine to nom on. So I say, "Okay!" Then I slaughter him and dine on his corpse. Nimora gives me a verbal high-five and a ring that lets be nom on any fresh body. It's strange. In other games, I adhere to goodness and righteousness like a tick on a dog. And it's not wish fulfillment as I have no desire to eat people in the real world.
  13. In Markath, I saw a dog wander into a Thalamor's path. The Thalamore said, 'stupid dog,' and killed it. That's right. Just in case you didn't get that they're villains. The Thalamor are dog murderers.
  14. I haven't played since I last posted about a week or so ago. I am debating whether I should switch out my heavy armor, two-hander PC for a light armor, backstabber. I wouldn't say I'm burnt out, but I am a bit over-whelmed. In a normal RPG, I can do almost every quest and sub-quest given to me. In Skyrim, I just more and more quests piled on me. I never get that sense of having completed an area or chapter and it bothers me after awhile.
  15. piano and violin medley.
  16. Why does Steam make it so difficult to send gifts to multiple people? I want to send out four copies of FO:NV. I have to select each recipient, write them out a message, go back and select a new one, write them out a message...
  17. Isn't WoW about to launch an appearance changer for armor/weapons? In TOR, some armor has mods and mod slots, so if you find a piece of armor with mods, you can switch those out instead of changing armor every level.
  18. The classes are mirrored, so mechanically a Commando is just like a Mercenary and a Powertech is just like Vanguard. The story for the Trooper and Bounty Hunter are different through and the animations are different enough that some people weren't aware they'd been playing the same class. That said, the Trooper is the most polished base class right now. In a sea of glowsticks wielders, it's telling that the best melee class is probably the Vanguard/Powertech right now. I hate the forced companions in this game. The 'love interest' for the female Jedi Consular is up there with Anomen from BG II when it comes to annoyance and there's no way to get rid of him. Sadly, they originally planned for you to be able to kill/get rid of your companions. The agent has the best story, but they're the least played class. It all depends on how you like the cover system. The cover functions as a toggle between being mobile with one group of abilities and being immobile with another group of abilities. It makes playing one a series of stop -> go -> stop -> go, where other classes will reward you for chaining groups or encourage you to rush into a fight.
  19. My first FPS was Duke Nukem 3D. You killed LAPD Pigs in that. Amazing what sort of cultural transparency games had at that time that no one really complained about this only a few years after the LA Riots. There was also Dai Katana, which became a benchmark for failure for awhile.
  20. I downloaded at 60 kbps. :/ Also, my Troopers class story has vanished and customer service isn't replying to my e-mails. And the ingame CS and bugger is broken.
  21. I've played a Commando and Shadow to 30, a Sage to 20, and an Agent to 10. A few general notes... The game assumes you'll reach level 10 on your starter world. At level 10, you can go to your faction fleet and get your AC. A regular trainer cannot give you your AC. I'm saying this because General chat was constantly spammed with 'How do I get my AC?' during last beta weekend. ------ All your abilities key off your classes primary stat. You might read somewhere 'Strength increases the damage done via melee.' That's applies only to Jedi Knight/Sith Warrior. If you're a Consular, your melee attacks will key off Wisdom. If you're an Operative, they'll key off Cunning. ------ Storywise, the classes are: Jedi Knight, Sith Warrior, Jedi Consular, Sith Inquisitor, Smuggler, Imperial Agent, Trooper, and Bounty Hunter. Mechanically, the classes are: Shadow/Assassin, Guardian/Juggernaut, Sage/Sorcerer, Sentinel/Marauder, Operative/Scoundrel, Sniper/Gunslinger, Commando/Mercenary, and Vangaurd/Powertech. If someone says, "The Shadow has a good alpha strike." You can substitute Assassin for Shadow. If someone says, "The Jedi Consular has a large force pool," it's not true. The Sage/Sorcerer has a force pool of 500 while the Shadow/Assassin has one of 100. Base class does dictate some things: Armor type, primary stat, companions, and resource type. ------------- All DPS specced classes do equal DPS*. A Sentinel has no ability to tank or heal. A Commando can heal. If both classes put all their talent points in their DPS tree, they will do roughly equal DPS. All healers do equal healing*. All tanks do equal tanking*. *That's the stated intent. In execution, I'd say that's not the case, but I assume like most MMOs, the developers will constantly change things up, so the class that's 'really' the best in a specific role changes over time.
  22. The NDA lifted. Should we restart the thread?
  23. You could just uninstall and reinstall.
  24. They're upgrading their system for the coming launch. As your forum account is the same as your game account, I wonder if being banned on one will have an effect on the other.
  25. My most used shout is the silent one that lets you see 'life auras.' It's great for sneaking. Though I'm not sure why the undead have life auras. I don't think that will happen. 1. What about Fallout 3? 2. What exactly are you comparing?
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