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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Civilization V. Got Vive ala Revolution, Three Musketeers, and Do You Want to Super Size That? Steam says I've played for 30 hours this week. I don't understand why civilizations I've done nothing to and don't share borders with continue to denounce me. Snuck.
  2. Wow. Can she disarm? I thought she could just do a quick takedown.. Yes, she can disarm with her whip. It's right click to aim + middle mouse button. You're supposed to be able to do a quick disarm with her so you can make it part of a combo, but it's not in the bindings for the PC. I don't know about consoles.
  3. Did you get 100%? I'm only at 74%. I enjoy Catwoman but her quick disarm move doesn't function, which makes the 'extreme' challenge maps really hard. I got my first x100 freeflow multiplier the other night on the Funhouse map.
  4. You think that Bloodlines was bigger than World of Warcraft? Icewind Dale had more of an impact than Diablo?
  5. I don't care if it's wireless or not. Thanks for the links. Edit: The Mionix Naos 3200 doesn't seem to be available at New Egg, Walmart, Frys, or Tiger Direct. Perhaps it's no longer available.
  6. Augustus Caesar was 23 when he became a dictator and he did alright.
  7. What do you mean by self-awareness? My cat likely gets that the environment, I, and other cats are something different than she is. I doubt a worm manages even that. But I don't think my cat has a concept of self. She never thinks, "I am Fluffykins the cat. I exist," because that's a bit too abstract for her. That is, I think she has an awareness of self but not a conceptualization of self. Because weed might alter your mood but it doesn't touch your personality. There's no such thing as the evolution of souls. If you're talking Christianity, which you seem to be, the soul is something created by God and given to humanity. In Genesis, the Adam is made from dust and God breaths into him, filling him with the living spirit. This is the same breath/living spirit [nephesh] that God put into *all* creatures, so your question makes no damn sense.
  8. Click-click-click-click-click. I've had my current Logitech wireless mouse and keyboard for about five years now. I've worn off the WASD keys, the space bar doesn't want to always respond, and my mouse is dying on me. I strongly suspect that this is because of my gaming. As Diablo III is coming out sometime 2012, and ought to be an utter click-fest, I'd like recommendations for a gaming mouse and keyboard. Durability is good. The mouse needs to have at least five buttons.
  9. There goes my suggestion.
  10. Nebuchadnezzar II is kinda crap. Also, if the game says 'decisive victory' you can still be wiped out to a man.
  11. New monitor for Christmas. Now I play in 1920x1080 instead of 1680x1050. The future is so bright, I've got to wear shades. I played another game of Civilization and got the 'Empire of the East,' 'Neighborhood Bully,' 'I Can Has Nukes?' and 'Island Hopping' achievements. Only 39 vanilla game achievements left, and then maybe I'll download the DLC and work on the 76 achievements that are listed for Civ V even though they're only available through DLC. Edit: Steam sale. Gotta catch em all! Also, why can't I stay logged on anymore?
  12. It didn't know how to divebomb+glide until the section of the main plot where you had to do it to progress. Since then, I've become a dive glide fiend. I managed to complete both of the distance challenges that way. Anyways, to do it, hold down the L-Ctrl button to dive, tilt the camera (mouse) so you're looking at the sky, and release the L-Ctrl button. http://steamcommunity.com/stats/CivV/achievements ? 3.6% have Bollywood I guess I was looking in the wrong place?
  13. When you pick sythweaving, you automatically get a few schematics. As your skill goes up, more the trainer will have more available. Its your crew-member who does the actual crafting. To get see the schematics, click 'n' to bring up crew skills and then click the synthweaving icon. You have to have the appropriate materials in your inventory or in your cargo hold. Your crew member will disappear while they're crafting an item. This can take from two minutes to thirty minutes. You can queue up to five items at once per crew member.
  14. Playing Civilization V just to get the steam achievements. Just got "bollywood": a cultural victory with Gandhi while only having three cities. Unlike most steam games, it doesn't show what percentage of owner also have various achievements. Annoying.
  15. I hate how they've set up datacrons. I'm not sure how it encourages exploration to put a datacron in the middle of an important area and then make you spend 30 minutes attempting to get to it via jumping, falling, and dying. I complained about this, but apparently people don't want getting datacrons to be 'easy.'
  16. A) Can't wait to check out her undercarriage B) She gets all my pistons firing C) Time to lube up the old hypospanner D) I'd smuggle some cargo to that local E) I can do the Kessel Run in twelve parsecs and the electric bogaloo all night long. I'd be happier if they were a bit more liberal about the flirt options.
  17. As far as I know, the only effects are aesthetic. If you're dark side, you start to look ugly, and you can wear evil, dark side gear. If you're light side, you look the same and can wear good looking, light side gear. The gear has the same stats as what's regularly available.
  18. It's a Star Wars RPG. Might as well watch a porn and complain about all the *****.
  19. Yeah! Let's make a new science fiction world where you run around blowing people up with you BFG!
  20. How tricky they are depends on what side you're on. I know for Nar Shaddaa, there's one you can only get through a Heroic instence, which I thought was tricky, and for the Bonus Series (you get it after you leave the planet), there's one that can kill you.
  21. I sometimes do. The two 'whines' I dislike the most are: 1) "BG 2 was the greatest RPG ever. BioWare game X sucks because it's not BG 3." - BG 2 might be one of the *biggest* WRPGs, but I've never understood how it constantly made people's top ten lists. 2) "BioWare is doing what BioWare has done for a decade now. I am unhappy with this." - BioWare has a formula. It doesn't make hardcore games. It doesn't do edgy games. It tries to produce the WRPG equivalent of a summer blockbuster. I sometimes feel people who complain about BioWare games would complain that a Micheal Bay movie had too many explosions and a shallow plot. Even when I agree with them (DAO had a hackney 'save the world from mindless hordes of evil' plot) at this point, if you're paying for a BioWare game, you know exactly what to expect.
  22. American Werewolf in Paris: The Game Alpha Centerai II A fantasy RPG based on Aztec mythology.
  23. Civ 5. Huge Pangaea map. Randomly got Rome but could not find any Iron for love or money until I was at the longswordman. Was doing okay until Cathrine decided to attack me. Then Neopolian. Then Montezuma. And all of them had 'declared their Friendship' to me recently.
  24. Finally 'finished' Batman:AC: the main game, all the side missions, and all the trophies and challenges. The game says I'm only at 68% though. :/ Played a game of Civ 5. It's much more fun than I remember. Ended up at the edge of a continent with Augustus as my neighbor. Despite my never doing anything to him, he remained Guarded, wouldn't open his borders to me, and denounced me every chance he could. Then the 1800s hit and suddenly he realized my kingdom was all of three cities so I probably wasn't trying to conquer the world. Then he became my buddy. I managed to get a diplomatic victory by amassing a bunch of money and bribing my way to allied status for all the city-states prior to the election.
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