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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Presumably, Leia had an emotional connection to some individuals on the planet.
  2. Tuesday US, Friday Europe, with exceptions. Starcraft 2, for instance, came out on Tuesday worldwide. Skyrim is coming out Friday for most of the world. Bethesda is trying to turn Americans into European socialist atheists!!!
  3. Aren't games supposed to come out on Tuesday?
  4. Oblivion got high marks across the board when it came out. I think it's metacritic rating is even higher than Fallout 3 or Fallout:NV.
  5. We are suckers TOGETHER.
  6. The animations look better to me. They don't look GOOD fror a 2011 game but they do look better.
  7. Consular has two ACs. There's the Sage, your healer/wizard, and the Shadow, your ninja class.
  8. What are the benefits of a solid state drive? I've heard you can't use a SSD as a boot disk on some motherboards, is that true?
  9. Do you think it's worth it to get a gen 3 motherboard at this time? I'm going for a i5-2500k and Z68 motherboard, and wonder if the ASUS and Asrock gen 3s are a good investment for the future. I likely will keep my motherboard for 5-7 years assume that the PCI-e 3.0 will become standard for graphics cards in 4 years. Would this be a correct assumption? I also plan to upgrade to whatever Intel Ivy Bridge chip they replace the i5-2500k with and I think all the gen 3 compatible motherboards support this. Specifically, I'm looking at Asrock Extreme 3.
  10. 70% of World of Warcraft player never make it to level 10. Only a minority of players ever make it to end-game, but those are the players who are most likely to spend years with your game. To reach level 10 takes few hours. This means that person don't play the game at all but keep account open, is a mule character or extremely low level alt, is a trial based character or character is made only for reserving certain name (that might be later used or not). I had bit under 20 characters in different servers (including normal PvE, RP and PvP) and only 8 of those were above lvl 10. If you, as a player, have several toon, some of which are over 10 and some of which are under 10, then you have a toon over 10. 70% of players never get that far. Yes, there might be a few people who play multiple accounts but not enough to account for so large a number. Translation: I don't know how to ask for a source or google things myself, so I'll just be an internet smartass. 70% of WoW players drop out. 70% of new WoW players don't get past level 10
  11. I both talked my way in and snuck around.
  12. 70% of World of Warcraft player never make it to level 10. Only a minority of players ever make it to end-game, but those are the players who are most likely to spend years with your game.
  13. Some day, some company is going to release some fantasy game with no dragons in it and it will be a major selling point for me Knights of the Old Republic.
  14. I didn't know you'd gotten in. Congrats. Are you on the PvE or PvP server? BioWare isn't saying that each class gets unique gameplay. They're saying each class has their own storyline. For example, here's an interview with Charles Boyd, the Lead Writer for the trooper story. They have a lead writer for each class. There's also the interview with Daniel Erickson. "Each of the Class Stories is a trilogy. Chapter 1 itself is far bigger than the entirety of Knights of the Old Republic. Each Chapter has a distinct ending, wrap up and then the next Chapter starts. When we said it was akin to KOTOR 3-10 and beyond it wasn
  15. They're getting my money. A number of people who are interested in TOR are from the Star Wars Galaxy MMO and they HATE WoW. I don't understand the animosity but it's quite strong. To you mean you'll be part of the Sith Empire (faction), a Sith Warrior or Inquisitor (classes), or that you'll be playing a True Sith (race)? Inquisitor and Consular or whatever. Specifically, the Sith Sorcerer or Jedi Sage advanced classes. Agreed.
  16. Behold, the future of Captcha: I think it says 'MUNK' They're just betaing it for us! The version we get will be superior and such.
  17. I hope you get it! I signed up for the beta two years ago. Imagine my surprise when I opened my e-mail a few days ago and found the invite.
  18. I got an invite to the [retracted] beta and am now downloading 20 GB at 40 k/bs. Like sucking roast mutton through a straw.
  19. That looks delicious. You know that would be mouth watering boiled and dipped in butter.
  20. PC Gamer has a new article on Skyrim here. Some non-spoilery highlights from the article. Unlike Oblivion, you can create 'positively gorgeous' men and women. You can also create ugly PCs with scars and facial tattoos. On a GeForce GTX 470 running 1680*1050, the writer found the graphics photorealistic with little to no aliasing, while dungeons and caves only took seconds to load. You can create your own 'Favorite' menu with items you use often so there's no need to search through your entire inventory for them. The ability to meld together two spells while duel-wielding them is a perk. Doggie companion. Companions can be issued commands such as 'steal [object]' or 'attack the guard' or 'open the door.' I believe you have to be a digital subscriber to read more than the first page of the article. If you press the 'open article' button on the top left of the page, you can read the entire thing in text form.
  21. Hardly. The reason people eat what they do is a combination of social and economic factors. For example, in the USA, Detroit was the fattest city in the USA in 2004. It also has some of the largest food deserts in the states. In the average urban neighborhood, you'd have to walk an hour to two hours to get to the grocery store, and there's little in the way of public transport. Unless you have a car, your ability to get fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk is quite low. The average apartment doesn't have a pantry, so even if you have a car, you're unlikely to buy things like rice and beans in bulk. Alternatively, you're surrounded by fast food places and convenience stores. You can see the same thing in Huston (fattest city in the USA about 5 times now) and Las Vegas (which has gotten it once.) There are two grocery stores within a block of my house, and another three blocks from my house. As well as two 24 gyms and three martial arts/dance studios. Last week, I drove up NE Las Vegas and spent 20 minutes driving down Sahara (major street) and saw no grocery stores, no gyms, and no public parks.
  22. If the revenue generated by the 'fat tax' was ear marked for healthy breakfast and lunches at public schools, I'd go for it. The thing is that you have a generally healthy populous. America has a markedly unhealthy populous and this wouldn't make a dent in obesity, diabetes, or cardiovascular diseases in the States.
  23. The (non-secret) achievement list came out today. Skyrim Achievements Revealed: Hints at In Game Marriage and Menial Tasks. There are a few in-game organizations/factions listed as well as some plot points.
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