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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Thank you Lost Straw, I think I'll sign up on their forums. I was just teasing you about the Carmilla, Ender. I know the names of all the werewolf tribes, vampire clans, demon houses, mage traditions, fae kith, and exalted castes. Didn't you say you have a Prince character? What clan was he?
  2. All this time I thought that the Camarilla was a group of vampire clans... turns out they're just a bunch of LARPers. Okay, what is Jefferson/Van Buren? Who is SSE? Who is Flagship Studios?
  3. Oh, now you're just rubbing it in. That's mean. I hope you get a rash or your leg gets numb from sitting in the same spot for too long. That's it, you think you have a good job right now but wait until the capillaries in your legs atrophy THEN we'll see who's laughing.
  4. It's somewhat frustrating that they announce games so late in the development cycle.
  5. I :heart: Grammar Buddy.
  6. Hooters is a bad idea.
  7. Meshugger: You wish. You've nailed it. There's nothing like the idea of someone getting off on human/insect porn to get my juices flowing.
  8. I wouldn't consider Deus Ex or Thief a first-person shooter.
  9. With KotOR being their first title, it seems that Obsidian is posing itself as another provider of RPGs. I'd like to see them distinguish themselves from BioWare's line of products as a provider of more mature, artistic games. But that's just wishful thinking.
  10. I was hoping for an icy, unemotional type.
  11. Isn't it odd that there are quite a few sites giving away copies of KOTOR2 but this one isn't?
  12. JediMaster: "first of all its hk-47 not hd-43 and he will not be joining your party" I know what HK-47's name is - my stepfather owns one. I'm talking about the R2-D2 rip off and you can play him during the tutorial.
  13. Obsidian has already stated that it's developing a second title but hasn't given much more information than that. I'm going to guess that we won't receive any details until after they release the Sith Lords. I wonder, do they have the rights to the Odyssey engine or is it the property of LucusArts or BioWare? If not, are they developing their own in-house engine?
  14. I'm not certain what comics you read but I've always found comics to be quite continuity intensive. Writers often go through elaborate, ill thought out explanations to change some aspect of a character, or their equipment, or their setting. The problem is that it's difficult to remember 60 + years of history and what is or isn't supposed to be. Errors are made, then 'patched', and then more errors are made. Eventually, you have something like Crisis on Infinite Earths or Zero Hour that's supposed to give people a blank slate but that seems to cause just as many problems.
  15. I'm glad there are bad writers in comic books then because I'm not interested in Lex Luthor as a bank robber or Catwoman as an ex-hooker.
  16. http://www.winternet.com/~mikelr/flame7.html
  17. After years of being a comic book fan I'm of the opinion that franchise continuity should never get in the way of a good story.
  18. I didn't mind the "leaving planet X" cut scenes or the "arriving on planet X" cut scenes but the "leaving planet X/going to hyperspace/entering hyperspace/leaving hyperspace/arriving on planet Y" cut scenes were annoying. If I leave one planet and arrive on another I can pretty much hazard a guess that I traveled through space.
  19. I wouldn't classify calling someone a dickwad polite. Though it's accurate to a point. Interesting how many insults aren't insults when you think about them.
  20. Ultima what? Oh, yes, it's the one where you can make meat or honey pies... Would anyone actually eat a honey pie?
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