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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. What was the deal with


    ? Was she lying or telling the truth? Like Kaftan pointed above, there is that dichotomy over the


    incident, but I also remember her in possession of that

    vodoo doll



    Regardless, I did save her in my game and got some sweet b00bie lovin' for my efforts!


    While I haven't tried it, I think you can bed her and then give her to the peasants.

    In the game you mean? :)

  2. Numbers and I being dead is a common misconception - we're simply in semi-retirement. Kinda like those high profile sports players who bugger off to Saudi Arabia/the Far East once they move on pastures new. Or like a "dead" god on the Astral Plane whose existence is perpetually fueled by the memories of terror living on in some n00b on teh internets.


    But remember: You can't kill me...


    Because then it's just awso!

  3. I got tired of waitin so I started replaying, got to chapter 2 in only about 3h playtime. But one thing that really bugs me is the discrpancies in the story, like

    when the salamander thugs cleary say they raped Ilse, but then everyone else act like it was Mikul


    the hunt for salamandra in chapter 2 seems to constantly switch what youre looking for; its either 1)someones whos working with them 2)their top agent in the district 3) azar javed himself

    and so on.



    I suspect the designers didnt care to coordinate their quests/story arcs so that it matched what the other guys on the team was doing. That, or that they changed part B of a quest but forgot to change part A so the two match.

    Who's Ilse?


    It's been a while since I've Witched.

  4. COD 4 Multiplayer,


    I've gotten onto hardcore servers and do really well when i've got a building to clear and an mp5 to do it with. Double tap is godly on hardcore as it only takes a quick pull of the trigger to take somebody down.


    My standard load is an mp5 silenced with a m1911 sidarm with bandolier double tap and last stand perks.

    Awesome Calax! You really need to get on Xbox Live so you can join the gang.


    You'd be better off swapping your m1911 with the m9. It uses the same 9mm rounds as the mp5, which combined with bandolier will give you an obscene number of rounds.

  5. Only thing I've been watching on TV recently has been Sarah Connor Chronicles & Stargate: Atlantis. I really liked this Monday's Terminator where John & Reese go to a military school to save a future leader from a terminator sent back to kill him. No episode this coming Monday though. :lol:

    Good man!


    BS:G, T:SCC, and Death Note were by far in large the best things on TV in 2008.


    Shame the monologues have been replaced with teh uber cheesy intro though.

  6. To all those who are playing pirated FO3:


    Shame on you! WTF are you thinking? We're supposed to be playing it 3 weeks from now, not now! You can't just download a freakin' title 4 years in the making within 24 hours of going gold and just start playing it!


    At least have the courtesy of posting reviews for Christ's sake! With pics. Preferably of FO3 b00bies.

  7. A defensive defenseman wouldn't be to hard. Your main job would be to smash into other players and pass to the forwards, and clear the puck out from our end.


    Ah I see, so basically just stick me in the position nobody else wants to pley eh?





    You'll do fine Pixie - we have faith in you!

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