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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Then again KotOR MMO might just be KotOR 3, and they are setting up like Guild Wars. A MMO without a monthly fee!


    One can hope, right?

    I hope so, Hades. Also, they better give "trial" periods where we can play for free and try before we buy and all that good stuff.


    Think of the possibilities, man! We might actually be able to play a game this time before dissing it. :yucky:

  2. Unfortunately, while Bio's games continues to get more and more polished, they seem to have become successively more linear since BG1.


    And yeah, even though their writing is solid enough to have that mainstream appeal, I prefer the subtlety and amorality approaches of Witcher, Bloodlines, PS:T and the Fallouts. Less ham-fisted and cheesy. Ham & Cheese (especially when stale) wrecks havoc on the stomach ans psyche both.

  3. You Are A:


    Lawful Neutral Half-Elf Monk/Sorcerer (2nd/2nd Level)


    Ability Scores:

    Strength- 10

    Dexterity- 15

    Constitution- 13

    Intelligence- 16

    Wisdom- 14

    Charisma- 16



    Lawful Neutral- A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. However, lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment because it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society.



    Half-Elves have the curiosity and ambition for their human parent and the refined senses and love of nature of their elven parent, although they are outsiders among both cultures. To humans, half-elves are paler, fairer and smoother-skinned than their human parents, but their actual skin tones and other details vary just as human features do. Half-elves tend to have green, elven eyes. They live to about 180.


    Primary Class:

    Monks- Monks are versatile warriors skilled at fighting without weapons or armor. Good-aligned monks serve as protectors of the people, while evil monks make ideal spies and assassins. Though they don't cast spells, monks channel a subtle energy, called ki. This energy allows them to perform amazing feats, such as healing themselves, catching arrows in flight, and dodging blows with lightning speed. Their mundane and ki-based abilities grow with experience, granting them more power over themselves and their environment. Monks suffer unique penalties to their abilities if they wear armor, as doing so violates their rigid oath. A monk wearing armor loses their Wisdom and level based armor class bonuses, their movement speed, and their additional unarmed attacks per round.


    Secondary Class:

    Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.


    Detailed Results:




    Neutral Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (21)

    Chaotic Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)



    Chaotic Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (21)

    Lawful Evil ----- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

    Neutral Evil ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)

    Chaotic Evil ---- XXXX (4)


    Law & Chaos:

    Law ----- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

    Neutral - XXXXXXXXX (9)

    Chaos --- XXXX (4)


    Good & Evil:

    Good ---- XXXXXXXXXXXX (12)

    Neutral - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (17)

    Evil ---- (0)



    Human ---- XXXXXXXXXXXXX (13)

    Dwarf ---- XXXX (4)

    Elf ------ XXXXXXXXXXXXXX (14)

    Gnome ---- XXXXXX (6)

    Halfling - XXXXXXXX [8]

    Half-Elf - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (16)

    Half-Orc - XX (2)



    Barbarian - (-27)

    Bard ------ (-23)

    Cleric ---- XX (2)

    Druid ----- (-4)

    Fighter --- (-2)

    Monk ------ XXXX (4)

    Paladin --- (-13)

    Ranger ---- (-6)

    Rogue ----- (-2)

    Sorcerer -- XXXX (4)

    Wizard ---- XXXX (4)




    Totally sweet and awesome!


    All I need are two kamas (dex based monk due to low str) for my flurry-of-blows while my true strike pwns yu0!1 :ermm:

  4. A KotOR MMO might be the multiplayer counterpart to a single-player KotOR 3.

    Meaning you'd have to pay once for the multiplayer game, a second time for a single player campaign, and a rolling-third-ad-infinitum for the mp monthly fee?! What kind of evil, greedy publisher would dream of concocting such a scheme?!


    Oh wait...nm.


    It's like how MGS4 is a single player game and MGSOnline is multiplayer game. They fit together (kinda) but they still play differently.


    It's a brilliant scheme for money and success. EA/LucasArts should consider it.

    You're right, they should.


    But more likely if the cash-cow-MMO is successful they'll just keeping churning out expansions.

  5. A KotOR MMO might be the multiplayer counterpart to a single-player KotOR 3.

    Meaning you'd have to pay once for the multiplayer game, a second time for a single player campaign, and a rolling-third-ad-infinitum for the mp monthly fee?! What kind of evil, greedy publisher would dream of concocting such a scheme?!


    Oh wait...nm.

  6. The only interest a KOTOR MMO gets from me is the negative interest generated by the fact that the MMO is likely to take over the franchise and preclude the possibility of proper KOTOR 3 being made.

    Despair not dear Magistrate Whateverwhatever! For such preclusion might transmute into the possibility of GLADIUS 2!

  7. Hey Night, which Witcher (see what I did there?) chick is that in your siggy? Don't tell me I missed one!


    Gotta catch 'em all! :aiee:


    I believe it was concept art for Triss' first sex card, see below, but I'm not positive about that. :)





    Have you got the euro version card converter thingy? It makes your collection more, um, visceral.

  8. What's weird is that the MMORPG and the LA project are listed as two different things on the BIO homepage. It doens't make sense that it looks like they're the same. Illogical nonsense.


    Who knows. Maybe they are working on KotOR 3 and the KotOR MMO. Or that the EA statements or this listing is a red herring just to mess with our heads.

    Who knows. Maybe they working on KotOR MMO and GLADIUS 2!!!

  9. Ok, if you really don't know - she is Jeanette Voerman, the sister of Therese Voerman and co-owner of the Asylum. If you want more information play Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - probably the best game ever made.

    Hey Night, which Witcher (see what I did there?) chick is that in your siggy? Don't tell me I missed one!


    Gotta catch 'em all! -_-

  10. Good job so far Barracuda, but you really ought to consider making an actual campaign. You can call it...FIFEout! Think of the possibilities:


    Vault Dweller: Hey, did you have a good time last night?

    Super Mutant: FIFE-tacular!

    Vault Dweller: Yeah, I saw you leave with FIFEette.

    Super Mutant: Oh man, as soon as we got out of the bar, she started FIFEing me.

    Vault Dweller: Shut the FIFE up!

    Super Mutant: Yeah!

    Vault Dweller: Right in the FIFEing parking lot?

    Super Mutant: FIFE-Yeah!

    Vault Dweller: Oh! That is freaking FIFE!




    It would be FIFEing glorious I tell you, glorious! And if anyone tells you otherwise just tell them to FIFE off!


    FIFEout FTW!1

  11. "NWN1. Those two games were horrendous."


    Yet... you played the OC 3+ times, bought both expansions, bought premium modules, played it years after release... L0L Your logic still sucks.






    Positive Tears - NWN for being the BETS GAME EVAR!!!


    Negative Tears - Pools of Radiance 2 was hopeless...


    Roll My Eyes Tears - Overrated KOTORs, people's love of the crappy Spiderweb games, and those who have ruined my good memories of the BG series...

    NWN still sucks no matter how many ways you slice it.

    NWN series is the best ever! R00fles!

    Only the OC epically sucked.


    HotU was the best NWN campaign (before MotB came out) but still holds it's own today and is probably better than KotOR.


    You've really got to try Darkness over Daggerford though. With the exception of HotU, I'd say it's better (and bigger) than any NwN1 expansion/module out there, and most of all it has the BG1 random-world-map-exploration feel to it. :)

  12. Fo:BOS was a fun little action game. It was never meant to be a RPG just like FOT wasn't meant to be one.

    It's actually probably the worst in those series of games behind Champions of Norrath, Baldur's Gate Dark Aliiance 1 & 2, X-Men Legends 1 & 2, and Ultimate Alliance. The controls were too clunky, there was only support for 2 players, and it lacked variance in gameplay that the classes/special heroes in the other games brought.


    Beth's FO3 is being pimped as a RPG which it is; but it's gonna be likely a bad one just like the rest of Beth's trash.

    Truer words have never been spoken.

  13. Lesbianism always makes a game better.


    I mean, name one game that wasn't made better by the inclusion of lesbians. See? You can't.

    Not only is this statement unequivocally, unconditionally true, but lesbianism is also the only known instrumentality that can make vampire sex ala Bloodlines and nurses (that's plural!!) sex ala Witcher even better.


    Note however, the Doctrine of Lesbiantasticness CANNOT be vicariously imputed to gayness, as the schlong variables (hereby abbreviated variable S) cannot substitute for boobies for want of equation balancing:


    Pixelaciousness = x * (b00bies);


    Given that pixelaciousness is directly proportional to number of b00bies, lesbianism proffers not one, but TWO, pairs for a net total of FOUR b00bies.


    Gayness on the other hand substitutes the aforementioned Quad Boob Setup for 2 pairs of variable S, for a net total of ZERO b00bies.


    Thusly, the lesbianism quantity contains a greater amount of pixelaciousness than gayness, whereupon the universe falls into balance where men are men, women are grateful, Rodians are innocent victims of circumstance, and Wookiee harboring Correlian smugglers are nothing more than cold-blooded pre-meditated Greedo murderers.

  14. Cohorts, huh? I'm not sure I like the sound of that. So do these dudes & dudettes operate like henchies or party poopers? 'Cause even though every one likes the "SURPIRSE at my oppressive stupidity and momentary genius" factor of henchmen (FO, NWN), their tendency to become a liability gets old. Real fast.


    Party members on the other hand (ala BG, KotOR) can have scripts (!!) - albeit barely competant ones - or can be taken over by the player, and are on the whole much cooler, less annoying NPCs to be around with in general (unless they're female elven druids - what the hell is up with these b****es? Seriously, it's like they're in a permanent state of PMS...).

  15. You suck, Tale. Sorry. Even Oerwinde admits Suikoden 1 sucked.


    The sad thing is that it was still better than IV.

    Yeah, but even Danger Girl* was better than Suikoden IV, and even Bok wouldn't admit to liking that.


    *Actual game play experience may vary.

  16. Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto


    Pretty decent series, if you can see past the overly long title, set in the fall of the shogunate and start of the meiji era(read: almost same time as Rurouni Kenshin).

    Is it even half way as good as Kenshin though, Kiro-san?


    'Cause if it is, then we have ourselves a WINRAR!1 (not the compression utility).

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