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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. I'll be surprised if any of know what I'm talking about, but in the Freelancer clone "DarkStar One", there's this one mission affectionately known as Flak Mission 2.


    O M F G - it's teh no. 1 pure ass WTF gaming moment of all time.


    It's so disproportionately hard, that anyone short of phenomenon hand-eye dexterity will not be able complete it. The stupid thing is that it's one of those crappy turret levels ala KotOR which they thrust upon you, and the gaming is COMPLETELY different from what you would've experienced until then (with the exception of Flak Mission 1 which was easy).


    Fortunately, I managed to complete it after much frustration at around the 12-15th attempt after watching a video of it being done.


    It's actually so bad, that the developers opened up a thread at their forum where users would send in their SAVE GAME, so the developers would "beat it" and then send it back after that level.


    I bet that thread probably still exits.

  2. It's all your fault I bought STALKER in the first place. Now I might be addicted.


    PS - two questions Gorth (then the thread highjack and your powers as a Jedi will be complete):


    1. So when do the chicks show up? I mean, the game's called STALKER for crying out loud.

    2. I heard that there are 8 different endings but only liek 3 satisfying ones (sounds proportionally like VTM:BL). So what do I have to do (generally w/o too many spoilers) to get a REAL ending?

  3. What really bugged me Stalker is that I was failing missions left and right without even knowing about it. The atmosphere of the game made me uninterested too surprisingly. The engine was always choppy too which always bugged me.

    1. You gotta use your PDF by checking the "tasks" (i.e. wasteland quests), "diary", and mostly importantly click on the map icons. Otherwise it's hell.

    2. The atmosphere is love it or hate it - if you're into teh Post-Apoc niche, then you'll love it.

    3. Patch 1.0006 liek triples your frames per second. I went from around 17-19 FPS out-of-the-box to 60+. Srsly!1

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