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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. I've just bought The Witcher and I'm pleasently suprised - it's a little wierd getting used to the combat and the voice acting is somewhat lacking most of the time.. but the setting is cool, the story is interesting and those two make up for the shortcomings of the other aspects imo.


    it also runs really smooth on my computer - I could only play Mass Effect in 1024*768 with the settings on medium - but the Witcher is able to play on max settings and full resolution.


    I'm amazed I didn't find it sooner.

    You should have waited for the enchanced edition, Rosb. It's supposed to have completely revamped voice acting amongst other things. Yes pixellated b00bies - I'm talking about you (technically two).


    I thought only the German version got a voice revamp? and the English just had updated text, animations, reduced loads times and some new missions..

    God I hope not. English Geralt sounds like Christopher Lambert during a bad bought of influenza (Note however, his voice range itself is actually greater due to some bizarre twist of fate...and general woefulness of Canadian actors in general).


    That being said Rosb, "just" and "load times" should never, I repeat NEVER be mentioned in the same sentence when talking about The Witcher. It's just poor form and it gives the children nightmares.

  2. Games I would like that won't ever come out


    Wing Commander

    Freelancer 2

    FreeSpace 3

    Jedi Knight 4

    KotOR 3 (MMO doesn't count)


    I couldn't agree more!

    I stopped reading after "Freelancer 2" for need of supplication while beholding these prophetic words of wisdom as foretold by Lord Jergal, Lord of the End of Everything, progenitor of knucklesbones, skull-bowling, the empty throne and everything totally sweet and awesome.


    However this is not enough. We must complete the ritual for purposes of posterity so that future generations can behold the sacred scriptures made 99% of win (and 1% from turnips, since Jan Jansen is kinda cool too. Annoying, but cool):


    Vampire the Masquerade 3

    Gladius 2

    King's Quest 9

    Independence War 3

    Baldur's Gate 3

    Arcanum 2

    Tachyon the Fringe 2

    Planescape 2

    A barely competent Star Trek game

  3. My new computer that I built is up and running. Here is what it is.


    ASUS MAXIMUS FORMULA LGA 775 Intel X38 ATX Intel Motherboard set up for Crossfire.

    DIAMOND Viper Radeon HD 3870 I'll get the second one later and set it up in Crossfire.

    Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 Conroe 3.0GHz

    2GB CORSAIR XMS2 DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Memory.

    Creative Sound Blaster Fatal1ty X-Fi Xtreme Gamer sound card.

    Apevia 750W power supply.

    Samsung DVD Writer.

    Seagate Barracuda 500GB SATA hard drive.

    Zalman heatsink and fan for the CPU.

    Antec 900 case.

    Windows XP Pro.


    I love the motherboard. It lets you over clock devices in the BIOS very easy.

    Thought I would upload some pictures of it.

    Out of slight curiosity (and a pinch of jealous animosity) how much did that bling-bling cost you, Luc?

  4. I've just bought The Witcher and I'm pleasently suprised - it's a little wierd getting used to the combat and the voice acting is somewhat lacking most of the time.. but the setting is cool, the story is interesting and those two make up for the shortcomings of the other aspects imo.


    it also runs really smooth on my computer - I could only play Mass Effect in 1024*768 with the settings on medium - but the Witcher is able to play on max settings and full resolution.


    I'm amazed I didn't find it sooner.

    You should have waited for the enchanced edition, Rosb. It's supposed to have completely revamped voice acting amongst other things. Yes pixellated b00bies - I'm talking about you (technically two).

  5. Chugs down lore potion and takes a closer look.


    +Dogmeat: Dogmeat = Real Ultimate Canine. This wasteland shepherd owns, has owned and will continue to own. Period.

    +Open-endedness: The linearity of rpg's these days is about as common as a chav in Chelsea, and equally as annoying.

    +There's AI: The more artificially enchanced stupidity can be limited the better. :lol:


    -AI: It's "radiant". :)

    -Exploding Cars: FPS gimmick where every environment must have explodables. Um, the last time I checked, cars in FO ran on stable microfusion cells that 1) were usually stripped; & 2) even if they weren't they didn't explode into mintature nuclear mushroom clouds. I mean, HELLO?

    -Fatman: Say, that's a nice portable mini NUKE launcher you're carrying? Is this for real - seriously? An FPS wannabe "BFG" based armed with NUKE bombs. Smartest innovation to the wasteland yet ever since well, it was nuked with bombs.

    -No Stupid Dialog: Set your int to 1 and watch the fun. Ah those were the days...FO1/2. Heck, even NWN had stupid dialog. No stupid dialog for a series that had stupid dialog has got to come down to dev laziness IMO.

    -No eye/groin shots: Almost totally destroys the fun of aiming. You've just critically missed the barn door doring a crunching 0 damaged. Yeah it sucks, but at least nostalgia will make for good party talk.

    -Unkillable children: Sounds like a cop-out to avoid public controversy. What ever happened to allowing choice? Oh yeah, we voted Republican...

    -Traits are gone: Character customization cripplage FTW! But at least we have...

    -A perk every level: The more the better, right? Wrong.

    -Deathclaws are mutated BEARS now: WTF, mate?

    -Combat: It's not meticulously turned based anymore. It's not even turned based. It's real time w/ a pause button! Now this can work well (ala Mass Effect) but then it's not a FO sequel is it? (See how simple that was, Beth).


    Conclusion: Oblivion with guns, it's OBLIVION w/ GUNZ!1

  6. I'm helping the american economy by bying from Amazon.com!


    Because their DS games are half the price we pay here. Thanks Bush!

    I'm helping the British economy by buying from Amazon.co.uk!


    Their stuff cost like twice as much, but I got Season 3 Battlestar Galactica like 6 months earlier. Thanks Gordon Brown!

  7. (CNN) -- A magnitude 5.2 earthquake shook a rural part of northern California on Tuesday evening, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.


    The moderate quake hit shortly after 8 p.m. (11 p.m. ET) about 11 miles east-southeast of Willow Creek, which is about 190 miles northwest of Sacramento.


    Nita Rowley with the Williow Creek Chamber of Commerce said she felt the earthquake as a rolling jolt, but had not received any reports of damage.


    At the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office in Eureka, Sgt. Diana Freese said several people had called to ask whether a quake had struck. She said the office had received no reports of injuries or damage.


    "It was a roll and a shake," she said.







  8. :lol: I saw a BSG commercial on SciFi...


    Some woman says "Is there something that you want? Is there something that you need?" Then she jumps on a guy with an eyepatch and starts punching him in the face and smiling.



    I take it you don't watch BSG?




    Anyway guys, the final Cylon is definitely

    Gaius Baltar

    . I have ze proof! :lol:

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