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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. There are polls, that gets started out of genuine wish to know things, there are polls that gets started out of ignorance and there are polls that spam.


    While not being blatant spam, this and a few other recent polls smells suspiciously like old ham out of the can  :(


    But then, since the forum doesn't have a random chit-chat section, it's probably too much to ask "Please stop ?"  ;)


    Who am I to talk. Two posts already in this non essential thread  :rolleyes:

    I just noticed you member number, lol.



  2. I was on Biowares forum as Darth-Furball. And I was involved in a 69 page thread which was hilarious.

    Are you talking about the infamous "Bastilla vs Padme" thread? :unsure:

    Indeed I am. What was your nick there?

    The same. BTW, I hope you didn't miss out on the relatively recent "Darth Enchani" flame threads, 'cause they were absolute mint. B)

  3. I was on Biowares forum as Darth-Furball. And I was involved in a 69 page thread which was hilarious.

    Are you talking about the infamous "Bastilla vs Padme" thread? :unsure:

  4. Duku was a punk.  Just didn't want to admit that if he kept up hi pretty force lighting Yoda would have kicked his butt.  So Yoda showed him what a real lightsaber fight was.


    Side note I hope Mace Kills Duku in the next movie.



    Yeah, the fact that he's so smug makes it worse!


    I do hope it's Mace that gets to swipe that wry smile off Dooku's face.

  5. Shdy314,May 11 2004, 01:01 PM]


    It's obvious you are hypersensitive


    Sensitive people always think everything is a flame.


    It just seems rather hypocritical that you feel that others are "oversensitive". :-



    Don't go calling me names


    seemed to be your hallucination despite your later stance of:


    Oh you haven't EXPLICITLY called me anything.
  6. All I asked was you address my concerns I brought up in my original post. Don't go calling me names just because you can't. And name calling is a lot more inflammatory than me disagreeing with you and laying out all the reasons why. Get your act together. this is a message board. No need to get worked up. Don't post anything if you can't take criticism.

    Look friend, I'm not seeking any quarrel with you, but look at the facts.


    I haven't explicitly "called you names" as such. I'm merely describing your belligerent attitude. Characterizing you comments as impudent (lacking modesty

    ), or insolent ( insultingly contemptuous in speech ), seems to accurately portray your behavior, does it not?


    And name calling is a lot more inflammatory than me disagreeing with you and laying out all the reasons why


    Firstly I'm not launching personal attacks on you. You are. Secondly, lets see you "disagreeing with", whilst "laying out all the reasons why":



    Oh yeah that'd be great.  :rolleyes:


    Flame marked by sarcasm.


    Hmm on second thought this is an incredibly stupid idea.  <_<


    Another judgemental troll.


    Just repeated yourself saying how great it would be but offering no explanation and answering not a single point I mentioned


    Rather arrogant to assume I was talking to you, when I was addressing Ichpokhudezh's point.


    "Rwrawwwk. I think it'd be kewl to make items break because I enjoy seeing that feature it's so realistic and I just bet every gamer in the whole world will love it too. Rwark what's that? Not worth implementing you say? Nonsense! Why?... Rwark because I like it."  <_<


    Now that condescending flame is rather bestial, isn't it?


    Get your act together


    Follow your own advice, mate.


    Don't post anything if you can't take criticism


    First of all, it's not your place to tell me whether I should or should not post anything. Secondly, there's a distinct different between "criticism" and outright malicious belittling.




    You and Nartwak of all people (being experienced posters on this board), should know better than to stoop to such indecorous behavior.



  7. I see that you had no logical arguments to a single point I brought up. Just repeated yourself saying how great it would be but offering no explanation and answering not a single point I mentioned.

    Don't be so impudent to assume that one as insolent as yourself is the singular fulcrum for all discussion. In case you're having difficulty recollecting, it was

    after I had acknowledged Ichpokhudezh's initial comment that you chose to resort to inherently disrespectful & inflammatory remarks.


    Now one can only hazard a guess as to why someone would actually want to converse with another who exhibits an overwhelming fetish to berate and caricature fellow forum members, as opposed to employing your vaunted "logical arguments".


    However I'm not one to hold grudges. So if you are willing to demonstrate a moderate level of courtesy, then I as well shall make earnest efforts to ensure that my speculatation conforms to your standards.



  8. Oh yeah that'd be great.  :)  It's difficult to implement, makes fights even easier, destroys game balance, a hit from a blaster could destroy a weapon just as much as a lightsaber so then you have to implement breaking weapons and let every weapon have the possibility of breaking a weapon, and then you have to hear five people say "Wow, kewl" and 5 million people complain how everyone except Jedi are now useless because HK-47's blaster rifle is destroyed every time you fight Sith, and we've seen  lightsabers be destroyed before so obviously lightsabers should be breakable too and then everyone complains how they have to build a new lightsaber after every fight. Or it hardly ever happens and people complain how enemies seem to break their weapon a lot more then they break enemies weapons or that 10k credit blaster rifle is now lost forever.... Hmm on second thought this is an incredibly stupid idea. <_<


    Let's try and remember first and foremost this is a game.  Not the holosuite in Star Trek.

    Morrowind, one of the best RPG's, incorporated a 'damage sustained to weapon' system. So this idea is not unheard of in a CRPG.


    Secondly, comparing the effects of Lightsabers in the movies is hardly insignificant, as it represents what the lightsaber is meant to be.


    On the topic of movie-to-game integration of lightsaber eventualites, the devs of KotOR did succesfully depict 'blaster bolt deflection'. If the guys at Obsidian could somehow subsume the other properties (e.g. Obi-Wan using the saber to absorb Force Lightning, Qui-Gon piercing through armored plating, Mace Windu destoying Jango's blaster), it would add an unequivocal flavor of realism.



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