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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. "Party members on the other hand (ala BG, KotOR) can have scripts (!!)"


    L0L but, no.


    BG series joinables are HENCHMEN.


    NWN OC joinables are EXPERT HIRINGS.


    NWN SOU/HOTU joinables are a mix of HENCHMEN and PARTY MEMBERS.


    Don't let BIO, and OBSIDIAN trick you with their delusional changing of actual D&D terminology.

    Ach. They've already tricked me.


    Volo, what's the difference between the three again? :(

  2. Which is the way it should be - Balors are supposed to be bad-assed mofos.


    Nowadays on (yeah, I'm looking at you NwN) it's like "w00t, my uber l33t Monk 11/Fighter 12/Invisible Blade 5/Divine Champion 2 with 18 attacks via flurry-of-blows and perfect two weapon fighting w/ dual +5 kamas w/ 15d6 elemental damage can take down the Balor in 1.26 seconds...not counting bleeding damage".

  3. I found Jericho at Gamestop for $5 when I went pre-order a copy of Clear Sky, so now I'm installing that. Oh yeah, I'm also still playing The Witcher - although I know that if I do not finish within the week I'll need to start over (my copy of the expanded version will be available on the 17th).

    Dear Deadly - fellow Witcher brother-in-arms - many a night have I pondered the same philosophical quandary: Hawt-nekkid-Witcher-b00bies now, or hawter-nekkider-Witcher-b00bies for the days to come.


    Never did I think such an answer could be possible...until the fateful day I discovered The Price of Neutrality.


    Allow its b00bie-goodness to sate your Witcher craving until the glorious day the expanded version is released.

  4. ...

    5. Championship Manager 97/98


    I bow my head in absolute utter embarassment at forgetting this gem of a series. My favorite version would be 01/02, the last version with the wibble/wobble tactics system. But the series was amazing. The sucessor series, Football Manager, is still too unbalanced for me to get nearly the enjoyment I got out of CM. Easily the best sports sim of all time. One of the best strategy games of all time. And you could even RP in it, since you assumed the manager's persona. Tactics, acquisitions, finances. Bloody brilliant game.

    ZOMG, I can't believe I forgot this one. The best CM game ever.

  5. Bow down to the CoD4 master-pwner.


    I just went 40-1-16 on Overgrown. :lol:


    In my entire 2 hour CoD4 career, my best match had me at 28-29. Stupid jerks hiding just around corners. :blink:

    So many questions, so few answers!


    1. PC or 360 CoD4?


    2. What Gun setup did you use?


    3. Which glorious map were you on?


    4. Why only 2 hours?

  6. I'm shocked and amazed at some of you people (my buddy Oerwinde especially) who think "executing" these people would be for the betterment of society.


    These fat criminals are still real, living people with vast amounts of untouched biomass. Fuel is is short supply and gas prices just keeping going up!


    We need to preserve resources by spontaneously combusting these people so that we - the good folk - can eek out our existence with a little extra warmth and MPG.

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