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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Only 4 days 'till release, but it looks like the manual's already up - and legitimately/non-leaked this time too!




    Very disappointed with the lack of recipes. Shame on you Bethy! So getting the Ninja perk though - it's let's you flip out and kill people ALL the time (if you don't then you're a little baby). Grim Reaper, however, looks insanely overpowered.


    Alas, how I miss thee Mushroom Clouds and Desert Salad. :(

  2. Playing F.E.A.R.. Combat is so much fun compared to Half Life 2.

    I found the multiplayer both in FEAR and HL2 pretty weak. I do wholeheartily recommend the singleplayer FEAR though!

    People only complain about the MP combat of a game if they suck at it. :aiee:


    But, admittedly, FEAR and CoD4 are very n00b friendly FPS'.

  3. I'm kind of interested to see what crates look like 300 years after the last KOTOR game ended.



    Lookin' for some hot crate baby this evenin'

    I need some hot crate baby tonight

    I want some hot crate baby this evenin'

    Gotta have some hot crate

    Gotta have some crate tonight

    Hot crate

    I need hot crate

    I want some hot crate

    I need hot crate

  4. Fable 2.


    Midnight launch for the win. I played for three hours and didn't realize it, the game FEELS MASSIVE and the dog is quite good at its job, but I personally would have preferred a solo adventure rather than one that has a dog chasing you around.

    How does that midnight launch thing work again?

    Gamestop has a rule that if a game gets over a certain number of preorders at a store, that store will be open at midnight so the second it hits 12am of the day of release then you can purchase it.


    I just go to talk and hang out (we played quake 2 because there were so few people there) but it nets me a game I'm going to get and some out of the house time.

    Sounds cool. :thumbsup:


    Now if only there was a way to work out which specific Gamespot stores are the high traffic ones.

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