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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Things I haven't seen yet and I'm level 18:


    1. Deathclaws

    2. BoS that I can join to get power armor

    3. Super Mutant Behemoth

    4. Dogmeat :shifty:


    RE: Deathclaws and Supermutants. What's the explanation of how supermutants got to the east coast, anyway? They were all over California because of the vats and such. Same with Deathclaws. I thought they were a west coast product, but maybe they are...I haven't come across any yet!

    1. As for Deathclaws, consider yourself lucky - there's a HUGE deathclaw right outside


    trainyard outside the


    hideout. I initially discovered the


    trainyard when following King's advice in searching for The


    , and so I connected to it via

    Northwest Seneca

    station near Arefu. The thing is, thereafter fast traveled to it (not noticing there was a deathclaw) when I was level 2 or 3, and *BOOM* just like that I'm face-to-face with the best. I love how they've reverted them to their FO1 legendary stature (I always found them too watered down and common in FO2 and tactics).


    2 & 3. I tagged along with a BoS troupe (surely a scripted event I believe) when exiting

    Chevy North

    train station while locating the Galaxy New Radio building. You'll know the one, since the blondie (Sentinel Sarah Lyons) and her group are taking down hordes of Supermutants. One of the apprentices (Jenkins?) had died so I think there was a Power Armor and Power Helmet up for grabs. But when the Behemoth showed up I literally ran and hid. That thing was a monstrosity and was ripping the BoS to shreds.


    I recommend getting to

    Chevy North


    Faragut West

    metro, as it was a memorable Resident Evil-esque experience. Plus, I discovered this really cloak-and-dagger quest through a recorded holo-tape which still has me stumped.


    4. I must have found Dogmeat when level 2 or 3. I remember doing that


    quest for


    in Megaton. Well, just south of


    , there's


    . Dogmeat should be there fighting off/having killed off some raiders.


    Edit: Dogmeat is the absolute best. Not only does he bite faster than you can shoot, but he doesn't seem to count against your follower NPC limit.

  2. ZOMG...remember those arrogant game hunters who sold you what they thought was the tastiest meat in all the wasteland? I came across them again

    and they were chasing down and shooting at a random wastelander! It must have been human meat! Naturally, I hunted them down and relieved them of their helpful l00t



    Also, I finally got the much coveted ripper! I came across a BoS group fighting off a group of super mutants. What caught my illustrious eye, however, was that one of the BoS paladins was yielding the ripper! I didn't want to engage in hostilities, however, so I tailed that intrepid knight pretending to look helpful...and waited until she was surrounded by super mutants. Naturally, she was reduced to a pulp, and I looted the ripper before bolting my rear end outta there!

  3. I'm having a lot more fun now :p Just cleared a den of fire ants! MFers were tough as nails!


    I found something that has SEVERELY turned the tide in my favor, maybe unbalancing-ly so. A RIPPER!!


    I climbed out of the metro at Falls Church and was able to shred a group of supermutants limb from limb! This thing might be a bit overpowered because you can simply hold down the attack button and, as it's name implies, it rips and rips and rips! It has no ammo, either, so that makes it even worse. If you get within striking distance of anybody that uses guns, they're mince meat.


    Anybody else come across this thing yet?

    I haven't come across it yet, Ark.


    BTW, would my ST1, EN 1 character be able to use the ripper properly?

  4. Hey, I'm only at that little township place up north and I've already found dog meat.


    I believe he's a random encounter, I've already put in 17 hours of gameplay and haven't seen him yet.

    I'm almost certain it's not a random encounter. I found Dogmeat in


    which is south of


    . He'll be fighting a bunch of raiders...or would have killed them all by the time you get there. Good Dogmeat! :grin:

  5. I'm up to three bobbleheads now! :)


    I'm usually not too fond of collectibles in games (except for platform games and such), but I must say I really enjoy finding these extremely rare bobbleheads. Who would have imagined that a collectible item would work in a serious RPG? Not me!

    WTF, mkreku?


    I've been playing since monday night and I still haven't found a ****ing bobblehead. It's beginning to piss me off.



    I take it you're supposed to stack them in your Megaton house


  6. OMG I barge into the clinic with my knife and I cut the doctor's head off
    But I needed meds and he charges 100 caps, how do you earn caps in this game can't you get a job?

    Damn, this made me laugh out loud. I would LOVE to watch you play this game, Bok.



    I second that! Post some pics, Bok!


    (I would myself but the st00pid 360 isn't screenshot friendly...it needs a HD PC gfx card - if I had that, then I wouldn't be playing it on the 360!)

  7. I think this is going to be another case like Oblivion, where I get lost and end up not beating the game, haha

    Yes, looks and feels just like Oblivion, Oblivion with Guns! From my observations that is.

    How does it feel like Oblivion from observation, Dark Raven?

  8. How are the big guns' fatalities? Can you rip half of someone's chest apart?


    Also, can turn someone's head into red mist with your fists?

    1) Not half...but all of it I think.


    2) A critical hit with a Power Fist uppercut will take off their head with a spray of blood emerging from their neck. Add Bloody Mess to the picture and the decapitated head will turn into red mist.



  9. I've only noticed one bug so far: After sitting down on chairs/stools/sofas or whatever, the 3rd person camera resets to the default 3rd person settings. So you'll have to readjust the camera depth if you're using the 3rd person view.


    I get that too, just move the mouse up and it's fixed

    Which is a little more annoying if you have to simultaneously hold down the left shoulder button while pushing up the right analog stick. :sorcerer:


    Edit: The worst part was that it took me about half an hour to work that out.

  10. I would have got it on the PC...if my overclocked gfx didn't blow up.


    As it stands, the framerate on the 360 is pretty solid for what appears to be pretty much seamless outdoor terrain.


    I've only noticed one bug so far: After sitting down on chairs/stools/sofas or whatever, the 3rd person camera resets to the default 3rd person settings. So you'll have to readjust the camera depth if you're using the 3rd person view.

  11. Some of the perks appear to grant dialogue options and there appears to be a lot of them. So if you don't buy dialogue perks, a lot of the options won't be available. I don't see why you would need special training to talk to people. I mean, one or two of those would be acceptable, but it really looks like there's too many.

    There are only two perks that provide additional dialog options: Lady Killer/Blackwidow (depending on your sex), and Child at Heart.


    And the lack thereof doesn't prevent you from otherwise talking to an NPC - they merely add an alternate means of completing quests...or obtaining other rewards.


    To use a V:tM analogue, think of Lady Killer/Blackwidow as Seduction, and Child at Heart as Malkavian dialog.


    Nb - Lady Killer (and I suppose Blackwidow) is awesome! It also adds an extra 10% damage to the opposite sex in combat!

  12. How's the levelling up? One perk for every level, and no traits really sound like dumb ideas.

    One perk per level sounds a bit like overkill.



    Depends how powerful they are. Its just a matter of game design, not inherently any better or worse than one every three levels.

    I've always thought that a perk/feat every level is overkill too. That's probably why I never used a soldier/guardian in KotOR or a Fighter in D&D.


    But remember all those useless "flavor", "skill increase", or "sex" perks that nobody ever wanted in FO1/2 as it's a "waste" of a perk slot? Well, here most of the early level-mid level perks are mostly skill increase/flavorful perks that don't add too much overt power to your character.


    But, I'll let you be the judge:







    Nb - in addition to these perks, there are tons of story related perks (more like acquired traits) that you'll get from questing (e.g. Power Armor training from joining the BoS).

  13. How does LUCK come into play?

    Luck operates as a slight skill modifier for EVERY skill (though not by nearly as much as its primary modifier - i.e. LU will increase the melee skill, but not by nearly the same amount as ST would).


    It also serves as a pre-requisite for certain perks. E.g. I think "Better Criticals" need PE 6 & LU 6.


    As for random encounters...I'll just have to wait and see when/if I encounter one. :thumbsup:

  14. Sounds like a damn good game, honestly.

    Best game Bethesda has put out yet.

    Which isn't exactly saying much as Bethesda's previous games have been pretty ****.


    But...this game does seem to be legitimately on par with, dare I say it, Black Isle quality. :thumbsup:

  15. It sounds like Bethesda really stepped up for this one.


    I think I'm going to faint actually. But it's a good kind of faint.

    Don't get me wrong - I still hate Bethesda with an undying fury...


    ...but this is definitely leagues better than anything they've ever released, and is probably on par (if not better) than anything Bioware has released lately. :thumbsup:

  16. Do you feel like your choice of stats and skills is creating a unique player character? Do you feel like your player character will not have some options that another pc will and vice versa? Does having a high skill, say in speech or lockpicking, make a real difference to the game?

    I'd have to say so, crashgirl.


    Take my smarmy charmy Doc Holiday character. Unlike the demo videos where that sheriff d00d threatens to "f***in' end yah" as I'm "f***in' pyscho wastelander", he's was practically melting in the palm of my hands.


    Almost every dialog I've seen so far has a special "speech check" dialog which is working really great for my guy. Also, depending of perks like Lady Killer/Blackwidow or Child at Heart, you'll get special dialogs with members of the opposite sex, or children, respectively.


    Also, there are certain primary stat dialog options too (i.e. a high strength allows you to intimidate).


    Good stuff so far. :thumbsup:


    Wow. That sounds pretty good. So you don't feel like the game is going to railroad Doc into the same combat heavy role as it might some high strength/endurance character?

    Actually, Doc being the charming son of devil that he is was able to rescue the damsel in distress by TURNING certain gang members against each other (ala lord of the rings Wormtongue) rather then engage in hostilities.


    I've only been fighting so far out of choice as Doc's an absolute demon with a pistol, and VATS (I'm truly ashamed to admit :( ), is one of the most addictive game mechanics since NwN2's metamagics.

  17. So I take it that if you don't want to make a non-gimped build, you should tag small guns and speech?


    Incidentally, is it possible to plant explosives on someone and watch them blow up?

    1) That's what I did (my build is posted in the other thread). But I suppose you could go with high Charisma (for the natural speech increase modifier), and high Intelligence (and/or the Educated perk) and use those extra skill points into whatever you want (such as speech).


    2) Definitely! The "plant" is the sexier sister of "pickpocket", you know!


    Also, there's some First Bitchizen Lynette syndrome going on too! (i.e. if you permanently piss off someone...then bye-bye area). :thumbsup:

  18. Do you feel like your choice of stats and skills is creating a unique player character? Do you feel like your player character will not have some options that another pc will and vice versa? Does having a high skill, say in speech or lockpicking, make a real difference to the game?

    I'd have to say so, crashgirl.


    Take my smarmy charmy Doc Holiday character. Unlike the demo videos where that sheriff d00d threatens to "f***in' end yah" as I'm "f***in' pyscho wastelander", he's was practically melting in the palm of my hands.


    Almost every dialog I've seen so far has a special "speech check" dialog which is working really great for my guy. Also, depending of perks like Lady Killer/Blackwidow or Child at Heart, you'll get special dialogs with members of the opposite sex, or children, respectively.


    Also, there are certain primary stat dialog options too (i.e. a high strength allows you to intimidate).


    Good stuff so far. :thumbsup:

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