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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. All RPGs ought to be as difficult as Blade of Darkness, or Demon's Souls. Not only will this provide meaning to l33t pr4nage of w00t proportions (to those capable to snacking on their fallen foes with eviscersauce), but it also serves a barrier to entry separating us elitist vets of hardcore gaming to the simian plebs of casual gaming. After all, only a retarded system rewards spastictude with advancement. If you can't handle the heat, learn to cook or get out of the kitchen.

    Unless of course, you're a woman. In that case, make sure my dinner's ready by 7PM.

  2. I seem to have rather fond memories of single handedly driving away one of these Bio-weenie-Kotor-romance-scribblers away from these boards following the epic events of a certain thread that has long been entombed in halls of infamy.


    Ah, those were the days...

  3. Requires free 20 GB HD space?


    **** off! :lol:


    People are still complaining about games taking up space? Hard drives are dirt cheap these days, you can get a 500GB one for $50 with free shipping.

    Just because George Jetson's making more money these days doesn't mean Jane is entitled to his whole wallet. She should be grateful for the one note that she's given.

  4. There's a big difference between an arcade shmup(that's tautology btw) and a tactically sound and challenging rpg.


    There's a case to be made for hard rpgs, but unfortunately those often translate to metagaming, chartology and munchkinism when it comes to gameplay.

    Blade of Darkness and Demon's Souls have to be the most brutally difficult RPG-esque games devised by mankind*!









    See what I did there? No mere woman could pull off a North Cross - South Cross - Northern Lights decapitation evisceration.


  5. I don't know what's funnier: that Hungarian shops had the nerve to increase DA:O's price by about 15 USD, or that the CE won't be more expensive, making the price difference laughably small. :sorcerer:

    ...or that there are Hungarians who actually pay for their games!

  6. Grrr, stupid snowy conditions had some guy pull out of a parking lot in front of me without me having the ability to stop on icy roads, resulting in accident of doom. Car is drivable, but a fair bit of damage. Here's hoping I don't get any unnecessary insurance drama because I'm not at fault. Though there's no witnesses so it's he said-she said. THe guy didn't seem like a **** though.


    And that was Edmontons first snowfall over the weekend, right? There's usually tons of drivers that need to realize they need more time to do anything when they drive in the winter. After the first few week of it everyone seems to adjust, for the most part.


    I like your optimism, Alan. In my experience, dealing with insurance companies sucks. And is probably supposed to be sucky in nature to begin with. Just be glad that you weren't injured, and that the accident didn't happen in the parking lot. Alberta law states that accidents in lots are 50-50, no matter who is to blame. I think.

    1. What's this "snow" and "ice" you guys speak of?

    2. What's an "Alberta"? Is that, like, a female Albert?

  7. D2D is racist so I won't use it.

    Okay, I'll bite (though I'm sure I'll regret it like the time I had sex with that crossing guard because she looked young and then I found out she was 12)*


    How can a digital download provider be racist?









    *TOMBS points for those who get the reference. And no google cheating you cheating googlers.

  8. Well, I finished the game as a bandit and am now replaying it from the side of the Order. Instead of letting Jan take me to the bandit's camp, I let him take me to.. uh.. that little house on the prairie. And from there on I let one of the farmers take me to Harbour Town. I am currently in Harbour Town, solving quests for the Order. Not a gigantic difference from doing the quests for the bandits, but enough to make it interesting. I have yet to be called up to the commander.


    I think I will go mage this time. I never play as a mage in any game. I will probably suck at it.

    Mkeku, will I be able to fondle orcs in this game? If so I'll pick one up tonight.

  9. Independence War 2 is pretty sweet, but it's probably not on GamersGate.

    If you can find me a place where I can download legitimate copies (not the bukkake version) of I-War 1 & 2, I will name my first born after you.

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