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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. EaW is really just the bastard child of Supremacy/Rebellion and Galactic Battlegrounds. Both too distasteful to mention in polite company, and their consummation is more disturbing than awkward.


    But at least it's better than Force Commander! By Azura, by Azura, by Azura...

  2. I've bought 3 games from them over the years:


    Darkstar: One

    Football Manager 2009

    King's Bounty The Legend


    Apparently, I also have something called "Volvo the Game" but I don't remember buying that. :o

  3. Risen/Drakensang/NWN



    In your Drakensang game, specialize in two-handed axes/maces. Trust me, you won't regret it. Not only is the game's "uber" weapon the best when you choose the two-handed mace form (3D + 2, plus strength bonus of 15/1) but you'll get and unstoppable two-handed warhammer way before that (Dragonslayer's Warhammer) sporting 1D +7 damage with a strength bonus of 14/1.


    These x/1 strength weps are awesome! When you boost your strength above 30 (with equipment, buffs, and character points) you can be dishing out 30+ damage plus wounds on every strike!

  4. I actually adore the FO3 graphics engine. My GTX 260 handles it on max settings at a stable 40+ FPS. Contrast that with VtM: BL or Hellgate: London where the coding is so bad that it frequently drops under 20 FPS.

  5. ZOMG, I luurve this game! I just spent the last hour and 20 re-loads trying to put a single dent in this huge monstrous Death Knight past the bridge on Sargon's origin story. I couldn't keep my distance, as he'd launch these scorching lightning balls at me. Nor could I close in properly as his fat, mother****ing sword would sever my head or limbs clean off like a Brazilian wax.


    He'd reduced me to a smidgem of hit-points, so I did the only thing an honorable knight would do: I turned tail and ran!


    And just as a enemy baddie tried to jump me and I thought it was all over, I severed his head clean off, and watched him stutter to the ground, blood spewing from his gaping neck wound! *nom nom*


    But the best part was that xp had taken me to Level 4 (which restored my HP), and now I unlocked something called "Swing of Pride". On top of that I followed the stairs down and discovered a Power Potion, after dodging a pair of flaming pendulums!


    With my pride & health restored, I returned to the Death Knight, chugged down the Power Potion, and flawlessly executed back-to-back Swings of Pride (nailing that combo to perfection) slaying the Death Knight in two hits!


    Let the blood run!

  6. My Sargon is getting prawned! Teach me the bling-bling pwnage moves, guys!


    Nb - awesome origin story btw. Are you listening Bioware?


    EDIT: @virumor: Slow, ponderous and powerful has always been my preference, rather than quick and weak. That's probably why I loved White Demon (vs. Tiger Strike or whatever it was called) in Jade Empire.

  7. Yes! Both to Gorgon's question and to my genius!


    I got it working!


    *squeals and makes funky dance*


    The installer has to be in XP compatibility mode, but the exe fires up in 98/ME mode. Who would have thunk it?


    EDIT: Gorgon, if you're running it in XP/Vista or have a certain types of Radeon/GeForce cards, then the menus and water will be blacked out. Now although the rest of the game looks better in D3D rendering, you're going to have to install the OpenGL raster in the bin director of the game: http://rampage.bigtruck-canada.ca/blade/oth/raster.zip


    Then select the raster at setup. Oh, and use the 2D Miles Audio as your audio setup, 'cause the others (esp Direct X) seems to cause messy crashes.

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