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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Just preordered the Digital Deluxe Edition from D2D. Check out my special bling!

    • Dalish Ring
    • Memory Band
    • Stone Prisoner
    • Warden's Keep
    • Bergen's Honor
    • Grimoire of the Frozen Wastes
    • Final Reason
    • Blood Dragon Armor
    • Soundtrack


    I put on my robe and wizard hat. :thumbsup:

  2. Just saw Transformers 2. 4 things I hated, the rest was very entertaining. Hated things were:


    1: Megan Fox airbrushing a motorcycle gastank upside down. WTF.

    2: Pretender.

    3: Devastators Testicles.

    4: Robot Heaven.

    It is worth seeing, Oerwinde? As a fellow purist (and purveyor of good taste) I've resisted watching it 'till now.

  3. Just give me generic repairs kits and I'll settle for that. Have the repair skill affect the number of kits used, hp recovery, and of course, quest solutions. I don't want micromanaging tedium; I want a gameplay mechanic that is fun, simple, & addictive. If I wanted to play a blacksmithing sim, I'd play Arcanum FFS!

  4. Turns out that training thousands of terrorists in your own country and believing you somehow control them is FAIL. It's like trying to revenge yourself on your spouse by giving yourself HIV.


    Having said that I am sorry for the hundreds of poor Pakistani civs who are being murdered. It's not as if they've had much say in the matter.


    My overall view is that I'm just glad we started to tackle these bastards when we did. They'd have only got stronger the longer we left it.

    We can always nuke 'em if push comes to shove.

  5. Started playing a recently released NWN2 mod called 'Live Forever', by the same modder who did 'Asphyxia'. Very, very story-oriented so far but he makes that clear in the mod description, so I knew what I was getting into. Seems quite interesting so far though I've only played for a very short while.






    "oh hai. can I has liff4ever & swiksia review pls? thx k bye."

  6. I fail. :lol:

    Kirottu, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training. With our combined strength, we can end this tentacular conflict and bring order to hentai.



  7. I don't think BioWare's artist are bad; I think that no video game female is going to look as attractive as a hot woman. If we're just talking a still, computer generated image, it could be done, but nothing that's actually going to move around the screen will rate.


    I think it depends on how normal the watcher tastes are.


    Edit: I

  8. That's the one. I always get my Afterfall and The Fall mixed up. Aren't they both supposed to be s**t though?

    There are three categories of s**t now: "s**t", "the s**t", and "the new s**t". Please be more specific.

    Category of Pertinent S**t = "that s**t is whack!"

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