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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Why 8GB of relatively slow DDR2? Wouldn't it have been wiser to buy 4 GB of fast DDR2?

    You're right. But I already had 4GB of the DDR2 from my old build and it was cheaper to buy another 4GB DDR2 (a really sweet deal since its obsolete) than DDR3. I since I can't exactly mix DDR2 with DDR3 I figured 8 GB DDR2 would be better than 4 GB DDR3. But I guess I'll be needing better memory soon...

  2. I also romanced Leliana, so her

    ending was totally bittersweet & awesome: staying at Alistair's court for a while grieving, writing a ballad for the ages in your memory before being reunited with you in DA heaven



    Problem with heaven is the Grey Warden's soul was destroyed along with the Old God's... Leliana's ending actually convinced me the poor girl was completely bonkers with her 'visions'.


    Crazy in the head means crazy in the sack. :dancing:

  3. Which makes me wonder btw:

    i'm curious what happens at the end of DA if you choose to sacrifice yourself instead of having the kid? I assume there's no denounment, just straight to the end sequence???

    It's awesome. Especially since I was playing Human Noble. You get your own


    and mine was given by

    Alistair since he was King

    with important people from the game being there. I also romanced Leliana, so her

    ending was totally bittersweet & awesome: staying at Alistair's court for a while grieving, writing a ballad for the ages in your memory before being reunited with you in DA heaven

    . Also,

    Alistair gives Cousland brother back Highever & Howe's land, which Cousland donates to the Wardens. And of course, they carry your coffin back to the epic Grey Warden mausoleum.


  4. ^Thanks.


    I don't really care about the number crunching at any rate, Morrowind had pretty much the same thing going on. Lots of hidden mathematical formulae... didn't prevent people from completely breaking the game anyway.

    Don't be talking **** about my (pre-nerfed) Robe of St. Roris. :(

  5. AMD Athlon II X4 620

    ASUS M4A785-M

    8GB PC2-6400 DDR2 PNY Optima

    BFG GeForce GTX 260

    250GB WD Raptor

    550W Thermaltake Black Widow

    32" Samsung HDTV/Panel Monitor

    Windows 7 Ultimate-64

  6. But it's such a generic setting. :(
    No. It's just that it became such a cult icon that its influence has been felt in sci-fi/horror works ever since.


    "In space no one can hear you scream"

    In Soviet Sega, scream hears you!

  7. ^Is there any information on how Stealth checks work in the game? Is Cunning really essential?


    I think my Dalish Elf is going to go with bombs, combined with Tier 4 stealth and the three maxed out Archery talents. And maybe a few DW feats for some boss fights if I can get away with it.

    1. Where is the recipe for freeze bombs (and what ingredients do they use)?

    2. Can you shatter with archery?


    If so, my next char (for my 3rd playthrough) is going to be a Dalish Elf (I've been dying to play this origin, but I'm not done with my Arcane Warrior game) archer abusing stealth-freeze-bombing.

  8. Just for clarification:


    Was Flemeth's plan to

    get Morrigan impregnated with spermtastic Grey Warden baby so that she could come along and body-snatch Morrigan, and have her very own Dragon-God mama's boy



    it was to possess Morrigan and live longer.


    That goes without saying. However, the fact that she

    instructed Morrigan to perform the ritual implies that she wanted Morrigan to be impregnated.

    . So the inference drawn from that is

    that she must have wanted to have the baby as her own after possessing Morrigan as a means to extend her life



    Maybe she wanted to possess the unborn baby and be reborn with an extra set of old god powers?


    Hawt diggidy - I think you're right! >_<

  9. Be that as it may, let's move on from inter-forum commentary, it's dangerous territory. >_<

    TROLL! Heathen! BURN THE WITCH! In my day we could flame a bi0weenie back to the fiery depths of hell from whence they came! Now we can't even look at them the wrong way without getting banned or molested with Dave Gaider's beard clippings!

  10. Just for clarification:


    Was Flemeth's plan to

    get Morrigan impregnated with spermtastic Grey Warden baby so that she could come along and body-snatch Morrigan, and have her very own Dragon-God mama's boy



    it was to possess Morrigan and live longer.


    That goes without saying. However, the fact that she

    instructed Morrigan to perform the ritual implies that she wanted Morrigan to be impregnated.

    . So the inference drawn from that is

    that she must have wanted to have the baby as her own after possessing Morrigan as a means to extend her life


  11. I'm wondering if we have any more extended battles like this.


    LOL! Redcliffe is a saturday night pub fight in comparison to the rest of the game!


    in terms of actual duration, redcliffe is probable the longest single battle... which is what makes it so taxing for wrong built & low-level parties that is unaware they need a large stock o' potions. in every other portion o' the game you may inch towards daylight... fight & rest, fight & rest. heck, those lyrium veins that show up in various places significantly ameliorate the player's need for potions as the mage types may re-charge on-the-fly and then heal party or smote foes. no such option is available in redcliffe. also, aristes did dahlish first, if we recall correct... and then the mage tower.


    HA! Good Fun!

    A low level melee party that goes to Redcliffe first (gee, thanks Alistair) will get zombie-lynched by hordes of undead mobs with no daylight on the horizon. That's what happened on my first playthrough & 'twas a nightmare. However, since then, my fireball toting mage makes light work of them without even needing to use health potion.

  12. It's all a losing game anyway. Even if you minimize/eliminate man's impact on global warming, we're at the end of a thaw. The coming ice age is inevitable.




    Eventually this interglacial period will lead into another ice age via too much cold water from glaciers hitting the ocean and adjusting the Gulf Stream so that it no longer warms up Europe.




    For what it's worth I've seen the science on both of these sites being thrown around other places before, these are just the first two links I found that were easy to digest. Even if the warming/cooling cycle doesn't work as specified in the second link, that Ice Ages and Interglacials are cyclical is pretty incontrovertible.

    You have no chance to survive make your time.

    HA HA HA HA ...

  13. DO NOT WANT!


    It's like my Morrowind Robe of St. Roris all over again. :(

    Who's to say this new patch doesn't install itself automatically without you knowing? Just like with the Edge?


    I don't want it either. They even have the audacity to nerf Crushing Prison, Cone of Cold & Force Field. Bah.


    And those Denerim bandit encounters are awesome. Maybe for Nightmare difficulty they should've replaced all those 'generic' thugs with Ser Cauthrien duplicates.



    My Arcane Warrior is relying exclusively on Shimmering Shield, Crushing Prison, & Force Field. I NEED those spells. So I thought I'd purposefully avoid the patch until I'm finished with this playthough...but then I load up DA and BAM, I get hit by a user license agreement? What does this mean?! Have I just been auto-nerfed?! :lol:

  14. so it looks like Dragon Age is a much better finisher.


    sadly, as a finisher da is not bioware's best game. the last hour of the game... drags, and the final battle made us say, "that's it?" the epilogues (when not bugged) is nice enough. not a great finisher, but very solid all the way through.


    HA! Good Fun!

    Grom, what would you say is Bio's best finisher?

  15. Dragon Age 1.02 patch has been released.

    If it nerfs my Shimmering Shield, I don't want it!



    The Shimmering Shield spell now deactivates when the character is out of mana.



    It's like my Morrowind Robe of St. Roris all over again. :(

    Or the BG2 Cloak of Reflection.

    Ah, the Cloak of Reflection...


    After donning that a beholder never looked at me in the same way. :(

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