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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. At any moment I am expecting Jack Thompson to bust in and yell out "OBJECTION!"

    Does anyone have a pic of that fanart where Sand is yelling "Objection!" much to shock and amazement of everyone else? It was epic.





    Oner wins TEH INTERNETS!!11

  2. So where does it rate in the Bioware scale of things if its like zis:


    BGII/ToB/BG>KOTOR>Jade Empire>Mass Effect>NWN




    Just get it so you can hate on it. :woot:


    Thanks, I'm feeling the love all day today, must be an eclipse or something


    Indeed. 8)

    ME2 (you heard it hear first folks!) > DA > ME > NWN (as a package) > JE > BG2 > BG > KotOR > Sonic

  3. What Boo meant was that BioWare needs to have the courage to show hawt, naked women.


    Indeed. 8)


    Artistic integrity is just a codeword for BOOBS, you know.


    Nothin escapes this girl. :lol:


    I was kidding back there (mostly) but since you seem so keen on the subject of video game relationships here is what I have to say on it.


    Actually, I was pretty much satisfied with the fade to black approach of BGII since the romance (Jaheira) that led up to that point was fulfilling. The "sex" was just a part of it, and to be frank - the least important part (I had no idea that there would in fact be sex, and I didnt care).


    With Mass Effect they "introduced" sex (visually), but there was no emotional attachment to the potential love interests at all. When there's nothing satisfying about the romance it becomes a game of choose-the-right-answer-to-get-in-my-pants. Since I'm not expecting anything better of ME2, I want the reward for the minigame to be a bit more interesting, (read: naked women) not a family friendly sex scene.


    In short: since they dont give a toss for my appreciation of an engaging romance, they might as well appeal to my base instincts. This desire comes out of the very very low expectations I have for this game, and their future games.


    I've nothing against exploring more relationships and pushing the limits of the sex taboo in computer games, as long as it doesnt tarnish the core playing experience (by being lackluster in some way).


    What I dont want to see is them putting in sex just because the Witcher is doing is, and because it sounded like a very "mature" idea at the time - and then when they finally shoehorn it in somehow it turns out to be meh. An unfulfilling relationship followed by unfulfillling sex is a lose-lose situation. (in life as well, lol)


    An engaging relationship followed by tasteful and graphic sex is a win-win situation. But if I had to pick just one of those, it would always be an engaging relationship, (Jaheira, Deionarra, Fall-from-Grace :woot: ) simply because of the role play potential.

    Hear, hear!


    Listen Bio - learn from Witcher! Give us b00bie cards!



  4. At any moment I am expecting Jack Thompson to bust in and yell out "OBJECTION!"

    Does anyone have a pic of that fanart where Sand is yelling "Objection!" much to shock and amazement of everyone else? It was epic.

  5. This was definitely vintage Cameron, and I loved every minute of it. The thing that sets James Cameron (and Ridley Scott) from their peers, is their ability to capture the human drama agmonst all the guns and explosions. Form with substance...now in 3D. What more could you want from a popcorn flick?

  6. Well apparently a dutch magazine has confirmed that Samara is a romance option for male Sheps. If true, that would make three confirmed (SuZe, Secretary, Samara) and one heavily hinted at (Tali) and Miranda the female lead(lead = :) ). But surely they can't have 5 options, right? I mean I'm not playing Mass Effect 2: The Record of a Crusade.


    In other news, EA buys ActiveSoft.....

    1) Who's Suze?


    2) Tali booty!? :p

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