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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Don't they have nukes?

    tru_m4n: NUKES! HOLY **** I GOT NUKES

    Stalin: d00d gimmie some plz

    tru_m4n: no way i only got like a couple

    Stalin: omg dont be gay gimmie nuculer secrets

    T0J0: wtf is nukes?

    T0J0: holy ****holy****hoyl****!

    *T0J0 has been eliminated.*

    *The Allied team has won the game!*

  2. Whatever happened to that "Afterfall" or whatever it was called?


    This was what little I could find of it. Wasn't there another Fallout wanna-be that was released, I think the logo/title screen had a car on a post. And then there was one where terrorists loose some Mars terraforming machines on Earth and screw everything up. Any of this ring a bell?


    @Oner, I was referring to a recent news story.


    EDIT: The Fallout wanna-be was called The Fall: Last Days of Gaia and it was released in 2006 apparently.

    That's the one. I always get my Afterfall and The Fall mixed up. Aren't they both supposed to be s**t though?

  3. So where's this video about the

    party members turning on you

    once you find

    the Urn of Sacred Ashes

    ? I'm eager to see this Biocomedy in action.

    No need to spoiler tag it, everyone knows. You can watch it here.



    Something, something, something DARKSIDE, something, something, something COMPLETE.

  4. @Deraldin: If you're into truck games, I HIGHLY recommend a legendary title without superlatives that will go on to stake its claim in the halls of splendor as one of mankind's greatest achievements: Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing!

  5. *Mockingly useless ranged combat


    It's not useless in the least, it's just simplistic.


    Re, other games, you might be interested in the Ninja Gaiden Sigma games. Other worthwhile exclusives include Uncharted 2 and MGS4.

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll check those babies out. :sorcerer:

  6. I can so see Shale trying to cut himself, failing and then crying alone in the corner.


    "I just want to feel... something"

    Oh great, so Raphael Sbarge is doing some voicework afterall. :sorcerer:

    Hey hey hey, don't hate on Sbarge here. He's a damn good voice actor, and he played Delta 62 in Republic Commando so I can't not like the guy.


    ... he just played a very whiny character once.

    He whined in ME too. But at least he became very well acquainted with the nuke I left on Virmire. :sweat:

  7. ZOMG, ZOMG, this is like my new favorite game (after Severance: Blade of Darkness of course). In fact, they're both probably the hardest RPG-esque games over the last decade.


    I don't own a PS3, but after playing this at a friend's house, I think I might buy a PS3 for this game alone.


    Does anyone know of any other great PS3 titles that would sweeten this deal?

  8. Awww, The Iron Giant was super sad :)

    Why what happened? :o


    I promise I won't cry but lord help them if they pulled a Bambi or Littlefoot...not that a strong manly guy like yours truly has seen such movies let alone cried, but, um, for sake of posterity.

  9. Strange, I never took the loot/XP loss. I just reloaded.


    I think this was the case in general.

    And that was even well done in the greatest game of all time: PS:T*.


    For certain quest(s), you're expected to die and return to the Mausoleum.













    I am aware that combat was its weakest point. But holding that against PS:T is like saying a h4wt butter-face isn't worth the lay. I say, just put a paper-bag over her head and be done with it.


  10. I read "design staff" as a qualifier, meaning people whose job it is to design characters, areas, quests, cinematics, etc. Their work is usually concentrated early on in a project (although, as I understand it, everyone pitches in "crunch time" situations). That doesn't mean the people whose job it is to focus on programming, art, gameplay, etc., aren't hard at work on refining AP.


    CRPG is probably the only genre where gameplay people are not considered design staff :)

    Porno of course being the other.

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