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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Okay! I managed to get it installed by tricking it (thanks to compatibility manager) into thinking it's XP SP2 rather than 98 or ME.


    Now, I've downloaded the OpenGL raster as well. But when I fire it up, I can see the opening movie...but then a black screen and crash to desktop! And to add insult to injury, it spits out an out of memory message & c++ runtime error!


    C'mon resident techies. Show a little severance for your fellow forumite.

  2. I tried installing this on this P.O.S. OS known as Vista, and this was the result:




    I even changed the comparability mode but to no avail. Now perusing the internets made me aware that people are playing this game (somehow) on Vista, but had to swap the buggy Direct 3D rendering engine for Open GL. http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=688


    But that doesn't do a thing if the game doesn't even install. Your help would be appreciated people. These orcs aren't going to eviscerate themselves you know!

  3. I managed to finish the game without any further incidents. There's a few nice new twists at Malachor.


    Guess I should now replay as a male Exile. Apparently there's some interesting drama added involving the Handmaiden & Visas.

    The Malachor twists are worth it alone.


    Especially, the PS:T Blood Wars-esque ending. :sorcerer:

  4. That's what they want you to think.


    But clearly the main reason to continue playing is to install Seducing Women : The Wasteland Reproduction Guide!


    V1.5 - Major new quest added! (The .rar has doubled in size!)

    Previously, when you impressed Moira in bed, she mentioned the idea of a 'Wasteland Reproduction Guide'... Now you get to write it! With this update, impressing Moira will now open up a new quest featuring:


    - Over 250 lines of dialogue!

    - Many new and unique items, notes and sounds, all of a rude and salacious nature!

    - Multiple quest paths and solutions, based on gender and past actions!

    - Many new sexual encounters, including, by popular demand, encounters with male NPCs for female PCs!

    - An extra special secret sex scene! Can you work out how to find it?

    - Sex secrets of the Brotherhood of Steel - Exposed!


    V1.4 - Rivet City Special! Added Trinnie, Doctor Li, Vera Weatherly and Commander Danvers. The interaction with Danvers is a little different than the usual - Try it and see!


    V1.3 - Quest added! Getting tired of meaningless relationships? Thinking about settling down? There's a certain lady in Underworld who might feel the same way - If you're 'friendly' enough times, you might be able to bring the subject up... See the comments for more details!


    V1.22 - Added Branchtender Maple from the Oasis (Requires successful completion of Oasis quest). Seduction dialogues should now be available to female characters with Black Widow perk. Also, bonus pinups in image section!


    (Hello to the folks visiting from the Penny Arcade forums Fallout 3 thread, by the way.)


    V1.2 - Added Kimba and Red from Big Town. Revisions to conversation structure. Made change to Yearling a seperate .esp. Small change to Tulip disrobing sequence.


    V1.12 - Minor changes to current character behaviour - See comments for more details.


    V1.11 - Updated to include Lucy West and Karen Schenzy.


    V1.1 - Updated to include... Tulip. Oh yes.




    It seems that Gob & Nova have decided to adopt a totally new approach to bar management!

  5. Tonight........ I enter Modern Warfare!


    Yay steam :thumbsup:

    I used to be a GOD at that game.


    I'll dust it off just for you. Seriously, I used to get banned from servers for being JUST SO GOOD that I might as well have been cheating.


    But that was before the carpal tunnel kicked in. But I can still kick ass even in my old age, dammit!

  6. Is Freelancer like Darkstar One?


    Darkstar One began very promising but turned out to be Oblivion in space - predictable story, repetitive quests, enemies, space stations, systems, combat, everything.

    No, no, and no. I mean, yes, but no.


    Darkstar One is a dirty, gangrene clone of the heavenly Freelancer. All the charming wonders of Freelancer - from the atmosphere, ships, music, memorable characters - have been stripped and overused like Las Vegas hooker.


    Comparing Freelancer to Darkstar One is like comparing a Porsche Boxster to a Toyota MR2 Spyder. The might look the same, but they're a world apart in class, style, and performance.


    But at least you redeemed your sacrilege by acknowledging DS:1's predictability, and Oblivion-in-Space-ness.


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