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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. It sucks so far. Thoes graphics are ****. WTF is wrong with Bioware? No K3, well up yours Bioware and LA.


    My game playing days are over. Nothing out there I want.

    Back to BG2 modding then for you. :sorcerer:




    Star Wars: The Old Republic takes place approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR). At the conclusion of the Jedi Civil War in KOTOR, Revan disappeared into unknown space in search of a great threat to the Republic, an expanding Sith Empire led by a mysterious Emperor who planned vengeance for his ancient Jedi enemies. Revan never returned from unknown space, but the Sith Empire did, kicking off a war with the Republic that lasted for decades. Now, despite the uneasy truce created by the Treaty of Coruscant, the tension among the divided star systems is threatening to once again tear the galaxy apart.


    So Revan never returned! That's what happened!


  2. Fable 2.


    Midnight launch for the win. I played for three hours and didn't realize it, the game FEELS MASSIVE and the dog is quite good at its job, but I personally would have preferred a solo adventure rather than one that has a dog chasing you around.

    How does that midnight launch thing work again?

  3. People need to stop making alts then alts of alts. It gets very confusing for me very fast. I say we call for the return of all original usernames! Let's reveal the mysteries of all those new members who were defintely once old members! I am looking at you random_noob.

    The best part of that V:tM thing we did waaaayyy back was that totally bitchin' avatar you drew for me, Jules. :shifty:

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