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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Level scaling!?



    Don't worry, it's barely perceptible and can hardly be construed as being game-breaker like it was in Oblivion:


    -The creatures you encounter (radroach, deathclaw, etc) NEVER scale.


    -Loot that isn't hand-placed but is random will scale;


    -It would be more accurate to say the wasteland is divided into encounter level area portions, that is designed for level x characters, but locks upon being discovered:

    • For example, if your level 2 character stumbles upon a city ruin designed for level 4 characters, then he's going to be in for a hard time. However, the level of enemies in that area is 4. So if you come back later, their level will be locked at 4 and you should be able to pr4wn them;
    • Areas designed for a lower level character that you HAVEN'T previously discovered will have slight scaling though. That is, if your level 12 character stumbles upon a slaver camp designed for level 6 characters, then the slavers will scale to about 8 or so.




    you find bobbleheads lying around in the world and pick them up, they give you an AUTOMATIC skill bonus to one of your skills.

    Are you kidding?

    Again don't worry about it. They're supposed to be more like rare easter eggs than a regularly found commodity. I haven't even found any of these elusive bobble-heads yet.

  2. Keep 'em coming, Jags!


    We euros have to wait until Friday :(


    • I'm really digging the subtlety of proximate causation. We've all been accustomed to expecting a particular ramification when engaging in an affirmative act (e.g. deciding to kill A, thereby giving rise to quest outcome B). But already I'm come across causative results from negative acts my Doc Holiday character didn't undertake. Example, a certain someone will offer to give you a weapon in anticipation of your danger. Naturally, taking it will help you immensely in overcoming the obstacles ahead. However, choosing to decline, gives rise to that offeror possessing that SAME weapon when, as fate would have it, (s)he encounters a life-threatening situation! Think of it like Witcher, but with a touch of subtlety absent the ham-fisted foreshadowing;
    • Also, don't sweat it if you put in an hour or so only to detest your character build. Like Oblivion, prior to vesturing out in the world, you'll get another chance to re-design your character;
    • TIP: For those FO1/2 purists who want to reduce real time combat to its de minimis presence, PUMP agility as high as your build allows (but at least 6 for meeting the pre-requisites of "Action Boy". That way, you'll have more than enough actions points to not even worry about engaging in real time. It's funny, my character almost has more action points than hit points! (not entirely surprising if you look at his physical prowess or lack thereof)
    • DOGMEAT'S BACK!!! :oo:):woot:

  3. First impressions:

    • A really novel take on character generation. To say any more would be spoiling it, but let's just say it's a little more involved than the normative character creation splash create that you normally get;
    • The third person camera is actually fairly impressive. Better than NwN2, KotOR, or ME in that regard. Unlike the broken 3rd person cameras in Morrowind and Oblivion, here you can actually control the depth of the third person view. This is really great as I tend to prefer 3rd person over 1st for RPG-FPS hybrids (V:tM, Deus Ex, etc);
    • There's REAL dialog this time, as opposed to that god-awful wiki dialog from the Elder Scrolls!
    • I'm using my Doc Holiday theme character from a page or two back (combined with the OK Coral Gunslinger Mustache), and it's been pretty hilarious so far;
    • Now it's time for me to leave the vault and enter the Wasteland!

  4. Alrighty.


    I just popped into my local Gamestop to purvey the midnight release event...


    ...and despite never having pre-ordered FO3 I walk out of the store with both the collector's edition lunchbox FO3 and the hardcover collector's edition game guide. Stupid h4wt-ch1ck-sales-strategy. :grin:


    I guess I'll give this a spin and then post a running review. Please don't let me down like every one of your other games, Bethy. prayemoticon.gif

  5. @crashgirl: There's some pretty heavy bastardization of SPECIAL in FO3. Most of the modifiers don't function in the way they did back in FO1/2.


    Will weapons require a minimum Strength? Or only a minimum in its governing attribute? (Perception = Energy, Endurance = Big, Agility = Small).


    Weapons do not check for minimum stat values, you can use any weapon you want, the skill/stat just makes you better or worse with the weapon




    Edit: Yeah, it's one of my favorite movies right up there with Terminator 2 and Aliens. I think it's the Biehn factor.

  6. Ah, character creation...the best part of any RPG. After scouring the manual, I've carefully planned out my character. It's not a power build or anything like that (since that's kinda lame), but more of a charming-but physically-weak-good-natured-gunsliger-with-a-penchant-for-latin theme:


    Name: Doc Holiday


    ST 1

    PE 6

    EN 1

    CH 8

    IN 8

    AG 10

    LU 6


    Tag: Small Guns, Speech, Repair



    • Level 2: Lady Killer
    • Level 3: Intensive Training: Luck
    • Level 4: Educated (In vino veritas)
    • Level 5: Child at Heart
    • Level 6: Gunslinger
    • Level 7: Bloody Mess
    • Level 8: Commando
    • Level 9: Intensive Training: Luck
    • Level 10: Finesse
    • Level 11: Mysterious Stranger (please be Wyatt Earp)
    • Level 12: Sniper
    • Level 13: Law Bringer (can you say OK Coral?)
    • Level 14: Nerd Rage
    • Level 15: Adamantium Skeleton
    • Level 16: Action Boy
    • Level 17: Better Criticals
    • Level 18: Concentrated Fire
    • Level 19: Cyborg
    • Level 20: Grim Reaper's Sprint

    I'm your Huckleberry.

  7. With Gears2 guesting you morons arn't even relevent any more, HA!

    And if gaming with some obese-40-something-virgin-still-living-in-his-parent's-basement-along-with-his-collection-of-GoBots is your thing, then by all means feel free to guest.

  8. An Associated Press journalist at the funerals in the village cemetery saw the bodies of seven men - none of them children. The discrepancy could not immediately be explained.


    The Syrian press is not exactly a beacon on neutrality.

    Oh n0es!1 :down:


    Now they get to call in a helicopter! If CoD4 has taught us anything is that those things are vicious!

  9. Baldurs Gate

    Just make sure you don't try and install TUTU, as you'd never get it working in time before all the computers blow up and stop working.


    Hell, maybe the attempt to install TUTU may be the cause of why all the world's computers will explode and stop working.


    Have no fear, though - JagNet will send a J-800 Jaginator back through JagNet's latest Time-Jag-Displacement apparatus to eliminate the parents of every Pocket Plane Group modder before they are conceived!

  10. If you want to be uber l33t, Bok, you can get the survival edition and get all the stuff in the collector's edition plus a life-sized Pip Boy 3000 that doubles as an alarm clock!


    Go for it, Bok!

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