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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. I played through the Force Unleashed demo twice!

    All without saving! :o


    Tried something new on the Friday afternoon... playing xbox games =]


    After the chips and dip and the mandatory Friday Afternoon Beer(s), sombody put an xbox on the table in the board room and hooked it up to the projector. Time for some Halo and a racing game that I can't remember the exact name of (something with Gotham and 2 in it, but it had nothing to do with Batman).


    My driving was atrocious, but 30+ deaths later, I sort of got semi competent at Halo. I.e. I blew up the other guys more than I blew up myself. I am *never* going to be a friend of those awkward controllers though :down:

    Project Gotham 2! Good, but not as fun as Burnout 3. Ah, those were the days...


    Now all I need to do is find an Xbox version of Deus Ex 2 (my pc gfx can't run it well :( ), and track down the Way of the Samurai games for the PS2.


    I played through the Force Unleashed demo twice!

    Sounds like someone wants a donut.

    Chris Avellone the bounty hunter?


    Still playing Icewind Dale, the best game to play in the hot summer.

    Same here. But with the NPC project.



  2. This is my budget system from the long running build thread.



    Core 2 Duo 3 Ghz . E8400 6 MB


    Asus Maximus Formula, republic of gamers edition.


    2x 2048 MB Dual Mushkin Xtreme. DUAL RAM / DDR II SDRAM / PC2-8500CL5 / 1066 MHz


    Saphire HD 4850


    Soundmax extreme fx, this is from the makers of the pretty unimpressive onboard solutions, but this particular card is quite excellent, comparable to much more expensive name brand cards.


    Samsung SpinPoint T166 - 750 mb



    PSU& Case

    Atech P190

    How much was your budget?

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