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Posts posted by jaguars4ever

  1. Just don't rush to the Deep Roads. Ugh. I hate the Deep Roads.


    Give me the iron maiden, the guillotine - anything but the Deep Roads! The first time I entered these Deep Roads of Dungeon Grinding Melancholy I was almost overcome with joy! Yes, joy as the overhead map popped out before my eyes like a morning stiffy! Thoughts of grandeur overtook my mind - could this be a whole subset of towns to adventure like the world map? Could this be an RPG within an RPG? Could this finally be the culminating moment in gaming history where Dwarven awesomeness finally gets the recognition it deserves? Well my friends, Bio's answer to these questions and more was 'All Your Base Are Belong to Us'. It was a merciless gruel more frustrating than tedious and one of the few black stains on this otherwise imperious game. You know why those gnarly Dwarves became insane and more contorted than Winona Ryder's face during a botched shop-lift? It wasn't because of eating Darkspawn flesh. It was because they spent too much time in the infernal Deep Roads!

  2. The contents of the locked chests are an absolute disgrace IMO. Think you'll stumble across a lost artifact or at least something more useful than a cheese knife? Think again. The most interesting thing I've found in a chest is a "love letter" between two wealthy paramours. Joy.

  3. Holy ****. I'm on my second playthrough, and my Arcane Warrior/Blood Mage rips through anything (singlehandedly). Insanely powerful compared to my first character (Templar w/ 100% magic resistance).


    BTW, does anyone know how to check your Arcane Warrior's attack rating? (I know the game didn't exactly show my Templar magic resistance either, but that was easy to calculate by simply adding up all the equipment magic resistances)


    Also, how exactly do the mage gloves work that add %elemental damage - do they add the elemental damage to all spells, staff attacks, or just spell of similar elemental damage?

  4. Anyone here have a good tactic/gambit setup for Shale?


    What do you want him to do? He's the character I control the most, as my tank, so I don't have many tactics set up for him. Just to attack the lowest health enemy (should probably change this to closest), with all the other party members targeting his target. Simple!

    Awesome. I was kinda hoping I could get him to do all those epic area attacks that he has without actually controlling him, but they seem too spread out over different modes, and he doesn't really have too many tactic slots. Guess manual control it'll have to be.

  5. I just finished Xenosaga III!! I still don't know how I finished Xenosaga II. Xenosaaga I is still the best IMHO. And so the curtain finally closes on my 5 years worth of Xeno-gnosis-killing-cutscene-gawking-samurai-toting-mecha-smashing goodness. I cried like a baby during the end cut-scene (and at certain parts before that too I might add). I haven't got all teary-eyed in a video game since PS:T! Anyway KOS-MOS, Jin Uzuki, and Ziggy have probably secured permanent places in my top 10 favorite party members of all time!


    Besides Suikoden, this is my favorite series. I just hope hope hope some day they will do a Part 4. *sigh*

    I doubt it, Episode 2 kinda threw people off and ended up loosing a lot of the fanbase so that Ep III just barely sold. If the did Xenogears 2 they might have something (they'd have to try for a similar artstyle with updated CG) but I think Xenosaga is kinda dead >_<

    Now does anyone actually understand the story/plot of Xenosaga, or it is supposed to be your standard JRPG mind****?

  6. How about a manly group hug then?


    Pathetic creature of meat and bone, your arms could never encompass my perfection.


    I say we do a puppy pile:



    I was going to post up a pic of a ferocious German Sheperd police officer, but this guy came up instead. I mean, just look at his face! :)

  7. My D2D pre-load only took about 90minutes at home. The file was around 7-8 gigs. Of course once I install it, it'll chunkify like a Latina hitting menopause (i.e. 20 gigs).


    What kind of DRM system does D2D use on Dragon Age? I ask, because if they used some sort of "burn once" or "copy once" DRM, that would allow me to copy/burn the downloaded game to one disc for archival than I would be interested in buying it from them. If on the other hand, they require online activation each time I want to install the game, than I will just purchase the disc version.

    I don't believe the DRM is so much implicit in the D2D system, but rather dependent on the publisher for the game itself. I must've downloaded at least a dozen games from D2D and so most of the time I just backup the installer (which is equivalent to the disc). On the other hand, the last D2D game I uninstalled (yesterday, in fact, to free up some space for DA) was Mass Effect, and upon uninstalling it notified me that Electronic Arts had "unlocked" it so I could now install it on other machines - i.e. implying that I couldn't do so before.

  8. I just finished Xenosaga III!! I still don't know how I finished Xenosaga II. Xenosaaga I is still the best IMHO. And so the curtain finally closes on my 5 years worth of Xeno-gnosis-killing-cutscene-gawking-samurai-toting-mecha-smashing goodness. I cried like a baby during the end cut-scene (and at certain parts before that too I might add). I haven't got all teary-eyed in a video game since PS:T! Anyway KOS-MOS, Jin Uzuki, and Ziggy have probably secured permanent places in my top 10 favorite party members of all time!

  9. "oh hai. can I has liff4ever & swiksia review pls? thx k bye."


    Asphyxia is a good module. Pretty inspired by Torment, I found the beginning to be really excellent. However, the author lost steam on the project (by his own admission) and I think it kinda shows the longer you get into the adventure. I'm also not a fan of the humor in this mod, but I know a lot of people who voted for it liked it a lot.

    Definetely worth playing I'd say.


    Live Forever is better but definetely not for everyone. It's very story/cutscene heavy and it feels more like reading a slightly interactive book. The writing is a bit hammy (better than the average mod writing though) but the story is pretty interesting and different. Some of the battles are very well designed and inventive. Area design is gorgeous and good attention to sound. Good fun just as long as you know what you're getting into (very linear, very story focused). I'm not finished with the mod yet though.


    Few more pictures. The author once won an area design contest that Obsidian held and you can definetely tell he's got a talent for it:







    Sounds like an interesting diversion until Dragon Age. I'll check it out. :thumbsup:

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