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Everything posted by Quiquag

  1. I agree hoods should be equipable. Perhaps they can be equipable when paused...I doubt a button will be assigned to hoods.
  2. LOLOLOL Is that Robocop or the Terminator I can't really tell....but anyway....wow....thats all I can really say...I think the more important question however is who would win in a fight...a Taun-taun or a flying monkey? What if the monkey had a knife? Or was riding on a Wampa? These are the important questions we must ask ourselfs
  3. lol Thanks for not annoying me....I guess I put it as an option for lack of another current game.
  4. If you voted for Star Wars KOTOR you deserve a one way ticket to the Sarlac pit. :angry:
  5. I have a question for the devs. Will Sith Lords end and not allow the player to continue playing as in the first game? Or will the player have the option to go back and visit other worlds once the game is completed? I found it rather disappointing that I couldn't do things like revisit Tatooine and mop up some sand people with my level 20 character, or go back and take over the Sith academy. Being able to go back and see what you have accomplished is a very fulfilling aspect of a game. Please consider not abruptly ending Sith lords with some credits, and forcing the player to start again from scratch.
  6. It has already been announced that Revan will make an appearance in this game. However it is unclear at this time at how large or small Revan's role will be in the game. Also Revan's role in the game will probably differ depending on your interpretation on what happened in the first game.
  7. does this mean the next state in the list is the next project and therefore, KotOR 3? taks KOTOR 3???????? KOTOR3???? There isn't a whole lot of information of KOTOR2 yet. Don't you want to play and finish the second game before you start talking about 3? Why don't we stick to one game at a time. Besides it'll be 2007 before 3 comes out, if its made at all. Due to the popularity of the first game and the probable popularity of the second there will probably be a third one....however its still a long long way away.
  8. according to a gamespy article, carth will be in the game. Carth was kind of annoying at best....do you really *want* to see him??
  9. There really shouldnt be any caps...you should just be able to level up as long as there are levels to play in the game. It's disappointing to say the least when you know you still have a few hours of game play left and you have already reached a cap on your character. Caps don't give a lot of freedom to a game, they hinder it.
  10. I like the idea of more Star Wars RPGs like KOTOR and Sith Lords. However I hated Jedi Academy, and I barely had fun with Jedi Outcast.
  11. Sorry but the devs have already told us that your character does have to be a human male or female...as far as clothing goes...I think that might change depending on class as in the first game...but you don't start out with anything so you can't really customize much in terms of lightsabers, clothes, or items in the character creation screen. Im pretty sure as in the first game you start out with just a unitard type spandex thing on.
  12. I was just curious when can we expect a formal site for Sith Lords similar to the one for KOTOR? Also I was wondering when we might expect an official trailer for the game?
  13. Also do you think its ok for Jedi to use a red saber since it identifies them to others as Sith? Or do you believe it is ok for Sith to use a blue or green since it identifies them as Jedi? Also do you believe that Staff Saber users tend to lean closer to the dark side? :D
  14. You thought 20 was too much!? Are you serious?! There were so many force powers to choose from and so few levels....I actually tried not to level up until Dantoonie because I wanted as many force powers as possible....I hope they don't include such restrictions in this game. The first time I played KOTOR I was horribly upset when I realized I couldn't level up anymore.... :angry:
  15. I think the thing that Im most excited about thus far are the really cool robes that Kreia is seen wearing. I like the way the new robes have hoods, and are long and flowing. The robes in the first game looked kind of 1. All the same no matter if it was a jedi robe, sith robe, jedi master robe, jedi knight robe (all the same except for color). 2. short, and tight...so they werent really robes but at best komonos, and 3. they had no hoods. Did the devs at Bioware even watch the movies before they made the robes in the first game? Luke, or Obiwan have long flowing jedi robes, or black sleek robes with hoods...they arent wearing tight wrap around peter pan looking outfits. :angry:
  16. I like the intercom idea....good thinking.
  17. I agree, all of those things will be fixed before the game is released a long long time from now. The graphics and lighting are usually cleaned up a few months before the game is released because it's easy to do. Since the game is using the same game engine from the first game, it will not take nearly as long to come out as the first game. Its going to be a similar situation to the Ocarina of time and Majoras mask. The Ocarina of time took about 3 years to finally be released as with KOTOR. However since Majoras mask used the same game engine with just a few new minor animations and lighting, it only took about a year. If I remember correctly Ocarina of Time was released around 98....99 and Majoras mask came out 00. The Sith Lords cant be any worse then KOTOR (which was a great game) and it might even be a little bit better in terms of lighting and graphics.
  18. There are four possible endings with this game?
  19. If Korriban is included I hope they don't include the Sith academy. In the first game it was a little stupid that Uthar kept calling you "young one" and acted like you were a kid, despite the fact that you were obviously older. Also you shouldnt have to prove yourself to be worthy of Sith training if you already have all the powers of a Sith. I went through the "Sith academy" as a level 18 or 19 evil Revan and wasnt recognized as Reven by anyone. If Korriban is included in the game, and you are a Sith Lord I hope people recognize you as such. The one thing that annoyed me in the first game is almost nobody gave me recognition for being Reven, and nobody really feared me. :angry:
  20. The only NPCs that should just stand there and appear to be staring at the wall are the droids.....the rest of the characters that are alive should not stand there like wax statues until spoken to.
  21. <------------------> + <-------> = <---------------------------------->
  22. I dont think you would have a Fett in your party for the simple fact that theyre hired bounty hunters. Unless you have a hutt in your party too that pays the fett I can't see a fett joining you. As far as NPCs go there will probably be a handful of humans, maybe a twilek, a couple droids, and maybe a wookie....or a rodian...maybe someone from yoda's species.
  23. Sorry, but right now that feels a bit hard to believe for me. I've just restarted KOTOR and decided to be serious with Pazaak this time but when the AI draws its 6:th natural 20 in a row........ Well, I don't think I have to draw you a picture :angry: Yeah the computer is way too good at pazaak...so lucky that I think its unfair...thats partially why I don't play it...plus it takes too long and is boring.
  24. Sorry about the confusion lol I was talking about Sith lords, and as a side thought i asked what the levels ment in the forums.
  25. I hope its hard to reach the level cap...I reached the cap in the first game before the unknown world level.
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