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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I'm bias. I pick Giants by default.
  2. GO GIANTS GO! (even if they won't win :ph34r: )
  3. So... Did you like the movie? LOLZ
  4. Yes, in almsot the same way as BIo was actually seperate from interpaly; but tehnically got everything published by them up until NWN and that would have been another for Interplay til all Hell broke loose. BIO, and Obs are cool with each other.
  5. I agree. Espicially if it's a game that youa ren't interested in, right Hades?
  6. "Admitting you have a problem is the first step." Aye, I admitted it 28 years ago though. Get with the program.
  7. I am ugly. You will not see me. It's for your own good. Think of me as a hero.
  8. Hey! That was a good movie!
  9. Since the publisher of BG3 is the same for NWN2; they very might be obligated to...
  10. Newc understands. He's my hero. B)
  11. "Even they seem to get tired of saying the same things over and over; yet those same old topics seem to pop up like clockwork whenever new games are discussed." You win. "Maybe this is where we differ. If somebody doesn't explain their views, preferrably in more than one line, it hardly encourages intelligent discussion. It is rare for a one line post to actually be insightful" Wrong. You don't need 6 paragraphs to make a point. It's called KISS. If someone states soemthing and a simple no will suffice then by golly that's exactly what I'll post. if further explanation needed, imo, or am I asked in a manner that *I* approve of than i'll expand on the subject matter. "That could be what bothers me most about a one liner, when it takes up my whole frickin' screen AND is pointless:-PP" What's funny is that your post here could have been summed in one short sentence yet you wasted space baisclaly saying the same thing three times. Lame.
  12. "Hmm. no wonder Volourn complained about a sour taste in his mouth after last night." With posts like this you ar eon the track of Pot. Kettle. Black. :D "complete lack of quality in the NWN OC." You mean the OC you rated 75%? R00fles! As for the topic, meh, whoc ares if people flame. You *cannot* be hurt on message boards unless you are a weakling. On top of that, I'm not here to play politics but to share my stupid opinions and to read others' stupid opinions.
  13. Haha. Good stuff.
  14. " claim the series as their own. " No. Obsidian could make the next five KOTORs, and thes eries would still have been BIO's. Afterall, it was BIo 9and LA) who made KOTOR a big head. Without a successful first game there'd be ZERO sequels.
  15. R00fles!
  16. Never heard of Canadia. I know of Kanada do. Besdies, it's hard to 'go back somewhere" that you never actually left in the first place. Seriously, as for hemp (or any drug for that matter); I say legalize it. Why? if someone wants to use them I say go ahead. As long as it doens't hurt me peopel can do as they please just don't come crying to me if you take drugs, start to imagine I'm an alien out to eat your brains, and I am forced to shoot you in self defense. I won't listen to your crying then.
  17. "What's funny is that there is no such thing as an Amerikan." Oh, but there is. It's not my fault everyone else has forgotten how to spell such an easy word.
  18. The problem with this threa dis not really the subject of hmp; but the labeling (yet again) of Amerikans as ignorant. Quiefrankyl, it's full of prejudice, bigotry, and hatred (yes, you can self hate as I self hate my "people" too, LOL). If one wanted a serious, civil discussion you easily can have it without insulting an entire group of people. R00fles!
  19. "I don't think anyone particularly hates you, but self-pity is one of the quickest ways to correct that problem. " Damn it. You caught on to my nefarious plan.
  20. "And its funny how you say they should speak with their vote when last year many peoples votes weren't even counted!.. " Of course their vote didn't get counted last year. The elction was almost 4 years ago! "And you can only vote for 2 people!" Why do you lie? "And both r corrupted! Kerry and Bush are even related. lol. Went to the same University, and same 'Skull and Bones' group." They have similairties, yes, but they also have differences. "And the patriot act is oppression in itself" Yes. there are parts of the Patriot Act that should be overuled, and fixed. Hopefully, it will be as overall, it's goal is admirable; but I do agree some of it is wrong.
  21. "which is promoting anarchy, rebellion, and lawlessness, which we oppose." Huh/ This is foolish. hate Bush or like Bush, I don't see much more anarchy, rebellion, and lawlessness compared to normal. R00fles! They should grow up, and instead of playing chidlren's game, suck it up, and speak with their vote.
  22. "The solution is to get a new president. " Yeah, because the schools suddenly went bad the moment Bush took officie not quite 4 years ago. LMAO
  23. Not a bad little movie.
  24. LOL I am which is why the others should do it. Why do you think I make too many typing/spelling erorrs in my posts? it's because I'm too lazy to even proofread them.
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