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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Nice try Karzak. Since when do fanboys rate games 75%, trash an expansion, bash many aspects of another game belonging to their "fanboyish" crush/ LOL Your definition of fanboyism is skewered. You bought SOU so stop lying. Iolo, don't make exuses. The IWD2 story sucked because it sucked (or if you liked it you liked); not because of some lame time span. That "exuse' doesn't workj for BIO and SOU; and it ain't gonna work for BIS and IWD2. Ch1 had some good ideas; but like the rest of the game it fell flat.
  2. Exuses, exuses. Bototm line is you boight it. Saem with SOU. Same with KOTOR. same with NWN. Same with TOB. Same with BG2. Same with TOTSC. Same with BG1. See a pattern ehre? Espiiclaly funny since you "hated" BG2 so much. And, you'll be bhuying JE 9if you have an x-box), and you'll most certainly buy DA. Stop pretending, the only bigger BIO fanboy than you is Visceris. Deal with it.
  3. Of course they do. That's what bigotry is all about. Stereotyping others is what people like that do.
  4. Yeah, which is why you bought HOTU.... which happened to be their last game.
  5. LOL Good thread. And, no, Karzakshouldn't have been banned from ML. That was uncalled for consieeirng how many worse insults are traded there (including some by me) that are left alone. Hmm... Later Gaider.
  6. I agree. BIS *was* a good company. BIO *is* a good company. Obsidan *could* be a good company. As for IWD1, it had a good story consieirng it was a dungeonc rawl, and the areas for the most part were well done. Too bad IWD2 forgot what made IWD1 one of my favorite dungeon crawlers.
  7. Hmm.. I got past the UD in IWD2. I must of either missed it somehow or forgot. Either way, that *almost* makes me want to play the game again. Heh. Sacrifices in HOTU? If you are referring to my post, that was in NWN OC. Hpowever, for HOTU, there's the torture of the angel. I doa gree with Phosphor though. BIo's games do have the "shining hero" aspect to a higher degree. That's intentional though if you listen to what the BIO bosses say. They prefer more heroic stories so i doubt thata spect will change. Not that that's a bad (or good) way to develop games.
  8. "Having an Umber Hulk break out of a wall and go
  9. Volourn

    Shrek 2

    And, that makes it a worthwhile movie. Can't wait for it to be on video.
  10. Hey, I never said that easter eggs were bad. They are (usually) humourous, and they were present in both FOs. As for the Darker edge, I don't think FO (other than the obvious nuclear fallout) was THAT dark in tone.
  11. This is funny. It's not so bad to want to conquer everyone because beeing bigoted enough to wiped out others because you think youa re betetr than them is the lowest from of evil? LOL Perhaps, one should ask why Japan wanted to conquer others. It's ebcause they thought they were sueprior. Sorry, but they were just as 'evil" as the Nazis. Afterall, not only did they support Germany in its war; it had its own dreams of conquest. Yeah, sooo innocent. Sorry, they are just as bad. Period. Ellester wins here easily.
  12. Volourn

    Shrek 2

    Best movie I've seen this summer wans't even in theatres. I haven't seen Shrek 2; but it's probably just like Shrek 1. A fun little movie with stolen bits from the past. Nothing new but a worthwhile watch.
  13. LOLOLOLLIPOP More mature? Yeah, that's true, if you ignore the following (amongst other stuff): The Ball Gag, Morte, the Shutgun Wedding, The Exploding s*** House, The Mutant Lover, The "extras", and on, and on. Must I really go on? the FO series while better than NWN, KOTOR and as good (if not better than) than the Bg series; but despite it's "Mature" rating isn't exactly the eptium of " darker edge". PST, on the other hand was in its own way much darker. However, IWD series counterbalances it back into the middle. They put the same amount of seriousness into their games as BIO 9or for that matter any other dev). Heck, LH had less "less serious" stuff than most of the BIO/BIS games. WOWSERS! Stop spreading rumours, myths, and innunedo.
  14. Wrong. The 9/11 Commission said there were no links between them when it involves 9/11. Afterall, that is what the commission is investigating. There was/is a link between iraq, and AQ. The question is exactly what does that link involve. Of course, let's not forget what Mr. Russsia had to say about Hussein's plans for the US. Iraq 99.9% chance had nothing to do with 9/11; but to sit there with a striaght face and proclaim they didn't want to do harm to the US in some way is ludicrous.
  15. Taks, you do know what sarcasm is right?
  16. BIS had its day in the sun. It ultimately failed, and has crashed. Now, BIO and others have taken its please. Eventually, BIo will die and another will take their place. It is called the Development Cycle. As for BIO needing BIS to do as well as they have. That's balony. The success of both NWN, and KOTOR prove that. The fact that BIS is virtually dead, and BIO is still growing proves that. the fact that most (if not all) of BIO's games have been more successful than BIS' games kinda disproves that theory. Still I will miss BIS. Afterall, they did make the FO series. P.S. Eru:
  17. Not true. if LA would have stuck to passing to Shaq; the Lakers would have won hands down. Either Shaq would have landed up scoring 50+ points every night, or the Pistons would have been forced to double team leaving one of the Laker's jump shooters open which is when they usually do well.
  18. Liberal. They aren't exactly trustworthy; but at least the country hasn't collapsed under their rule... yet. B)
  19. Never said I did. But, let me repeat myself, I have talked to them and the ones I have do not talk like you post.
  20. Newfoundlanders - at least the ones I've talked to - do NOT talk the way you write. Don't besmirch their good name.
  21. I agree. that's xrewed up. Shaq is the most dominate player in the league. perhaps the most dominate player ever with only only certain guys can make the case they're up there with him. Not to emntion that Kobe might be in prison next season..
  22. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...u/russia_iraq_2 Hmm.. That kinda squashes, if true, the "Iraq was no threat" to the US argument. And, remmeber it's an anti iraq War country who is saying this. Weird stuff indeed.
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