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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I'm sad to see the NHL suffer, but at least lots of players are coming over to Sweden to play this year so we'll have the best hockey in the world anyhow." See what I mean.. selfish fans. "The owners had 6 different suggestions for a solution up for grabs the last couple of days before the lock-out." IIRC, most if not all these 'suggestions" were all about artificially limiting salaries ie. a salary cap. I hate salary caps. Dakoth:
  2. "The owners negotiated a bad deal last time around, they want to negotiate a better one this time around no problem there in my mind." Wrong. They do not want to negotiate with the players. the owners have made that fact very clear. How would I do things? For starters, if I were the woeners, i would negotiate in good faith. Don't try to bully the players and threaten them with a lockout just because they won't fall into your demands. Negotiate in good faith. Secondly, if I were an owner, I would not pay a player soemthing that a) he doesn't deserve, and/or B) I can't afford. Example 1: Jaromir Yagr may be worth $10 mil (debateable after his last 3 years of average play); but if you can't afford it; don't pay it. I'm looking at you Washington D.C. Example 2: Bobby Holik is not worth $9 mil under *any* circumstances. Simply don't pay him it even if you can afford it. I'm looking at you, NY, NY. Thirdly, if you want the players to be more willing to accept lower salaries (NO ONE likes a pay cut so why should they be any different; I hate hypocritical fans espicially the ones on this board) give them something in return. How about more job security. It's so easy for a team to "release" (aka FIRE) a player decides he no longer wants to play for a team they get **** on by both the league and fans (SEE: Alexnader Daige and Eric Lindros). Get rid of these lame ass "morality clauses" or the "you can't do x activity because its dangerous clauses). Seriosuly, if youe xpect someone who was being paid $5 mil a year to only accept $2 mil; really expect to make cocnessions; but the owners don't want that. They want to pay less; but demand more. Hahaha. Lameos. "Sorry, but they're not all billionaires." The point is theya re all rich. if not billionairs; theya re most assuredly millioanirs. And, theya re all successful business owners. So, why are these obviously smart people being so retarded in handling their finances? "I blame the 5 or 6 owners with the big pockets, but at the same time," What a cop out. Blame them all. the NY Rangers may be the biggest spenders; but you forget the Rangers make money so they aren't doing nothing wrong in that sense. It's teams like Calgary whoa re stupid enough to spend money they don't have. That's retarded. Period. "all the players keep coming across as greedy because they can't accept a clamp on their salaries that are, by in large, way too high." Bull. To me, they come out looking as employees who are trying to get the best deal for themselves. That's not greed; that's intelligence. Any other employee including you would do the same. Stop lying to evryone including yourself. If someone offered you $4 mil to play hockey you would do it. It's not up to the player's to be the teams' accountants; that's up to the teams to handle. Duh. "Lets look at the benefits of being a pro athlete shall we." Now that that's out of the way; let's look at the negatives: 1. There are only around 1000 NHL players max. You very much are the best of the best. The best should always get paid the best. Period. 2. You have a 20 year max in your chosen profession. (guys like Mark Messier are the exception who, btw, looks to be screwed big time now...) 3. Injuries. Injuries are huge. Not only can they end your career prematurely; but that's a heck of a lot of pain you have to go through just to "play a game" or 'do your job". About 1000 players or so in the elague; about half of them suffer some sort of injury each season. That's a very high injury rate. Theyd eserve higher than normal checks for that. 4. Dealing with the fans' bull****. I hate fans. Fans are the most selfish, greedy, pathetic, overbearing, evil, scummy, loser group I have ever had the displeasure of knowing. I hate, hate, ahte them. They are so self egotistical that it's all about them. Bah. I hate 'em. Anyone who has to put up with that kind of crap deserves LOADS OF CASH. 5. As above, the stupid "morality" and 'don't do x activity" type clauses are worth lots of cash on their own. 6. All the traveling which either limits your chances of even having a family or keeps you from having a family in the first place is not good. So, sorry, there are more negative effects to being an athlete than positives. You lose. "Alot of the players are so out of the real world it's pathetic." No. The fans are so out of the real world it's pathetic.
  3. They aren't fixing it; though. Let's see what they have done here. 1. Refuse to negotiate at all. If you think the oweners wer enegotitaing with the players in good faith you are sadly mistaken. They were playing ahrdball hoping the players would blink. They didn't. 2. The lockout helps NO ONE. Doesn't help the players, the fans, the owners, or NHL employees. Not to mention all the other businesses that will lose money from the NHL lockdown. So, again, how are they fixing it? Basically, the owners are crying because the players won't bark when they demand it. The owners are 100% to blame for this. Afterall, they sign the checks and they decide how much to pay the players. And, only selfish fans would even think of blaming the palyers for accepting the million dollar checks whent hose same fans would gobble up those contracts if offered in a heartbeat no questions asked.
  4. "the owners are smart to not accept anything less." Smart? They and their stupidity caused this.
  5. This is 100% the owners' fault. These guys are (mostly) billionairs and they're whining about money losses. These guys were intelligent enough businessmen to make that kind of money yet somehow mismanage their money for their hockey teams. Sorry, it is their fault. I don't blame the players for accepting what money they can get. EVERYONE whining about the players would accept the money too no questions asked. 100% the owners fault. Only idiots think otherwise. On top of this, the owners have not negotiated at all with the players. It's their way or the highway. I'm glad the players told them to screw off. At least try to negotiate. Period.
  6. Stop spamming. Post count is irrelevant. They should take 3k post counts away from everyone.
  7. "A couple of years of required service to one's country for all citizens, male and female, would grow some of these selfish whelps up. I don't care if the required service is military or some other form, just shoving young people out into the world to broaden their horizons and teach them a modicum of self-discipline would help." I didn't know you believed in slavery...
  8. Not a race...
  9. NWN. Then I'll play KOTOR2 for one week when it comes out, and then go back to playing NWN until NWN2 comes out.
  10. "oh, and i reply to topics that pique my interest" Same here, and spammy threads like this are always first in line! Seriosuly, NWN2 and GD are my main forums here. KOTOR2 is once and awhile... Mostly read threads in here though..
  11. I just ahte the fatc you destoryed my Kerry-Kerry-Ketchup Conspiracy. That was awesome stuff.
  12. "They'll get raped against the Jets next week though." Better call the Police! That's illegal!
  13. "It's not really the fact that someone else is getting the game before us, it's just that now I'll have to avoid every gaming board on the net just to avoid all the spoilers." That's my biggest issue with the delayed release. It's gonna be annoying in that regard..
  14. "So don't blame LA or Obsidian for the harsh reality. Psst, but you can blame MS all you want, I don't mind" Hahah. LOL "although I guess people that have known you on these boards longer than I have didn't need proof of your immaturity." Sorry. Your accusation here would be taken more seriosuly if it wasn't coming from someone who threatened to steal a game just because its release got delayed.
  15. "Yes." Ok. Just wanted to know. "Except for Hades, I didn't see anyone blaming or attacking Obsidian for the delay decision." Hello, McFly. that's enough support for my accusations. Besdies, I nevr accused anyone in that post. All i said, is that it would be overreatcing to flame Obsidan for a decision out of control. Don't be so defensive. Though; you have proved that at least one person has overreacted in that matter.
  16. "If they posted, they'd get flamed for LucasArts' stupid decision." 1. If it's LA's 'stupid' decision why flame Obsidan devs at all? There. Is. no. logic. At. All. there unless people are overreatcing which as you say they suppsoedly aren't... <_< 2. It's not a stupid decision. I'm sure there was a good reason. I trust LA and MS to make the right chocie for their business than random gamers on a message board. Sorry. "I don't why you're taking so much flammage." I'm Volourn. Besides, people don't like to be accused of being crybabies and oevrreatcors so I don't really blame them for being mad at me. LOL
  17. Why are you two trolling me? Do you need to spam multipel threads on how evil I am? Geez.. Keep the crying up about the evils of Volourn if youw ant; but no need to troll. P.S. Don't blame me for your bad attitudes.
  18. To be a tad more serious, it's disspaointing to have to wait to next year; but eh well. The wait will be a blink of an eye. Those who are patient will be rewarded with a good game hopefully. That's all that matters.
  19. "No one here is overacting like that." Really? I guess you haven't read any of Hades' posts on this issue? Hmm.. "Problem is Volourn isn't a teenager" You know this how? Youw atchin' me? I may be 5, 17, 24, 36, 65, or whatever. You simply don't know. "Nor do we "Wwwaahhhhh" like you perceive us, sorry to dissappoint you." The only one I accused by name was Hades. And, Ghost is crying because I called Hades out on his crying. And, those who acted like Hades as well. they know who theya re. It's not my fault Ghost is so self aware. "Volourn's posts make serve no other purpose than to flame others." I'm flaming the act of crying over the announcement; not the criers. Well.. except Hades. But, he's cool with that as we are bed buddies afterall.. hehe. j/k "I'm not the one running around instigating things by calling people names." Please. Your first post diretced at me was to point out a coup0le of my spelling errors. All i di was point out that some of the crying was absolutely ridicullous and you took it personally. Oh, I forgot. It's only ok to have an opinion on the issue if one agrees with you? Hmm..
  20. "The only one acting like that is you." Acting like what? That MS owes me? I most assuredly don't expect my whims to be catered to. You got me confused with Hades.
  21. "It's not about the release date per se. It's about being deceived about a simultaneous release, only to find out that Microsoft's big pockets made them do otherwise" Waaa! Stop your cryin'. It's not that big of a deal. Poor little people got 'decieved". What's funny is that MS or LA owe us nothing. Nothing at all. If theyw anna release the PC version in 2008; more pwoer to them (of course, THAT would HURT sales). Sorry, I got no sympathy for people who expect to have their whims catered to. You aren't owed nothing espciially considering how much MS gets trashed anyways. Keepc rying. GO MS GO!
  22. And? I'd rather type like a kid than act like one just because a agme I wanted didn't come out exactly when I wanted it too. Bunch of crybabies. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Now, I'm gonan steal it, murder all the x-box, throw bombs at LA and MS! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Keep up with the spellcheck as it still doesn't change the fact that the PC version isn't coming out until months after the x-box! HAHAHAHAHA!
  23. "I think it's stupid to bring maturity into it" Nah. The crybabies *are* being immature and I'm gonna call them on it. Geez.. It's a game. So what if you don't get it right away. Boo hoo hoo! grow up.
  24. HAHAHA! hades and Co. cry again. WAAAAAAAAAAAA! poor little babies don't get their new toy as soon as they demand so they picth a chidlish fit. HHAHAAHAHA!
  25. No. I will wait patiently wait for the PC version. And, I will laugh at allt eh childish crybaby antics of the immature PC gamers just like with KOTOR1. Bunch of children that they are.
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