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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. In fact, it does...
  2. "I'm sorry familiars are gimped in NWN2, but as a Warlock I won't need one..." I'm about to make an oath to kill all warlocks I see in MP in the faint hope a little piece of you dies with them. R00fles! :D
  3. "To me (and i'm not the only one), less description allows for more roleplay because I can make up any sentence that I want. I choose, in my head how my character will react." R9ole-playing is menaingless if the npcs don't react at all to your imaginative role-playing. If that's the case, you might as well just make believe in your head and not bother with computer games (or pnp for that matter). Role-playing without feeback is nothing more than a day dream. Role-play your character's anger it won't matter because Mr. Bob simply won't react. It's all about action and reaction. (and, no, not the combat kind of 'action').
  4. "They are trying to bring the ruleset closer to the PnP version of not literally then at least the spirit of the rules. The whole bioware familar mess is not only against the rules but also the spirit as well." No. Familairs are very much capable of combat. Why do you think they have a base attack bonus? From what we've ehard, NWN1 familiars are much closer to 3.0 pnp rules than NWN2 familiars are to 3.5 pnp rules. Not to mention, they cna deliver touch attacks. If they were so weak in melee do you think they'd be able to do that? LOL At least what we've heard thus far. R00fles! P.S. If this were true, you also be allowed to choose your alignment when you create your character not be forced to be a fausx pas TN (notwithstanding class restricted alignments). P.S. Before someone accuses me of bashing NWN2, they should see my first post of this thread to nullify that nonsense. "
  5. Is that 3.5, Deraldin cause it's not in 3.0 PHB.? If so, wow, they sure boosted Animal Companions big time. P.S. Before someone starts whining about NWN2 being 3.5, I'd like to point out that the basic convo started here when some suggested that NWN familiars were wayyyyyyyyyyy more powerful than their pnp counterparts. It seems as per Deraldin's list there that in 3.5 that Animal Comapnions got a HUGE powergaming boost. So yeah, it seems that in 3.5, AC are over powering munchkins. P.S.S. It alsos eems Derladin confirms that even in 3.5, the familiar gets half the hit points of the Master. Thanks for the 3.5 info; though.
  6. Yes, yes it is. But, then again, people who post on internet sites debating and discussing video games based on those shouldn't really be bragging about their so called 'non geekiness'. R00fles!
  7. We're discussing D&D 3.0 as Ellester has saw fit not to even say what version he is talking about. Afterall, we're comapring a bunch of things - NWN1 to NWN2 to 3.0 to (possibly) 3.5 LMAO
  8. "As Hades pointed out only your sorcerer levels apply, so your bigger geek body parts has some flaws. And yes I meant hp
  9. "So you use standard rules?" Those aren't standard rules. Standard rules are half the hit points of the Master. "In my games I ruled that only the class in which the familiar is gained counts for the familiar's ability. Such as your barbarian sorcerer would only have a familiar of 2 nd level in terms of abilities and hit points." Fair enough. However, that doesn't help the disucssion. Afterall, if optional rules mattered, I could ahve simply pointed out dragons are used as familiars in my pnp game and they get full Ancient Dragon abilities. LOL That would be wrong; though.
  10. "Stop lying, a 100 hp familiar at level 20? What are you smoking? A familiar HD is half the master." *sigh* It's easy to call me a liar. It's MUCH harder to back it up with facts. Notwithstanding possible changes in 3.5, a familiar's HD is the SAME as its master. It's HIT POINTS are half of its master. Heck, one can powergame, and have a sorceror 2/barb 18 with con 20. Give the character 3hps of each sorc level, and 9 of each barb level the familiar would have 139hp (hopefully I got my math right but the premise stands) along with a +19bab. Now, that I have THROUGHLY E M B A R R A S E D you with my Bigger Geek Body Part tm; just surrender before you embarass yourself further. At least make me have to TRY to accomplish that feat. The biggest weakness a pnp familiar has comaprd to its NWN counterpart is its damage capaility physically low. Heck, cast enlarge and BOOM its damage will be just fine. "Hardly animals that would help in combat if you are a level 20 Wizard fighting a Balor." They'd be able to help just fine if proeprly buffed ... just like NWN familiar. Afterall, not to many NWN familiars are gonna be able to go toe to toe with a balor either. "My Druid
  11. "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." Welcome to the life of a game developer. "Holy **** what you just said was completely irrelevant!" Look closer, and the answers you seek shall be found within.
  12. Volourn


    Broncos-Steelers are a toss up; but I'll gvie slight edge to Denver for being home. Seattle over Carolina. Unlike my Giants who had awobbbly QB, and a Bears team that is vastly overrated; Seattle is a complete team. Carolina won't be so dominate.
  13. "You know that was almost a year ago." I wa sborn 29 years ago. Nature regretted it then, nature regrets it now, nature will regret it in the future. The truth is the truth no matter the time.
  14. Screw 'em... literally. I love all levels, and I was an epic unbeleiveer; but it's very hard tod eny the fun of playing epic level characters in NWN. Can't comapre to Epic 3E in pnp; but in NWN if the battles are balanced FAIRLY (fairly is the key; not enemies thata re immune to every special ability or spell in the book) it rocks. That's why I mentioned that Action PW in the 'NWN Module' thread. Good stuff.
  15. Volourn


    The Bear D was overrated. It's good; but not any better than the other top D in the league. Certainly not as dominating as many though. Though; the D is why they did so well cause their offense was absolutely horrible even though they did score 21 points in the play-offs.
  16. "The Devastating Critical or whatever which is "save or die" was too damned funny, especially with my greater cleave." That's an overpwoered feat. Funnily sad part is that supposedly its verbatim how it is in pnp. LOL I wouldn't know since I haven't seen the epic pnp rules; bt still that's one feat that shouldn't have been added. Overwhelming Critical is also powerful but still balanced consideirng its epicness. But, Devastating Critical is way too much.
  17. "Weren't they invisible as well? And damned near impossible to hit, with mad thieving skills?" Nah. Not too hard to hit. But, II gives all attackers 50% chance to miss unless they have blind fighting which gets them one reroll. "One character build I did was a Druid/Wizard. Had two panthers." Yeah; but not as strong a s a single one. Better yet, try Druid/Wizard/Sorceror (or Ranger as 3rd class). Familairs, and Animal Companions Galore! I haven't tried it myself; but that would be hilarious! I like F/C, or Wizards. F/R/WM is also nice.
  18. "I don't know if familiars would become "utterly useless" just because they can no longer attack." I admit to using semi hyperbole. They *might* be useful yet. We shall see. But, whatever their uses in NWN2; it will be FARTHER away from their pnp counterparts; not CLOSER if they are made to not take part in combat.
  19. So, they wouldn't have to hear complain how 'overpowered' NWN2 familiars might be. LOL Seriously, ask them. I think people are still stuck on the 2E version of famliars. 3E's (and 3.5's) familiars ar emuch more capable. There's a reaosn why they can deliver touch attack spells. Did you think they'd have the ability if they werne't melee capable? R00fles!
  20. "I don't see them being used in combat unless you take the improved familiar feat (I think its what its called?)." That's funny. I can get a normal famliar in pnp to have hp at 100 at level 20, have a great ac, have a decent ab, and do generally well in combat. People greatly underestimate a familiar's usefulness in a fight. Are they a full out fronjt line attack force in pnp? They really aren't in NWN either. Just because they can slaughter 1HD goblins doens't make them tanks. People should actually see a pnp familiar in action before they consider them useless in combat. Yes, NWN1's familars ar eslightly more powerful than their pnp counterparts; but not to the degree that some like to make believe. It sure beats the utter useless famliars we'll be getting in NWN2 which accoridng to Obsidian can't fight at all. That's as lame as both TOEE (espicially) , and BG2. Lame. Lame. Lame. "Btw, Gwyn the panther can also be considered an animal companion to the Druid and Ranger if it wasn't a figurine." No. "Druid and Rangers animal companions are more powerful than a arcane spell casters familiar." Hahaha. But, no.
  21. "What exactly is the point of a familiar? I never played as a Mage in any of these games (IWD, BG, NWN, etc.) so I'm a little lost." Pretty much an aide to a spellcaster. It also depends on version. In 2E, familiars were NOT good in melee. In 3E, they cna be. Otehrwise, tehy're used as scouts, spies, low end combater, experiemnter, and assisten. Pet, friend, slave, servant. "I always mistakenly think of a familiar as Drizzt's black panther. But that's something different, isn't it." Drizzt's pantehr is actually a magic item. LOL Though, it's also a friend of his. Good background history there too. It should be noted, before Drizzt got hold of Gwyn, she was an assassin for a drow mage...
  22. "Kanada is close enough. I mean it is only a matter of time you are annexed to the US for your own protection. Someone needs to save you from the terrorists." Good point. But, we need more proitection from our governemnt than terrorists at the momemnt. But,t hat's ok, as it looks like we're dumping them at the end of the month.
  23. Yeah, ignorable, yet this thread has reached 13 pages. LOL
  24. "You guys" Who the heck is 'you guys', Battlewookiee? I'm not even Amerikan. Talk about being a bigot. Just because one disagrees with you on this subject doens't automatically make them Ameirkan, ya know
  25. "This was not directed at me...but I was too lazy to delete it from the post...even though it would actually have been less work to delete it, rather than explaining it." LOL :D As for the rest of your post, good stuff.
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