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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "Official game forums are alwasy wau too uptight over that kind of thing. Editing and locking a thread for that is just abit too much of a tight-ass reaction." Except, the modertaor laughed at it while they locked it. They knew it was funny; but flat out bahsing the companies on an official board is simply not allowed on BIO. Hekc, it's not allowed here 'by the rules'; but the mods are much more linient most likely b/c the Big Chaunas aren't watching over their backs.
  2. "Please, enlighten me as to the contents of that conversation." THE SET UP: The woman earlier asked you to find her kidnapped children. Sounds like your typical CRPG side quest, right? Wrong. You eventually find the children. However. they. are. all. dead. and. turned. into. undead. (zombies, I think). You return to Mommy Dearest. THE CONVERSATION CHOICE: You get to choose whether to spare her the details of her children's plight or spill the whole beans. At this time, she can tell soemthing is wrong; and is awaiting your words. THE AFTERMATH: This is the sad part. You either lie, and spare her feelings, or you tell the truth and the distraught mummy runs out of the inn ... right into the arms of some thugs. Not missing a beat she continues to run... and, they slaughter her. P.S. You can, if you are quick enough, cheat the game, and kill the thugs but it doesn't really change anything. The dialogue itself was wellw ritten and showed the woman's emotinal state, and the character's dilemma well.. unless the character is an evil sicko ... I wish I could remember the exact words; but hey, it's been a few years. LOL Knowing Bethesda and the ES series, I'd be SHOCKED they'd have a situation in Oblivion like this written well enough to be emotionally moving - as much as any game can be that is.
  3. "How's this constitute as an example of the dialogue?" Unlike me who hasn't played Oblivion, I'd wager 99.9% of posters here have played the OC and have taken part in said dialogues. I shouldn't have to go word for word here. Also, I never said I went deep did I? Nice try. This isn't about my depth. Like I said: "Mother with children who were murdered. That's all that is needed to know." Agaian, that's all one needs to know to know what I mean. Game over.
  4. "Well, I would. I like to be able to pick and choose who my character aligns himself with. Even though two characters might be Lawful Good they can still hate each other with a passion." Meh. Some of the KOTOR series npcs as well as the JE series were worth the 'aggravation'. I'm sure there are some NWN2 OC npcs that are also good, fun, and interesting. I surely waouldn't want to miss out on those because of a pet peeve of mine. Get over your hang up!
  5. "I rather have no companions than have one forced on me." Let's not go extreme, please.
  6. Forces. At least the last time it was brought up on the NWN2 baords. I know because I ranted about it. And, moved on. Now, i just shake my head in sadness when this dead issue is brought up again like in this thread. The exuse used is 'story reasons' which I don't buy. Two games with some of the best npcs don't force you to have them in your party (at least not more than 2 seconds). Those two being PST, and BG2 so this 'needing them for story reasons' is sad.
  7. I should point out that you don';t necccessary have to have the npc in your actual aprty except inc ertain situations much like KOTOR. Why take the bad things about KOTOR?
  8. "Britain has been taking records of the weather patterns since 1659. Studies of it have shown that the increase in the temperature has less than a one percent chance of occuring naturally. The temperature in central Britain has risen by a degree in the last forty years alone. 350 years of continuous records are hard to argue convincingly against." I never said global warming didn't exist. I said people exaggerate it's danger to the world. Think of it, you are going mad because the temperature, on average, has increased by 1% over the last 40 years alone. OMG! The horror of it all! And, knowing how the world was 350 years ago, I'll take a 350 year old study with a grain of salt. Not that the study shows anything remotely OMG! We're all gonna die! stuff.
  9. "Isn't it a little illogical to claim that a game's dialogue isn't better than anothers' when you haven't even bothered to play it, Volo?" I've played previous Bethesda games. I doubt they've improved THAT much., I've seen dialogue screenshots. I've heard the horror stories about its dialogue espicially its dialogue system. I have enough evidence through those three means to make an educated guess. And, the more people on this board go to the wall to defend Oblivion's dialogue yet give exactly zero examples of its 'good' dialogue while I have given a few examples of NWN's dialogue makes me even more sure I'm correct.
  10. "The problems are not the rules(even if they are restricting) but the Forgotten Realms as a setting. It's a world that came to be by stacking fantasy clich
  11. "Isn't the reason we're seeing repeating character types in every D&D game, a flaw within the D&D system and not the games themselves? I mean, the D&D rules might not be the most versatile and flexible rules to play by.." No. This is wrong. You can have all sorts of characters in D&D espicially personality wise. It has nothing to do with stats or rules or whatever. Haha Grom!
  12. "haha, dude...yeah, the Mets are good in the NL...but its the NL and lately AL>>>> NL" Ah... You are one of those... *puts you on baseball ignore*
  13. No, no it isn't. People exaggerate it. And, this lawsuit is retarded and another reason to not take environmental nuts seriously.
  14. The elf Sand sounds very neato. That says a lot since I';m not the biggest fan of elves. The gnome, as Hades bring up, is not only a boring cliche but has been done to death in the BIO/BIS style D&D games (most noteably BIO, of course). Not to mention the lame hint about a 'kobold bard'. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! The golem sounds... like a golem. *yawn* Is it even gonna have a personality 'cause if so golems with personalities was done in HOTU (not to mention other games). Still, as Tigranes points out, these ar ejust snippets. Can't really judge a character's value on just one or two paragraphs. And, finally,... LOL @ Mr. Sawyer! :D
  16. "to be fair...its already the end of the MLB season, and we never had a thread at all" There's no need when the best team is no doubt the Mets. LOLOLOLOLOLOLLIPOP
  17. No. FO's combat was NOT crap. It was great (not without flaws though). And, whether or not FO is a 'classic' depends on who you ask. And, I say that despite it being one of my favorite games.
  18. FO had flaws; but they were relatively minor. "A beloved game in the hearts of millions of fans." LOL I'd be surprised if a million people have even played FO. Haha!
  19. "It will be. Have faith my good man, have faith!" The problem is, as it stands, I don't think BLs - as much as I like it - deserves to be a classics. Classics are games that don't have such obvious and nearly overhwelming flaws. I liked BL. I enjoyed it. But, its weaknesses are so mindjarring, it simply doesn't deserve to be labeled a classic. It gets this label: A Could Be Classic.
  20. "As for what it has to do with anything? Well Vol your a mouth you say alot, yet you don't know the half of what you speak about, at the end of the day you're going off your own opinion of a said game, for example to you a particle effect for a spell is just a spell effect. That's my point, you know what a particle effect for a spell is? you've seen pleanty of them. You'd be damned to make one yourself, you don't understand you just play the games, for you a cool effect is just something of a bigger picture, but ya know it most likely took a day or so to put it togeather, it was thought about and constructed, changed, revised, reworked, polished etc... You wouldn't know the difference between something thrown togeather in five minutes or something thrown togeather over a few days. Your quick to insult, but you never see anything good about anything, I never looked at a game and saw black or white. A game can suffer from extremely poor gameplay mechanics and have some absolutely awesome technical achievements, or it could be perhaps a buggy piece of crap, but the mechanics are so accessable it brings a new gamer into the fold, dungeon lords is a prime example of this, it suffers from poor collision detection, poor combat, poor PC models and poor PC animations, and or code personally i think it sloppy coding but that's something else, anyroad my g/f wouldn't even entertain gaming, she saw a friend playing Dungeon Lords and never looked back, she finished it and now she's hooked." This is a load of nonsne. i have never disputed the fact that game dev work is ahrd work. And, I have never claimed it's all black and white. Heck, just sticking with Troika. I loath TOEE yet I give it all the credit in the world for its combat system. How is that viewing things in black and white. Before responding to someone's posts at least read what they write. You obviously haven't read my posts. "I'm sick of your know nothing mouth disrespecting devs. I have always had and always will have a very simple attitude, think you can do better, think you know better, proove it go do it, otherwise shut the hell up." You have never been me, and until you are me you should never criticize me. So, until you cna prove that you can be a better me then prove it otherwise shut the hell up. R00fles! P.S. If you can't tell the above was sarcasm, oh well. P.S.S. All you can do about it is continue to whine about it. P.S.S.S.S Once again, in clear terms, I;m not disputing that dev work isn't ahrd and things take time. However, as a potential customer (or actual customer since I bought all three of Troika's games and liked 2 of them) I have every right to criticize them as I see fit. Just as you have the righ to whine about me criticizing them. Whether or not I have made a professional game is irrelevant. "Bloodlines is destined to be a classic." I seriously wish this was true.
  21. You are late. It was released a week ago, and there's a thread on it already. Started by me. Heh. No worries though. It's all good as long as it is released in stores so I'll play it.
  22. "Vol, most devs are certainly very gifted, some are indeed geniuses, your a gamer and a very dedicated one at that. Have you ever made a game Vol? Ever been involved in a project even remotely on the same scale? I assume, no. Your a mouth Vol." What does this have to do with what you quoted? The fact that I'm a gamer who hasn't made a professional game is not relevant. At least no more or no less than most of those who are disagreeing? I never said the Troika devs were untalented, did I? No. However, I have no problem saying that the Bethesda devs are, by and large, untalented compared to most other dev houses. The proof is in the pudding.
  23. "A fixing of friendly fire issues as well as some real control over henchies would have been a huge improvement too." No. Those were positive most of the time. The friendly fire was only a negative when it was due to poor AI; not because of circumstances. NPCs shouldn't be controlled by a player in a CRPG. That is for strategy/tatical games.
  24. My EB is out of the loop. This doesn't exist to them at all.
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