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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I just wondered what other people thought." No comment. I don't want to be banned.
  2. L0LZ BBC bias is easy to spot. R00fles!
  3. Chuck is a cool show. Too bad I missed all of season 1.
  4. We don't need luck. We need Jagr.
  5. NHL 09, of course. My league is THA awesome. EASHL is okay. Waiting on NWN2 expansion which I already preordered to come out this week. Waiting on FO3's price to be chopped (in a year) so I get suckered out of $25 based solely on the FO name.
  6. "Just look at Mass Effect, most of the stats stuff is meaningless" No, it isn't. In fact, stats are more meaningful in ME than they often are in BG2. Seriously, charisma, intelligence, and wisdom are near useless unless you have a class they're geared for. And, that says a lot considering ME is 'just' an Action RPG not a 'full fledge' RPG like Bg is supposed to be. "Didn't Fallout 2 do this as well? One of your favorite games?" Your point? You do realize that both ME, and BG are two of my favorite games as well, right? Yes, even games I relaly like have bad aspects. SHOCK! HORROR! OMGZ! GAMES AREN'T PERFECT! And, oh, FO2 is nowhere near as bad in this aspect as the three games/series I mentioned hence why i didn't name it. "Unkillable characters Forced npcs into your party (Kotor 1, Kotor 2)" Oh, n0es!!! We agreez!
  7. I've liked Thomas fora while. Without him, Bruins could eaisly be considered one of the worst teams in the league no doubt. Travesty he's not on the ballot (thoguh my vote still goes to Ludnqvist due to biasness and the fact the King is awesome). But, I could undertsand someone going with Thomas though.
  8. Xena: Warrior Princess - Still an underrated show. I'm in in the middle of season 3, and lvoing it. Gabrielle is one of the best characters ever. My biggest beef is sometimes the campiness cna go beyond silly; but when they do the dark, and dramatic stuff... DAMN. The Patriot - If you hate Amerika to any degree you will probably hate this movie as it's very patriotic and doesn't apologize for it. Mel Gibson, and the rest of the cast bring their A+ game. My Secret Identity - Not as good as I remember it but considering its made for the kiddies and I'm no longer one that's not surprising. Not completely horrible though.
  9. "Modern games these days are so easy and streamlined that you can't possibly do anything wrong before some tutorial system tells you otherwise." Disagree. Olde rgames were ratehr easy. Consideirng I (and, many otehrs, incluyding those p0osting here) managed to beat them when they were just little kiddies; older games couldn't be THAT hard. Most of 'em were easy as pie. Anyways, I'd go games that claim to be huge yet many areas are empty or bare or boring with nothing or very little to do. ME, ES games, and bG1 are infected by this to varying degrees.
  10. "Pretty much. Im not a violent person but all this ignorance around me makes me want to kill them all." L0L I'm a pacifist, and I'LL BEAT YOU UP TO PROVE IT! Nice philosophy. You are no better than thsoe you claim to hate. The problem with most racists and his they hate what they don't know 'cause it's 'different'. Seems you have their weakness.
  11. "This is not a Fallout" Irrelevant. It's FO3. All that matters is if the game is good. I don't think it is; but I'm naturally bias towards Betehsda games as I simply don't enjoy them. I would probably enjoy a FO3 made by EA as a sports game as EA tends to make fun sports games. And, people aren't dumb because they like something we do nor are we dumb for disliking something they like. *shrug*
  12. "Its not cool and want to shoot every one of them in the face for the combination of reasons." So in your opinion, it's democratic policy to shoot those who have different opinions then you even if they aren't vioently attacking you? Cool.
  13. ME is superior to the overrated KOTOR in eveyr single way. It's also just as long. Sure, the side quest planets may look basically the same but they all usually have some sort of neat side quest that involves more than just killing. And, the writing is as good as any previous BIo game (that's good or bad depending on what your opinion is on basic BIO writing). FO3 is a joke. Sorry, can't take any game seriously when you can kill enemies with teddy bears, and its writing is positively described as 'a little better than Oblivion'. To get this back to Obsidian. Obsidian is a good comapny that makes fun games I enjoy - unlike Bethesda who are so overrated it's not even funny.
  14. FO3 fanboys unite: http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=176
  15. "For once to my amazement I agree with Volourn. The only reasons Republicans lost was because everyone hates Bush and the economy tanked. " Next time *read* my post before you 'agree' with me, because you did anything but. The Repubs didn't lsoe because of any Bush 'hatred'. they lost becfause the country preferred Obama to McCain. Period. It's not complicated.
  16. I remember it wa sjust 4 years ago where everyone was claiming the Democrats were the party falling part. L0L The election wa slost. It's not the end of the world for the Republicans just like it wasn't for the Democrats. The country is split between the two parties with extras thrown in. Demos won the extras this time. *shrug* And, yeah, some Republicans are throwing Palin under the bus simply because when you lose you need someone to blame. It's why people are also blaming Bush but let's not forget the country voted Bush in twice (even if the first time had question marks) so he obvioiusly did soemthing right to get elected low opinion polls or not. And, he might very well have won a 3rd time. "how it can climb out of it's pit return to prominence." Pit? Prominence? They just had the presedency for 8 years. They had nearly 50% of the popular vote. Doomsday Talk is just a tad premamture much like in 2000/2004 with the Demos. Obama won simply ebcause people saw him as the better choice for President at this time than McCain. That's life.
  17. I'm a BIO fanboy 'cause I rated the NWN OC 75%, find KOTOR overrated, didn't buy Sonic RPG or two other of their games, Dave Gaider of BIO hates me, and so on.
  18. "Why of course you can compare Obama presidency and it's symbolic nature considering of the history of the black people in the united states to Europe. I mean, a continent that didn't even have a black community until the 1970's(and barely now for that matter), when the first batch of caribeans moved here for the job oppurtunities? Of course that is completely sound and reasonable. Fair.and.square." Considering the stuff that Europe pulled in Afrika; they owe Afrikans quite a bit including voting one as rulers of their countries. They also should have an Indian be a ruler too considering the crap pulled on them when they first came to NA. If it wasn't for Europeans the US wouldn't have had slavery/racial issues in the first place. Thankfully, my Amerikan friends are cleaning the European mess up.
  19. "By the way, it's nice that the racist United States can join the color-blind Europeans. We've got a black American president just like the black French president, the black Prime Minister of the Unite Kingdom, and the black Chancellor in Germany." Oh, SNAP! I also like how all of asudden the world thinks the US is 'smart' only because they voted the way they wnated them too. The arrogance of the rest of the world. The rest of the world are the TRUE bigots.
  20. "I'm not going to go into a thread on RTS games and say the company that made the game sucks because I don't like RTS games. You seem to dislike the Bethesda style of game, that's very understandable and nobody wants you to rush out and buy it. But saying the game sucks and the company sucks is sophomoric. It's not a style of game you like, leave it at that." Yeah, 'cause I'm going into every FO3 thread and spamming how I hate it. Og yeah, I'm not. This thread asked a question: Which FO is the best. I answered it. People took it as a personal assault on them. And, it's funny you call me 'sophomoric' even though that's exactly what youa re doing with you flimsy flames of me. And, btw, you don't speak for others. Others in this threa dhave made it clear that by me not buying FO3 I'm making them cry, and I'm a big meanie. Again, people aksed me questions, and I answered. Don't balme me if YOU don't like the answer. Read the entire thread next time as all i did was reply to the thread topic and then people decided to go nuts. And, I won't apologize for disliking Bethesda or FO3, and people ask me about it I will tell them and I won't apologize for it. BNut, nor do I go spamming every FO3 thread about it.
  21. "Volologic strikes again! Nobody actually requested your opinion after it became clear you didn't own the game." Did you read the entire thread? I posted my response to the actual thread title, and then others kept bugging me about FO3. When people ask me a question diretcly, I'm (usually) polite enough to reply. Don't blame me if you don't like reply. *shrug* Go buy an EA game. Afterall, you gotta give a company you hate your money, right, just ebcause others like them? L0L
  22. Yeah, that's just silly. You take all sorts of chances when you draft a player. It's unfortunate he died, and the Rangers lost a player; but that's just tough. Deal with it, and move Rangers. This wouldn't be an issue if NY wasn't retarded and allowed Captain JJ to go. Morons.
  23. "Well, if the name is the real reason you don't like Fallout 3 that's a different matter. Don't get too hung up on it. Just think of Fallout 3 as Fallout Action, or something and you can enjoy it too. " Huh? The real reason I'm not touching FO3 has nothing to do with that. It has to do with the name Bethesda. I simply don't trust them. "Yes Volo, that's it suckle on the breast of EA, drink down the toxic juice of perhaps one of the most obscene, disgusting, arrogant companies on the planet... YEEEEAAAHHH, Suckle on satans tities, man, SUCKLE!" First of, no company is evil. I suckle on the breat of EA because their games are fun. Bethesda's aren't. I wonder while you whine about me avoiding Bethesda game if you and your allies avoid EA games. And, oh, Bethesda are one of the most arrogant companies in the gaming industry. Then again, don't blame them, or EA. Successful companies should eb arrogant as they know what they are doing. "Ignorant germ of a man, I think part of the WHOLE reason you're even responding to folk about WHY you're not even going to check out FO3 is based purely on the fact that you love the attention" You seem to be the igorant one as well as a troll. I'm responding because people asked me questions. Look at my first first post in this thread. I answered the thread topic than people asked me questions. The problem with FO3 fanboys is that they ask questions they don't really want the answer to. The only responses you guys would accept from me on the issue of FO3 is me agreeing to buy it. Mya dvice is don't ask questions when you really don't want the answer. Tool. "Your opinion isn't even valid..." Then why do people keep asking for it? Don't like my answers don't ask the questions. Besdies, anyone who thinks a company is 'evil' shouldn't be taken seriously. "It's funny that the only ones saying negative stuff about Fallout 3 are the folks that haven't even played it." I've played Bethesda games. I've read up on FO3, seen the videos, read the opinions, and nothing has convinced me to give it a chance. I have limited gaming dollars, and I'm only gonna spend it on games I'm sure I'll enjoy. "Even folks who expected to dislike it have come out fairly positive. I think I've only heard one person who wasn't impressed, and they were more 'meh' than actual dislike." You mean the same folks who consider KOTOR2 a masterpiece? L0L Won't take their word for it that's for sure. "I don't see why we need to tear one down to celebrate the others, we are lucky that all three titles are excellent games." Yeah, oh gosh, we're lucky that not everyone thinks a like. FO1, and FO2 are awesome games. FO3 is not. Why? Bethesda does not make good games that I enjoy. It's that simply, and I see no reason to give them more of my money just because YOU say FO3 is good. "Actually, I disagree with Starwars. Its has more roleplaying options than I ever remembered in the previous games with plenty of choice about how to complete the quests. It obviously has references to previous games and factions but it is no worse than what Fallout 2 did with those references and factions." L0L "Cheers, that's basically the information I was looking for." Or the only information you would accept? Yeah, kind of reminds me of people aksing me questions on WHY I have no interest in buying FO3 at full price, and then fee4ling personally insulted because I gave an opinion they cannot accept so they start attacking and flaming. My question is why bother asking a question you really don't want the answer to, and that you won't accept. Plus, why do people in this thread care if I don't buy FO3. I bet everybody here has judged a game before playing it. In fact, I KNOW everyone has. If they didn't, they'd buy bevery single game released just to give it a chance. FO3 is a Bethesda game, and by nature, that means it sucks. Period.
  24. "But in terms of atmosphere, storyline, and uniqueness, Fallout 1 is the definite winner." Consideirng that both FO games have the same absic unoriginal story, and since they're loosely based on Wasteland, they're far from 'unique'. FO's strengths was solid combat and awesome role-playing. Atmosphere is great too. But, the storie(s) are average at best.
  25. Nope. I'm having a blast with NHL 09, and getting pumped for SOZ. I'm not losing anything. I play games to have fun, and I'm currently playing games and having fun. I WIN. Anyways, back on topic: FO2 is the best FO game.
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